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Everything posted by Barebacked

  1. I was an expat in China and in NK, and I can tell you there is a stretch between the EU and those countries, LOL. Not saying the EU is “the land of the honest” but trust me, NK and EU don’t compare. My mom visited me and one day she went to a park to read her small-lettered, red-edged Bible, and two cops had her almost arrested if it wasn’t for the fact that I speak Chinese. And the Bible was in Spanish!!!
  2. Thank you, that was the piece of information I couldn’t find. As for frustrating, I don’t mind the wait, and I sure as hell won’t be pushing for it to happen sooner. I was just wondering what would change, interface-wise, and you replied perfectly!!!
  3. Where is that “heart button” you mention in your first paragraph? I have seen people “New Members” reacting to posts, with lower reputation than mine. How do they do? I know the answer will be “keep posting” but my question is, once the system deems me good enough to react, WHERE DO I CLICK TO REACT? Is it a code, like ::heart:: or something like that? Is it a word between [ ] square brackets, Wikipedia-author-style? What’s the procedure? Thanks all!
  4. Once I had a top at my usual sauna / bathhouse and oh, boy, was he big! After sucking his head for like 15 minutes, I told him I wouldn’t be able to fit that thing in my boypussy. I mean— I had dildos, and none was that huge! We tried anyways and it hurt like hell. Mind you, he was extremely slow, and concerned. And yes, I was lubed to the point where adding more was just making the towel underneath me slimier, and so we called it a day. He kinda left disappointed, but it left me wondering… How big is just too big?
  5. I guess the word “start” doesn’t apply to me— it’s the way it has always been. Yes, I’ve been fucked with a condom a few times, and aside from one guy (soon more about him in my “Clubhouse 2” blog), they were not memorable.
  6. “Doris, I need you to do me a favor,” I said, twisting my mug into a smile. “My nephew’s parade practice is tomorrow, and look what that imbecile gave him to wear!” “Aww, Jake— don’t you call Barner an imbecile,” Doris replied. “I already had three fittings this morning, all wrong sizes, and one of the uniforms was filthy as them hogs— I don’t know where these kids go for practice?” You always had a soft point for me, I reminded himself. “Will you be able to do something outta this, Dory-darling? Look…My dear nephew— William, he can’t go to practice tomorrow with half his uniform hanging around like a sail on a day with no wind. Look at this shit!” I love to see the old cougar melt when I say Dory-darling…! Her fucking sagging tits look less like nuts! ”Sure, Jake! I’m not gonna let your brother’s boy get all bullied around, but lemme tell you. That wasn’t Barner, who gave him the uniform. I’m sure that your poor boy just didn’t have a choice from what was left over. Same happened last year, with that preacher’s boy, what’s his name?” ”Ah, yeah, I remember. Jeremy…” Oh, Doris—what you don’t know is how good that “preacher’s boy” sucked my cock. But I can’t tell you that, or you’d plaster my Southern Baptist face on billboards from Atlanta, all the way down to the Keyes. ”Too bad, they left,” Doris added with a sigh, looking where William’s uniform would have to get shortened. “I’ve heard they went all the way to Indochina.” ”It’s called Vietnam, Doris.” The preacher always had a knack for tiny Asian pussies, I remembered. And since fucking his own son was a mortal sin, he took his whole family to the Far East. Way to go, reverend! ”Yeah, Vietnam,” Doris replied. “Should I cut down here, behind the thighs?” ”Yeah, Dory-darling. It’s summer, make it really short, willya?” Just thinking of the boy in this uniform is making me hard. ”But, Jake! His buttocks are gonna be half exposed…” ”Doryyyy, sweetie— don’t you worry!!! Nobody is going to notice!” You bet they will! But I can’t tell her that, either… ”Alright, Jake! Come in an hour or so, I’ll have it done. It’s really big for your little nephew— that’s for sure…” And my cock will be big for him, too! “Thank you, Dory. You are my flower.” That night, I couldn’t sleep, thinking of the tiny frame of the little mouse of my nephew. And I decided that I’d fuck him BEFORE the parade practice, not after. That boy gets up early and uses the outhouse to wash, because he doesn’t want to wake me up. Well, Willie, you gonna get my willy tonight. A few hours later —there he goes! Gee, was about time, I’m having cramps already in my balls! Where did I put my cigarettes? Where should I intercept him? Ain’t going outside, that’s for sure! I guess the best place is just the most obvious one— right by his door! Yeah, little mouse! I can hear you going up the stairs! Fuck, I can almost hear my own cock, going up, too! Jake lit his tenth Marlboro when young William stopped in his tracks, seeing his uncle, with an obvious rage-on, at the door to his room. Yeah, little bitch! You walked in as soon as I pointed to the room, that’s the kind of city-whore you are! Ahhh, nothing like following you inside, watching your butt cheeks dancing in lust. Turn around! As if the boy had heard the mental order, he turned. Down with my underwear, let’s see you in action! ”You been here two weeks, now, here, nephew! Time you met my friend!” As little William went down on his knees, his uncle began a journey through all the things he was going to do to him, this year. And especially, during Prom Night… Look at you, bitch! You engulfed my cock full hose, before you even touched it with your feminine, little hands! I wonder how old were you when you started practicing! ”Ahhhh, yeah! Keep it there, dear! Caress my other two friends— that’s why god gave you two hands!” Oh, yeah! You’ve been there! I’m going to expand your limits, little bitch. Make you see the world! Look at you! Cupping my one ball with one hand, stroking my other ball with your nails! You’ve done that!!! ”Yeah, baby! You are a natural!” Oh yeah, I need me another cigarette! You little bitch are literally latching on to my tool, as if you’d drown without it in your mouth. Go deeper, and don’t pull out for air. And again, as if knowing his wishes, the boy twisted his head to a side, just slightly, and inhaled some air. Without ever letting uncle’s giant cock fall out. Yeah, buckle, baby! Buckle with your torso for air. I’ll have your body buckle again in a bit, and I’ll find your belly bulge where my cock gets inside you. You are almost better than last year’s Jeremy. Oh, if I could have you two —both together, right here, on your knees, where you belong! “Your father told me that last year you had a hiccup because of the parade, and that you ended up being molested. Some even said you were fucked in front of others for the first time!” Don’t stare at me like that, you high school whore! Think I don’t know??? ”Is that true?” Look at that! You are nodding while holding on to my cock and balls!!! Oh, you’re going to learn a lot, this year! ”Turn around, and put your knees here. Face the window! Doggie-style!” Gosh, you obey without a single shred of hesitation! You fucking can’t wait— ain’t that right? But wait until I tie you up, and mark your pussy with that big parade baton of yours, right up your tiny shithole! William positioned himself as ordered, with his briefs outlining a perfect teen ass. White skin, barely any thin, light hairs. Jake pulled his briefs down and past his knees, and little William offered lifting his knees. A very brief ”Ah—ah!” from Jake made William freeze and stay still—Jake wanted the briefs below knees— above ankles. Wait until you see what’s in store for you, you white-skinned little boy! Scratch that— your face is buried in your own bed, you see nothing!!! Oh yeah, let’s tie this boy, “wrists-to-ankles” and let’s use his own underwear to stop the knot from going up or down!!! Now—where was the pig fat? Ah yeah, boy— a single, big wad of greasy lard, that’s it, slapped right between your buttocks!!! Yeah, that’s it! That will do, whether you squeal or not. Haha! Pig lard for a baby piglet!!! You’re just too skinny for a proper piglet but I’ll fatten you up! In fact, this baton of yours is going to widen you up, RIGHT ABOUT NOW!!! ”Open your hole!” Awww, he is trying! Not even close! Lemme insert some of that lard up your hole! Geeez, look at you! You like my fat fingers up your piglet tunnel, don’t you?!? Well— ain’t a tunnel yet, but hey, I got a whole year! But let’s thread lightly. Can’t have this bitch getting away, like the other one, running all the way to Vietnam!!! ”Push, baby!” William pushed, but the baton, thick as a baseball bat’s thick end, wasn’t entering. ”More!!!” I need another smoke. Yeah, baby, don’t worry— I can’t have you go to a hospital, or to the Far East, but that baton HAS TO GO IN YOU!! I got all morning, the practice at your school isn’t until noon!!! Look at you, do you even know it’s your own parade bat? I wonder. “Open, baby. Give me a little, young rose!” I wonder if you even understand me, boy. But I’ll have your colon give me roses, sooner or later!!! Beautiful pink and red roses! And I’ll have your sphincter gaping properly, until you can throw kisses with it! I swear!!! Ah, but come on, now, bitch— go the extra mile! The extra push! I don’t care if you shit last week’s meal, but if you don’t work with me, I’ll just have to slap the gape outta you! The slap was loud, stinging and proved to show immediate results! Jake had the rounded edge of the bat, wedged in the boy’s pussy, but now, the entire circumference suddenly popped in! See, bitch? Wasn’t that hard—right? Now, I gotta be smart, don’t move! I won’t move either! Yeah, boy! Threading lightly! An inch inside you is goooood —for now! Take it, nephew! Stay still and expand! EXPAAAAND! After a while, Jake managed to insert the wooden baton some 6 inches inside the boy’s ass, and he began to get himself hard. What happened next was pure bliss, pure ecstasy, and pure blur. Jake fucked the boy relentlessly, and he made a mental note of little William’s “ahhhh” when his cock made it past the inner sphincter. Yeah, baby! Easy! Next time, I’ll have more beer, I swear! I’ll be less hard, so I can fuck you past your little bend, up there. And piss up your tummy. I’m going to tape you. I got me one of them new camera, hell yeah! They call them camcorder! I’m going to sell you for a weekend, to the reservation, across the swamp. And I’ll watch them Indians fuck you, as if you were a tribe enemy, captured and stuck on a spit roast, for all to see! Oh yeah! They’ll season you properly, like their awesome seasoned food! I’ll fuck you in the meat packing plant, hanging from your ankles like one of them squealing pigs! ”Fuck, fuck!” Look at you, taking my semen, and you haven’t been to prom, yet! I’ll probably have you eat old Doris, that night! Yeah! You will be eating her and I’ll be fucking you! The rest was a blur, and the last thing Jake could remember was being on the boy’s bed, and having his cock sucked clean… I wonder if the little prostitute will like the modifications on “her” parade dress, he thought. Dory-darling made a good job, I think! The boy kept suckling his cock. Or perhaps he dreamt it. The Sun was out.
  7. I’ve read somewhere that if you push a few strawberries up your boypussy, the seeds of the fruit will “pinch” a small hole in the condom. Whether that’s an urban myth or not, I have no idea, but being that strawberry seeds are on the outside, it could be. Would be nice to have the condom roll down a bit, due to the pinch, and act like a ring on the tops shaft.
  8. Barebacked

    The Rules

    As a side note, I do remember clearly that there was nothing about not bringing food or drinks. Also: Later, in the early 2000s, I would make sure that my cell phone was off, right before heading in.
  9. This WOULD BE the perfect gloryhole installation… Two doors, one next to each other, in any seedy sex club, sauna, or bathhouse. On one door, a sign “PISS HERE” —and another sign on the other door: “RECYCLE HERE” The “PISS HERE” room would be a single long file of urinals, and I don’t really care about the design of the units. There would be, however, a series of lights above each of the urinals. They would switch from red to green, and back to red. I’ll explain… Behind each urinal, a funnel would be installed inside the wall. The guy relieving himself wouldn’t see this funnel. The funnel would be big enough to hold a sizeable amount of piss, in case the guy was having a full bladder, or if he always pissed like a horse. The funnel would connect to a short hose that ended in a nozzle with a kind of pressure valve. The hose and the valve would extend, or “come out” into the other room, the “RECYCLE HERE” room, where a short bench would be bolted to the floor. The bench would be inclined in such a way that if a guy laid down on it, the part closer to the wall was much higher than the other side of the bench. This would allow “piss recyclers” to keep the piss inside, regardless if the were belly down or belly up. All they (the “recyclers”) had to do was to lay down on the bench and make sure that they inserted the hose in their rectum. A sound would let them know if the hose was deep enough, assuring that piss would be effectively recycled. As soon as the sound would let the recycler know that his hose was deep enough inside his system, in the other room, the corresponding light would switch from red to green. This would let “pissers” know that somebody was at the other end of their urinal. Needless to say, people having to piss would only piss into urinals with a green light on. This kind of gloryhole would allow for pissers to take a piss without worrying if they actually liked the receiver. And the receivers would never know who “was donating” piss for them to recycle. Obviously, some receivers would offer their mouth instead of their ass for this to work, but in that case, they would have to insert the hose far past their mouth, so that the pressure valve would actually turn green on the other side. Since the hose wasn’t that thick, it would allow for breathing, and possibly remaining there for more than one pisser.
  10. I’ll try to list of rules that were present in every single private room, as I can remember them. Please remember that this was the mid to late 90s and the following did NOT exist: — No mobile internet. The best thing at the time were beepers, even though shortly after, cell phones with numeric keyboards showed up, where you had to press the number “1” twice for “A”, thrice for “B”, and four times for “C”. Pressing the number “2” twice gave you a “D”, thrice an “E” and so on. — Needless to say, there was no phones with cameras. People did bring in video cams, those portable ones, but that was explicitly forbidden, and listed on the little framed paper “HOUSE RULES”. — No GPS, or any sort of navigation systems that would help people find the bathhouse. Yahoo was the next best thing if you wanted to print or write down directions, before leaving your home. Alright. Let me list rules as I am best remember them, but I’m sure to miss a few. I think there were 10 or 12, and there is no way I could put them in the right order. =========== HOUSE RULES =========== # — Smoking in hallways was explicitly forbidden. Since Clubhouse 2 had no open areas, you could only smoke in your private room. # — Taking photographs was forbidden as well, and I already explained that a little earlier. I’m sure people did it anyways, behind closed doors. # — It was highly forbidden to bring in colored plastic papers (cellophane or other materials to wrap around your light bulb), in order to create a colored “atmosphere” in your room, other than the regular light bulb, hanging overhead. Made sense —fire hazard! # — Drugs of ANY KIND were pretty much banned, and boy! they did enforce that! Poppers were allowed. # — Defecating in the little plastic garbage bin, located next to the black or red leather mattress, would get you fined and banned. I remember laughing my ass off at that rule, but in fact, it did happen once to one guy, right next to my room. OMG! The entire “neighborhood” smelled like— well, crap, for hours. # — Bringing in devices to create loud music was not allowed. iPads existed but I don’t remember seeing them anywhere inside. Besides, the techno music overhead was more than enough to give you a headache or to prevent you from sleeping an hour or so. # — Candles were ABSOLUTELY forbidden! Alright, if someone can remember any other rule from those times, please gimme a hand here. This was obviously yesteryear…
  11. Favorite parts are… feeling the ridge of his cock head slip past my sphincter, especially if I’m on my knees, face down, and if he tied my hands behind my back, because that forces my body into an arch that’s going to hurt me more and give him more pleasure. My other favorite is when he pushes me flat down, with his body, so that his entire weight is on me, sweating on me, while he’s about to proceed with his Insemination.
  12. After a cop showed me the door of the place I was looking for, (I was literally in from of it), I remember entering the minuscule reception hall. An ATM to my left, another door to my right (black and heavy looking), and this teller window. In time I would get to know a few of the guys who worked there (definitely not all, but two of them fucked me regularly, later on), but on that day, I wouldn’t remember the teller’s face even if I had to save my life, that’s how nervous I was. After he checked my ID and took my money for a room (I don’t take lockers, only rooms), I was buzzed in, and a red hallway was in front of me, which forked out in three or more hallways a few yards ahead. I will describe my visits to CH2 in further blog posts, but two things stood out on that day: 1) I spent a good two hours “investigating” the place. I read the 10 rules hanging on a small paper in my room twice. I lost myself in the dark room, and at one time I lost orientation which way was out. 2, and most importantly) I did get fucked !!! In fact, I was amazed that on my first visit it would happen. My very first guy entered in my room less than ten seconds after I laid belly down on the mattress, leaving the door open. He walked in, hung his towel on the door knob, put himself between my face and the tiny night stand, and pushed himself into my mouth. He seemed Arab, or Pakistani, and he didn’t say a word! He fucked me for a few minutes and left. In the end, I don’t know how many men fucked me that day, but it was more than four and less than ten. One was extra red and extra thick and I remember telling myself “ah, so that’s what a really thick cock feels like!” while he was laying on me, fucking me. He liked it slow. Another guy, way above 70 said he could live to be a 100 and “one pill a day meant one pussy a day” to him. L Verbatim! I remember him clearly because he only fucked his boys on their backs, and he pressed hard on my legs until my knees were close to my ears. In time, he would fuck me regularly. I nicknamed him Popeye, because he really always fucked hard, so I avoided him until I was already loosened up by others. The last thing I remember from that first visit was that there was there was a little blackboard in the toilet, and I saw people were leaving room numbers on it, together with an optional brief message. I made a mental note of that…!
  13. It’s not any more “the first time” but I can still feel when a cock gets past my inner sphincter. Every time. What’s more, I know when a cock is going to do it, as soon as I see it, either on my knees, slurping on it, or when I see one, dangling from its owner as he is walking around some gay sauna, or pushing it through a gloryhole. But I still remember that first one.
  14. All too often, a cock falls out. He could be pulling back a little too far, or you could be escaping it, cause it’s hurting. He could be a bit soft or you could be too tense. There are many reasons a cock can slide out of a hole, and then— of course, he’ll put it back in. Or will he? He might be taking a mental note. He might be stroking, getting himself harder. He might be admiring your gape. He might be leaving, for all that’s worth, if you are being fucked at a sauna, a bathhouse, or a porn theatre. Many reasons, there, too. But have you ever reached back, grabbed his cock and put it back inside yourself? I’m sure you did, that’s why you are reading this. Do you remember the first time you did it? Did you do it instinctively? Did he tell you to do it? And… Did you realise that grabbing his cock and impaling yourself back on it, reaffirmed what a whore you are? I bet you do…
  15. Sunday morning I woke up early and horny. For some reason I was lately having dreams of my uncle Jake, for two nights in a row, and today was no exception. Crap like being dressed in a very feminine parade dress and teasing him with my hairless buttocks semi-exposed by the fabric while marching around the kitchen (practicing the step match) were always the part where my dream broke, and I woke up. In tonight’s dream Jake was holding my baton and hitting my ass with it at every turn around the table, while keeping his other hand in his pants, obviously making himself hard. I stayed quiet in bed for a long while, adjusting my breathing, and listening for any sound from around. The usual chorus of the barn, the frogs, and the chirping of early birds were all I could hear. An occasional rooster in the distance would break the monotony, but otherwise the entire place was quiet. Slowly, and still very horny, I got up and washed. I walked down the wooden planks trying to keep the planks from creaking and out, to the outhouse. I filled a bucket of water for after my business. I hated being unclean and I couldn’t understand how uncle Jake and some of the brutes that worked for him could crap, wipe once with newspaper, and then just walk on, and work, and sweat, and go on all day while obviously not being clean! It never ceased to amaze me that the bucket of water was never used for such a primordial aspect of personal hygiene! While sitting and pushing hard, thoughts of Jake and Mr. Barner kept crossing my mind. Dong crossed my mind, too, and how amazing it felt to have him inside me, even though I felt sooooo ashamed, so raped, and so humiliated, last year, around this time. Somehow, the thought of men fucking me always swarmed my mind as I pushed to crap, and I never understood why. After that, I washed myself again, and after making sure I was squeaky clean I went back into the house. I slowly went back up the stairs, and I saw uncle Jake, lighting a red Malrboro and leaning on the wall next to my room’s door frame! In his other hand he was holding his crotch! Seeing me paralysed at the end of the stairs, he gave me a crooked smile and pointed to my room with his cigarette. I obeyed and without a single word, I walked into my room. He followed. And again— without a single word, he pulled down his dirty underwear, and held a sizeable cock in his hand, while staring at my tiny frame, compared to his. I was so horny I slowly dropped to my knees. He approached as he puffed smoke sideways. His snake was a mere 4 inches from my face, and it was hypnotising me. ”You been here two weeks, now, here, nephew! Time you met my friend!” I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock. A huge, pink shaft, straight as palm tree, with an enormous, slightly darker helmet, closing in on me. His piss slit, with a tiny drop of a white, gooey substance that was barely making its way out. His helmet’s ridge, pronounced and impossible to ignore. And right after his huge mushroom head, a thick vein was beginning its trail all the way to uncle Jake’s abdomen. Another one was going sideways to under his scrotum! His cock was art!!! I literally gulped his entire shaft before my hand even reached for it. His smell gave me both shivers and a sudden need to throw up, but something about older men fascinated me. Yes, guys like big Greek Dong could fuck for an hour, but older men fucked with your brains, too! ”Ahhhh, yeah! Keep it there, dear!” he exhaled, as his prick was still in my mouth, his whitening pubic hairs scratching my face. “Caress my other two friends— that’s why god gave you two hands!” While I didn’t get his logic, my hands went where he wanted then in less than an instant, as I could feel his girth increase another little bit as my hands massaged his full balls. With one hand I cupped his left testicle, softly as if holding a precious dragon egg, and with my other hand I teased his right ball, using my nails in slow, long strokes. My mouth began to fill with my own juices, and my stomach buckled, I needed air! And still, I didn’t pull out— instead I widened my mouth briefly to a side, gasping for another ounce of oxygen, all just to keep Jake’s cock longer in my mouth, past my uvula, and down the beginning of my throat. ”Yeah, baby! You are a natural!” I heard him say. And then he pulled out. I lunged for air, and he lit another Marlboro with the end of the other one. Chain-smoking! ”Your father told me that last year you had a hiccup because of the parade, and that you ended up being molested. Some even said you were fucked in front of others for the first time!” I looked up at him. ”Is that true?” I nodded. He towered over me, as I knelt in front of his now dangling schlong. “Turn around,” he said, “and put your knees here. Face the window! Doggie-style!” I was too horny, too shocked that he knew all this, and too weak, physically, to not to do exactly as he said. He pulled my underwear down and off my ass, and just under my knees, for which he made me lift each leg for an instant, as I was readying my mind to get fucked by uncle Jake’s long prick. I was too weak to ask for a condom, or beg for a position where I would feel less pain. I knew that in some five hours I would be at the parade, and I would probably be used again, and so I decided that better having an older man like Jake, start my day, than some younger stud who would just rabbit-fuck my rectum to his own tempo. I decided Jake should do me as ever he wished, and if I was going to be his bitch from this day on, well— one less thing to hate in this town. Just as I was about to pull my underwear off my legs, uncle Jake stopped me. He wanted it right below my knees, as he grabbed both my arms. My face was uncomfortably lying on the bed, and so I turned my head sideways to have some air. And then I felt him tie my right wrist to my right leg and the right side of my underwear. He did the same on my left wrist, but I couldn’t guess what did he tie me with. All this time, Jake didn’t say a word, and outside the sky was announcing another sweltering day in the heartland of South Florida. He smeared some kind of cream on my ass, and then I realised that he had brought with him my parade baton! I was hoping he would not use it as a giant dildo on me, but I had the answer to that question in less than three seconds, as I felt the end of it caressing the edges of my sphincter. “Push, baby!” he ordered. I did. I closed my eyes. ”More,” he whispered as I could hear him masturbating himself back to full hardness. I pushed more. He kept going at my sphincter but the baton was simply too thick. Suddenly, I felt pain as Jake gave my ass a slap, stronger than I could ever imagine a slap to be. I literally hurt both my wrists as my body jerked from the whip, and I realised he tied me with some of the hide he had left over after doing one of his custom made bull hide whips. I gave a loud scream and tears sprung off my face, and I prepared for a second hit. It never came. Instead, he whispered “Open, baby. Give me a little, young rose!” I didn’t understand what it meant but I pushed as hard as I had never pushed before. The baton touched my sphincter again and it went in!!! I couldn’t describe the feeling of the stick in my ass, after he held it in me for what seemed like an eternity. But once the pain subsided, I swear I was in pussy heaven as he kept sliding it in and out of me. He sometimes paused, and added more of whatever cream he was using to the giant dildo that was fucking me so rigidly. He sometimes twisted it at angles, probing my insides, and I felt him go past my inner ring, once or twice, at which he would just say something like “good baby, good baby!” After some 20 minutes of this he slowly removed the baton and placed himself behind me. I couldn’t see any of it, and my wrists were hurting like hell, but I knew he was going to fuck me, probably seed me, and maybe even make me suck his cock clean afterwards. “Ahhh, yeah,” he exclaimed as his mushroom head went past my ass pussy. I wriggled a little but I knew I would love it in less than a minute and so I moved back, trying to show him that I wanted his cock— all of it, just like I had it in my mouth, half an hour earlier. He gave an approving sound to my invitation and when I felt his head pop past my inner sphincter, he gave a loud grunt of satisfaction. He grabbed my hips, and started to shake my lightweight frame toward his penis, and off his penis, and again onto his penis, as if I didn’t weigh more than a bag of two pounds of sugar. He was impaling me fully with every thrust, and he was so enjoying it, that I somehow felt proud that it was me, my body— that gave him so much pleasure. He would pause every so often, and I felt that he was watching himself disappear inside me, with a soft grunt. I was waisted but I enjoyed every single attack, every single piston push, and then I heard him grunting harder and harder. ”Oh fuck. Oh fuck!” I cinched my eyes closed and decided to try to follow his thrusting. On every push I would open, I would really push hard to let him go as deep as he may. And on every pull out, I would tighten my stomach muscles to tighten his cock as if letting him know that my pussy wanted him inside, forever if possible. He fucked me harder than ever for another minute or so, and then he stopped. He planted himself firmly in me, and I thought I could count at least six of his gushes, permeating the insides of my colon. He screamed and his thighs shook as one gush of semen after another, were running out from his body, straight into mine. In my mind, I already knew that I would try to keep uncle Jake’s sperm in me, for as long as I could. But then there was the parade! It suddenly struck me, even as my uncle was still buried inside me. Would they humiliate me like last year? They already called me “goat” due to how small and skinny I was! Uncle Jake’s cock began to deflate, and I felt every inch of it as he removed himself from me. “Yeah, baby!” he kept murmuring, as he untied me. He laid back on my bed, and with a smile on his ugly face, he lit another Marlboro. I decided I wasn’t going to wait for him to ask me, and after massaging my wrists for a bit, I crawled between his legs and began kissing the tip of his cock. He immediately gave a happy ohhhh and I felt so proud. I licked his cock clean, and showed him how I loved to suckle a spent penis, after his load was deeply embedded in my entrails. ”You taste delicious,” I said. “Even if you never use that outhouse bucket.” He didn’t hear me. He was already asleep as the sun was coming out. I extinguished his cigarette and dressed up. It was time for Parade Practice…
  16. Barebacked


    One thing I’ll never forget. The very first time I drove to the place. I had it bookmarked, written on a paper, heck— I even printed a map of Oakland Park Blvd! Reminder to readers— there were no navigation apps at the time, and iPhone 1 was still a few years from being invented. So… I was driving up and down the boulevard, not being able to find 2536… I guess I drove one too many times because— honest to God, a cop stopped me right after crossing the railroad tracks going east. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him I was having trouble finding that number, but I was too ashamed or scared to tell him it was a bathhouse. He smiled. He knew the number and I guess he read my nerves. He simply told me “it’s right there, Sir,” pointing at the door right to my right side. I was literally there, and I didn’t see it! He added “Have fun!” and left. I remember later, that he was oh-so-good-looking, but at that moment my nerves played a trick on me. I would find myself going back to Clubhouse II, hundreds of times, in the next 10 years…
  17. Very hot. Please continue
  18. I hated everything about my new highschool. My classmates, the teachers, the distance from my city, and above all, I hated the new nickname I’ve gotten here, in less than two weeks of being sent off by my own parents, “to make a real man out of me.” Goat. Yes, I was skinny, scraggly, not too tall, and I was rather wild of character, but still, whoever came up with that nickname— I wish he or she or they burn in hell. Yes, Sir! The other thing I hated was that this town, some two hours drive of I-95 and well into Florida’s badlands, was still not connected to the internet. Unlike in Miami, where I could go online and chat with old guys on mIRC or Netmeeting, as soon as I locked myself in my room, this wretched town had nothing but swamps, a few red-soil patches of land, (mostly used by the military and the Indians for drills or native celebrations), and streets where every house looked like the one before. My uncle paraded me through those streets two weeks ago, showing me the “great progress” the place was making. A meat packing plant on one end, and the community’s brand-new stadium built just the year before, on the other. Little did I know I would be ambushed, forced to suck cocks blindfolded, and brutally gangbanged, at both the plant and the stadium. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Around the third week of classes, it was practice opening day at the school, and much to my dismay, all of us received uniforms for the upcoming parade practices. I was no stranger to the fact that I would be ridiculed because it always happened that none of the boy’s uniforms suited me and I always ended up having to wear a “slightly modified” girl uniform for the occasion. Last year, back in Miami, guys laughed their asses off as I was placed in front of the girl’s squad, dressed in a tight, white outfit handling a three and a half long, red baton that I had to throw into the air, twist and turn, and do all sorts of acrobatic feats with. “Hey, Willie, did you try catching that thing with your mouth?” one guy said, much to the amusement of the entire school. ”You should practice at home, Willie,” said another. “Try gagging on it!” When my parents found out, I was sent to this wretched town. No arguments, no discussions, no delays. Dad dropped me off at his brother’s ranch, like a UPS driver leaves a too-heavy-package, and he didn’t even look back. Uncle Jake would show me the ropes, was the line. He would make a man out of me. I wasn’t so sure about it, but that day I realised Jake was not only ugly, but mean, too. Mean in a very special way— but that, too, I didn’t know on that day. Anyways. I had the feeling this year would be no different, with the picking of a dress for this hillbilly town parade. Coach Barner walked onto the lawn and pointed to a container full of uniforms. “Ok, ladies!” He loved this line of his, and he thought it was funny to call us ladies. “Big, medium, small! Pick your size, go to the dressers and have a go at it! Back here in five minutes, or I’m seeing your arses doing push-ups!” As everyone ran to get his size and be done in “five minutes” I already knew my ordeal. And I was right. “Size small” fit me like one of them airport windsocks, the ones that tell crop pilots where the wind was blowing from. And I knew I would be doing push-ups on the lawn for not making it within coach Barner’s “five minutes.” ”The goat should be doing push-ups belly up, not down,” was one of the comments I heard, all the while trying to keep count to 50. ”Yeah, or he should be having something up his mouth,” said another. I expected all this… perhaps that was why I sought older men, very early in my life. They often protected me. Gave me a haven of peace. “Come on, goat! Did you forget the count?” ”29. 30. 31…” ”Look! The goat’s ass is doing the push-ups better than him!” They all laughed. I was in high-school-hell, and it was just week three. But I didn’t expect coach Barner go down on his knees next to me, and come close to my ear. ”Why they call you goat, William, eh?” he whispered. ”Sir! I don’t know,” I replied, heaving my body up. “45… 46…” ”50!” Barner interrupted, patting my shoulder and saving me from doing my last three or four push-ups. “Off you go, William!” He then screamed to all. “10 o’clock tomorrow, everyone, uniforms on, ladies!” “Tomorrow” was a Sunday, and I knew pretty much exactly how that would play out. Last year I ended up in the lockers, sucking many teenage cocks, and for the first time ever, I was bred in front of others. I was publicly inseminated by Donk, the class stallion, while the entire class was cheering him on, and three of his minions were holding me onto the bench. I had two eggs thrown in my face, and I was to “lick the slime” while Donk, a descendant of Greek giants and hung like a mustang, kept edging himself. I was far from a virgin— alright, but that was something else entirely. Donk would not let anyone else fuck me, he claimed he needed to finish his marathon, where he wasn’t going to stop from fucking me until he clocked 47 minutes (I never knew why 47), or until somebody walked in on us, and saved my ass. I couldn’t decide which one was worse. Turns out, Donk and his friends had it all planned, I see this now, in hindsight. They even had bottles of cum lube prepared, so that I would not have a bloody accident. And every time Donk was close to cumming inside me, he would ask for the time. He would then slow down but he would not leave my rectum. By the second time he stopped, it dawned on me, what was actually going on. He wanted to fuck me for 47 minutes straight and then cum inside me. I remember, the last ten minutes I was hurting, and crying on cocks. Then, someone said 48 minutes had passed. Then, Donk said “ok, time for Willie to get pregnant.” My boy pussy was red, sore, and violated like never before. Truly. I remember not being able to crap for four days, and having Donk’s cum in me for twice that long. Would this year be the same? Were small-town kids more depraved, or more sensible to the suffering of others? I’d soon find out.
  19. Expat from Miami… spent the decade 2010-21 in China. 

  20. Awesome. Asian pussies are naturally smoother, which is often a plus for a bottom!
  21. Shaved. Never waxed, but well shaved from the neck down.
  22. Yup. That’s a topic I’d love to read more of. Nice work !!!
  23. I still remember the very first time I had a cock push past my inner ring (second sphincter), and at that time I didn’t even know anything about it. I was young and I used a program called Mirc (internet relay chat) to find tops in my area— Miami Dade/Broward counties. I developed a semi-steady relationship with an older guy who would fuck and breed me on a regular basis and one day, he had a friend over who (he said) wanted to check me out. This guy, a true Black stallion, albeit also older, literally sported a foot long cock, and I remember seeing stars, when he managed to get his plum sized helmet head past my sphincter. I truly believed THAT would be the highlight of my day, my week, or even the best thing ever because I was so young and inexperienced. My guy had to literally hold me in place on all four, and at the edge of his really tall bed, until this monster got the head of his cock pop into my ass. I screamed like a bitch, which I never do, but they didn’t allow me to move, and my repeated “please take it out!” were totally ignored. He just stood there, head in, with the rest of his cock waiting for what was to come. I don’t how long it took for me to get accustomed to the circumference of his cock but it was surely 10 minutes plus. And then he began to fuck me, real slow, but deeper and deeper. I think he took his time because I even asked to suck my regular oldie, to stick his cock in my mouth— the idea of me being skewered on a spit roast had long been a fantasy of mine, way on top of my bucket list. Now, THIS was the highlight of my day! And then I felt his head pushing into my second, inner ring, which I thought was the place where my bowels took a turn to somewhere, and where he would just not be able to go any further. I seriously didn’t know about a think called inner ring and I didn’t know that humans had no control over it, unlike our anal (outer) ring. He kept pushing and poking with his cock, and now my oldie was feeding me his hardened cock with a regular dosage of poppers, every two minutes, until my head was feeling like a drum. This went on for at least half an hour, and they took pictures of me, and talked to their friends on flip phones, ubiquitous at the time. I don’t even know if pictures of those cocks my ass and mouth were sent to those friends, but for a moment I feared more people would come and I would be seriously hurt from so much fucking. In the end, that didn’t happen, they both just kept fucking me, not rough, rather mild, but without a break. And then— surprise. I don’t know if they planned it, but as if on cue, my oldie took his cock off my mouth, bent over me, and grabbed me with both his arms, pushing me face down into a pillow on the mattress. He held me there, while at the very same time, the Black guy gave a huge push forward, into me, and then I felt it. The pain, the surprise, the way they held me, for those 15 seconds (seemed like an hour), was indescribable. I again felt that humongous head past something inside my bowels, and I was being held in place. The pillow below my face made sure my screams, probably too loud for a regular gated community in North Miami Beach, were perfectly muffled, and I remember sweat springing from my forehead as I realised the guy in my ass wasn’t going out. He planted himself behind me and then I felt him bend over me from behind. The sweat of his upper torso stuck to my shivering back, and his foot long schlong changed angle as he did. When his bent was low enough for his face to reach mine, he whispered in my ear “welcome to the foot long club, baby!” and then began sucking my earlobe. I moaned and moaned, but I now know THIS was the highlight of my day. My oldie let go of me, and jumped behind the two of us, and knelt down to get a close up view of this guy’s cock welded in my chute. I heard him say, rather loudly “yep! It’s all in, man! And it looks so fucking beautiful!” The Black guy fucked me like that— his belly and chest glued to my back for what seemed like an eternity until I felt him thicken inside me, and when I felt his cock’s convulsions I knew he was breeding me past my inner circle.
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