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Everything posted by HotLoads

  1. The schedule that I just received was listed as: Friday, 9 p.m - 3 a.m. CODE at Crucible (not included in MAL package) Saturday, 9 p.m. - 3 a.m. CODE at Crucible (not included in MAL package) $cost is 40 / night or 60 for both nights or $60.00 at the door Van will leave from the front of the host hotel and run from 9 p.m thru 3 a.m.
  2. Would love to take your hot poz load while your in town.
  3. I went one time. There was only a dozen people there. It was disappointing.
  4. Will be there. Going from Thursday till Tuesday.
  5. Looking forward to visiting next week and plan on going most nights to Slammers. The little dark room can get erotic and lots of hot cum flying.
  6. 4 hot loads shot up in my hungry hole in a dark room at a bar. Didn't see any of their faces. One big dick had a nice PA that felt good!
  7. BBRTS: TimSkylerXXX
  8. Looking forward to the week of collecting all the loads I can get. Will be there from October 24-31. Will be at Inn Leather for the stay and will be going to Slammers often (grin). Looking for as much hot cum to be deposited in my beefy, furry hole. Cann't wait to come back!
  9. This is one hot guy. I have enjoyed hooking up with him for the MAL weekend in D.C. and look forward to him again.

  10. When your fucking someone in dark room especially, and another bottom feels the need to try to slip in between you and the one your fucking. Or better yet, tries to pull your cock out of the bottoms ass so they can get it in theirs.
  11. When you are bent over in a dark room and someone decides that they have the need to just ram a hole hand up your ass. Like everyone is that loose! Start out easy and see if the bottom likes it or not.
  12. Love getting in a sling, laying back at a sex club, and taking load after load feeling it run down my ass. WOOF
  13. Will be in Dupont area. August 16 - 19. Looking for guys to breed this hungry hole.
  14. Looking to get pumped full of hot cum while visiting the strip. July 20 thru July 25. On the strip.
  15. 18 one night, bent over the bench in the dark room at Slammers. Fucking HOT!
  16. Going to be in Center City in Philly Wed, Thurs, part of Friday (May 30,31, June 1) Looking to host at my hotel and get my hole dripping with hot cum.
  17. Thanks! BBversCumSlut! Appreciate that info!
  18. Looking to be a total cum pig on vacation. Favorite place to get loaded up is Slammers.
  19. looking to find a hotel very close to Slammers. I won't have a car because of visiting family. Will be able to get to the city area one night and would like to know of hotel/motel very close with walking distance to Slammers. Thanks
  20. Looking for raw tops to unload in my beefy, furry hole. Enjoy going to Slammers and being bent over in a dark room getting loaded up.
  21. Sorry to hear that pigskin.........have a couple of breeding sessions set up for myself. Will let you know for sure how things went.
  22. Thanks pigskintop. Look forward to running into you at MAL. "Oink"
  23. Should be a more cruisey weekend compared to last year. Last year, there were other guests (families) in the hotel. This year, it is supposed to be all MAL guests. Will be there at the host hotel. Hosting on Thursday evening, door open, me in a jock ass up, waiting for the cock and cum. Will be hosting all weekend or cruising the halls.
  24. Love keeping track of the loads received while in a dark room bent over just taking loads. Very hot! Took 28 one evening in Ft. Lauderdale. Didn't see 1/4 of the guys.
  25. HOT. Wish I could find an ABS with a sling in it.
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