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Everything posted by PozToxVersPig

  1. It still shocks me that the gays use the internet for damn near everything, and yet every website for any bathhouse looks like it was created in 1980 and are completely worthless.

    1. TaKinGDeePanal


      I suppose there's a limit as to what information may be published. Best advertisement? Word-of-Mouth.

  2. I haven't been to Cumunion in Colorado Springs for a bit. I remember staying at a hotel where a bunch of other guys attending Cumunion were also staying overnight and it ended up being a pretty awesome experience through the night and the next morning. Trying to plan ahead - is there any particular hotel that folks are choosing who are traveling down (since we sadly have no bathhouses in Denver anymore)? Event details here.
  3. I think there are a couple ways I split this up from most scandalous to .... not scandalous. There's an episode of Sex and the City where they talk about Sex and Money being stand ins for power and so it's all about an exchange. Sex for "supplies" - I never implicitly fucked or got fucked in exchange for supplies. THAT SAID, I've fucked and been fucked in multiple environments where supplies were exchanged, and sex also occurred, and the supplies were "on the house." In most situations, I was already trying to acquire the supplies, so this was like a bonus and honestly, I have no memories of bad sex in these situations. This is scandalous, but it makes my dick the hardest. There's something about being a pig and giving up your body for a high....not always, but sometimes. 🙂 Sex for money, money for sex - I'll state absolutely that I think sex work is a profession and there is no shame in it. Sex makes people happy and also releases stress and anxiety. I have never taken money to provide any type of sexual activity, nor have I been offered honestly. Sex for a level up - I struggled about what to call this. When I was 22, I dated an executive whose bank account still allows him to live still off of his interest to this day. He was fun smart and interesting, and we got along fine, but I had no attraction to him whatsoever. He needed arm candy who could present well, carry on a conversation, and was intelligent (me). The exchange was - I went to fabulous restaurants and on fabulous vacations, events no one could get in to, galas, I was given clothes and a bunch of stuff I could never afford fresh out of college at 22. I drove sports cars and expensive SUVs. For this, I passionately pretended to have sex with him once a week. I only commented on this because just tonight chatting with a buddy who was struggling to get from point A to point B and was hanging with his plug, I said, "just tell him I'll let him do whatever he wants to me if he just gets you where you need to go." LOL
  4. I've asked myself this question a million times. Last year, I actually created a spreadsheet trying to mathematically calculate during different periods of my life how many guys I had fucked or been fucked by. Every way I looked at it seemed wrong, either too low or too high. Some periods I was taking 10 loads a week, other periods it was a relationship, other periods I was just less active. My number is in the thousands for sure...but if this were Price Is Right and I had to say it was 3000 versus 12000 I wouldn't be able to land on a number. It's a lot. I made a joke with my buddy the other day thinking about the number that regardless of the number, I maybe know less than 1% of their names (and by name I mean they are programed in my phone as something like "SCREENNAME sex party sept 2013." Because I like anon fucking, those I could recognize on the street....hell, fuck if I know. Actual guys that I've fucked with that I can name with a real name....maybe 15.
  5. Maybe controversial opinion but I think Treasure Island Media has lost its edge, just like Host Dessert Knights did at a point.  Used to be really raw, edgy, definitely got my dick hard and my cum flowing.  Now I feel like it's "meh."  Thoughts?

    1. barebro


      What could they be doing, that they aren't, to bring back that edge?

  6. at pleasures in denver.  about to slam and take anon loads.  first took some piss up my ass in the parking lot

  7. One of the hottest moments was getting bred in the dark room at a cumunion and the dude telling me he was giving me a toxic load..........i got five dicks in me immediately afterward.
  8. One of the best stories on this site. I've blowing so many loads to it. It should be a movie.
  9. Still spun, a few toxic loads in me from a few different guys, stroking to porn.  Hope everyone had a GREAT start to their weekend.

    1. mowogo


      sounds like I need to cum spend this weekend with you 😈😈☣️

  10. Been there done it love it. Made some bottoms subs do it to.
  11. You're one hot mother fucker.  I wanna see how dirty we can get.

    1. Badguy56


      Woof. Thanks. Would love to show you

  12. I tried to have a boyfriend for the last 10 months.  Instead I had 10 loads a week from the poz Mexican that kept wanting to breed me.  Can't wait to get back in the game.

  13. After a brief stint in a relationship, I’m back to being a full time slut

  14. 10 year divorce settlement. Done. Worst fucking thing ever. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PozToxVersPig


      I thought it was over November of last year but thank you.  I thought it was over in early 2022.

    3. mowogo


      Now it is over and you can go spread your ass for the cocks of Denver 

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Same thing my current partner says: "choosing to marry? Worst thing ever" 

      He lived an unhappy life till he found (I made him find) the courage to take his responsibilities and decisions - live your own life or satisfy someone else's expectations? Fuck it! 

  15. @xtc303den you provide the most interesting and informative posts! Your knowledge of some of the history of Denver far exceeds my own and I was reading your post about the four bathhouses enthralled! Thank you for sharing all of that. CCC sounds a lot like Club Z in Seattle which was one of my favorites (in the best and worst ways 🙂 ). Beyond Buddies, which honestly is a trek for anyone in Denver, I agree it is really ridiculous that Denver has ZERO bathhouses. I also don't know of the legal/licensing/zoning of such establishments and the requirements, but if most other metropolitan cities of any size have one, we should too. Maybe we should start a gofundme LOL! 🙂
  16. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if my neighbors found out what I was doing inside my house 🙂

  17. may have just given myself a dose of alternative medicine for this cold...:)

  18. Now that I've returned from my long weekend of hanging out with 2 lifelong heterosexual couple friends and going to Taylor Swift - I did end up telling a slightly sanitized version of this story to my two heterosexual couple friends I've known 25+ years - they are less spicy now with kids and what not but still the cool type of heteros, whereas I'm newly single after 10 years so a LOT of spicy stories. I made the mistake of passing my phone to one of my friends - I thought I had quarantined all the photos/vids that autodownload from telegram chats, but turns out I hadn't so it wasn't too long before they were scrolling through screens like this. So then everyone wanted to know what post divorce life was like, so I told a bunch of stories of what I've been up to lately. So then I got to the Alex memory trip story... At several points, both of the women would say things like "damn, I wanna be Alex!" (as a couple of you have...) but at the end of me telling them what happened and quickly flashing the pictures at them, my buddy R who I've known the longest of all of them said, "I'm totally the Verbal Guy (of the three guys) and ya know, anal is great with L (his wife - who laughed at the comment). No lie though, I have massive FOMO so fuck it, Alex it is! One more thing for the bucket list." (If you knew R, you'd know this will not ever happen!) We all cracked up, I spilled my drink laughing so hard, and L his wife looks at him and said, "There's not a chance in hell you could take that much dick." 🙂
  19. I commented on this a while back (Are you living a double life? - my reply) and part of the discussion here makes me think of my response to that thread. Do I wish that my "alt-life" and my professional and family life could be completely connected and without barriers? Absolutely. Do I hope for a more sexual and societal progressive future where less things are NOT in the shadows and more are accepted? Totally. I have noticed attitudes towards things change even in the past decade. Prior to prep, talking about barebacking was very much considered "in the shadows" or [banned word] or whatever - now it's become more mainstream, at least in our community. So why does this matter here? For better or worse, right now, we are engaging in and talking openly about a variety of things that, depending on where you live, may be against current law or policy. Certainly if tied to our real identities may mean some embarrassment or forced coming out at best; substantial other professional/personal consequences at worst. And what is and is not legal changes - as we just saw when several states had to be cut off from access. Moderation gets us some protection to be able to open up, within a walled garden, that if not monitored at moderated at all would become the dark-web and not somewhere I'd necessarily a) want to participate or b) feel comfortable sharing in or c) enjoy because without any parameters you pass in to some areas that I am not currently comfortable going. So I accept the moderation and I think @rawTOP and others are being open and communicative about the standards of conduct, and perhaps with a few tweaks (like an appeal process) people might feel more comfortable. But I accept the moderation here because otherwise, I simply wouldn't have a forum like this. So Admins - thanks for all you do!
  20. I have not and I don't know anyone personally that has, just a few folks I have chatted with. It looks solid, but the commute is so far from Denver and I have no idea what the crowd is like or on which nights. The thing I've contemplated is going for Cumunion since it's sponsored to test the waters. All the bathhouses are gone. Check out this thread about Glory Holes in Denver. It's the closest we have to anything in Denver these days 😞
  21. "Cumdump" is a mentality, IMHO. Are high volume high quantity bottoms cumdumps? Sure, but I don't think this is the only qualifier. These things matter as evidence, but the reality is not everyone has access to the amount of dick they might like (because gays are strangely hard to hook up with, or they live a certain type of place, whatever), but still are cumdumps. The mentality is - am i obsessed with getting fucked and taking loads, from anyone, anywhere, at anytime no matter what? If you find yourself saying yes to the bold and don't qualify or restrict it with "but" statements or requirements, then you're more a cumdump than not. If your instinctually throw up roadblocks and/or if it doesn't really occupy a space in your thoughts, you're probably less so. Maybe it's not a yes or no, but rather a "on the scale of 1 to 100" type thing. Do you have to be no-loads-refused? This is definitely a cumdump trait but I don't think absolutely required. But if you have a list of "things" that are required to fuck (age, body, race, position, appearance, whatever) you're probably less a cumdump. I really go nuts when chasers, as an example,say they are total sluts and want to be poz and can't wait to be complete cumdumps, and then go on and on about exactly who they will and will not have sex with and where and when they will or will not have sex. One guy once told me he'd only have sex with someone he had a drink with first. Not a cumdump. While you're at it, though, can we add some additional terms that have unclear definitions: TOXIC - is this just HIV positive or does it mean HIV positive with HVL so likely to convert? WHORE/WHORING - I learned recently to some that this means something with direct monetary value must be exchanged for sex; others define simply as giving out sex with no restriction. I have thoughts - but will reserve for now.
  22. Sweet Mary Jesus, I apologize for the egregious number of typos and other issues in Part 2 especially. The writing process for this was a bit strange - on Thursday I kept both pictures on my desk and as details or memories came up, I'd type them quickly in to a word document - sometimes just words, sometimes whole paragraphs, sometimes something like "Aaron's Pozzing Gang Bang". On Friday evening, I sat down with the document, and started to put things in order, regardless of the order I had remembered them in. I then started a new document and attempted to write everything I remembered from start to finish and did not edit myself at all, writing for approximately 1.5 hours straight - stream of consciousness style. The final first draft was 16 pages and close to 10K words and typed quickly with tons of spelling spacing and grammar issues typical for this writing technique. I did my best to pare things down, fix things along the way, used spell check and what not and still, this is what you get! 🙂 Anyway, it's a little tough to read so apologies. Still makes me hard.
  23. Part 2 - Whoring Out Alex - Not as edited as Part 1 but I'm tired and the fun part for me was recalling all this, not editing.  Thanks for letting me share.  

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Might take a look at it later - I'm not into chems too much but who cares, I need exciting sexy stories anyways

  24. PART 2 – Whoring out Alex (Note: there are a variety of moments that occur over the next few days/weeks where, looking back, I want to smack myself for being naïve, unaware, or just insane in my decision making. It’s not to say that I’m not still all of those things, but definitely see my growth from these days in 2015.) Thursday after the sex party, I got a text from Alex and honestly, I wasn’t expecting one. My general experience with each group participant was that generally, things were amicable but that folks back-burnered each other for future PNP scenarios – less typical was becoming non-PNP friends. I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, but this topic is better left for another post. The text started simply and casually with greetings, and the how-are-yous, and the what-are-you-up tos and I was doing things around my apartment so not really responding quickly to each round of texts. Eventually , Alex asked point black “hey, can I come over and hang out?” It was a few days post party and those that have PNPd before may affirm, your critical thinking and impulse control remains suppressed for several days after. Typically, I address this by knowing this is the case and then forcing myself to evaluate every decision or choice to be sure I’m not making decisions I wouldn’t otherwise. I didn’t really want him to and told him I was planning to go to bed early, about to tell him ‘nah, I’ll pass.” Alex: “Aaaaah, bummer. I’m outside of your building in the back.” WHAT THE FUCK? I started to cross the room to the glass wall with the window which faced the alley. Was he just in the area or had he come here to ambush me with his presence? The neighborhood where I lived was a bunch of multimillion dollar old-money homes and pretty randomly, this brand new 15 unit apartment building. It seemed unlikely that disheveled slow-on-the-uptake Alex would just be over in this part of the area. I look out the window and sure as shit, there is Alex, typing on his phone. Me: “What the hell are you doing here?” and ignoring my question entirely he responded, Alex: “Can I come up?” Had I not remembered the color of Alex’s shirt from the other night, I might have thought he was wearing the same thing, except for this time this mishappen green instead of red but just as massive as the last shirt had been. His jeans looked indentical, not just in style but also the dirt stains. He had a Jansport backpack with him that seemed to be full. As he enters my apartment, I ask him a few questions to try to figure out why he had just barnstormed my apartment and my solitary evening. In my mind I’m thinking how I had just pulled out the Hello Fresh kit for that evening and if I had to share it with him that would mean I wouldn’t have lunch for tomorrow, and this annoyed me so I’m sure my tone was a little aggressive. As before, Alex didn’t seem to process the questions and his responses very narrowly spoke to why he was here but largely meandered in to other topics. I don’t even recall what those were, other than I remember saying something along the lines of “well, that doesn’t really explain things, but let’s move on.” I didn’t want to stand over in the kitchen trying to make small talk with Alex while cooking so I quickly abandoned that and ordered a pizza. Now what? Conversation wouldn’t even fill the next 10 minutes, it was only 530P so there wasn’t really anything to put on for background radiation, and I honestly wasn’t really feeling like hooking up and putting on porn, and I didn’t really want him to stay, so I didn’t want to start a movie. In the middle of some basic bitch question about his week, I remember visibly seeing a light switch in Alex and he went from dopey dude sitting on my couch, to amped up animal ready to fuck. You could see it in his face, and you could just feel it sitting next to him. I’d never see something like this before nor have I since in terms of such a n instantaneous change. Whatever sexual voodoo Alex had mastered, it flipped my switch too. I had been massively horny since the party, had hooked up with several guys since but was still experiencing that hunger for more that cumdumps like me generally feel but which is especially palpable when you’ve had nine dicks fucking you for an extended period and filling you with cum. One or two dicks a night was not going to fill the emptiness so fuck yeah, let’s fucking go! We made out for the first time – we hadn’t during the party at all that I recall. Alex was a good kisser and his mouth and breath tasted clean and like mint gum. I think this sticks out to me because the rest of him was kind of a dirty mess, so the fact his mouth tasted pristine was odd to me. He was a really good kisser and had a style, but adapted well to me and me to him. He ‘d occasionally go really deep with his mouth and tongue and probe the back of my mouth which I love. This went on for about 20 minutes and during this time we had taken off our jeans and shirts – I had briefs on which Alex quickly got underneath to stroke my dick and occasionally reach between my legs and pretty much with no hesitation, start fingering my hole. He was aggressive and very much determined to do what he wanted to do and I was really fucking loving it. His dick had popped out the hole in the front of his boxer briefs and I swallowed his whole dick all the way down to his balls. Again, I don’t think I had actually touched or really played with his dick up to this point during the party, so it was the first time I realized his dick was really nice. Like a specific – shape and direction, thickness, length, the shape and size of the head. I really wish I had a picture of it but I didn’t find one. I was raging with testosterone and lust for his dick at this point both because I was horny already, but also because of the contract between Dopey “doesn’t seem to know what’s going on” Alex and the Perfect Dicked “I know what I want and I’m going to take it” Alex. We were temporarily interrupted when UPS knocked on the door to deliver a package and when I got back to the couch he said “wanna get high?” Ahhhh fuck! Here we go. It was a school night was about as far as I got trying to come up with excuses not to when I just said “yes.” We kept going on the couch for a while when Alex pulled away, and again, in a tone and manner of speaking notably different than Dopey Alex laughed and said, “So are you just a bottom?” I had topped several times, but it wasn’t my preference and certainly not when there were any drugs involved. He accepted this and didn’t push me but did start talking about the times he had bottomed which had mostly been at bathhouses, how he didn’t understand why people assumed he was a top but that he sort of just went with the flow and finally, how he had jerked off thinking about how much he loved watching me get fucked during the party. I remember feeling like he was sincerely complementing and feeling good. He was also saying clearly in his words amplified by the longing tone he had talking about it, “I really want to do that too.” Conversational break was over and Alex stood up and pulled me up by the arm with him. He rounded the corner to my bedroom and came back with the lube, and moved the small side table on the side of the couch across the room. Again, the confident way he was moving was just different. He bent me over the arm of the couch and got on his knees behind me. This was the first time he had rimmed me. I know he didn’t during the sex party because no one really did and I definitely would have felt his facial hair. I most certainly felt his facial hair now, which for those that love to be rimmed, is fucking wonderful. It amplifies to me everything that’s happening and makes me squirm and shake and makes me even hornier for dick as it continues. He applies plenty of lube to my hole and his dick. As sometimes is the case after you have long sessions or lots of dick, my hole was still a bit tighter than it typically was and Alex’s dick wasn’t massively thick, but thick enough it wasn’t something I could just slide in. He pushed in in a way that was neither gentle nor unforgiving – he went in one smooth stroke all the way down to the base all at once and I remember moaning very loud because it happened all at once and my hole was suddenly spread completely around the base of his dick. He kept his dick there for what felt like minutes and moved his hips around, but keeping his dick buried all the way in. The feeling was so powerful that I almost felt I couldn’t take a breath and I loved it. His time spent there was clearly meant to open me up further, as he kept pushing my hole open with his deck, up, down, left, right , in a circle…whoa. He was a hole master! We fucked for about 15 or 20 minutes and it was really good. Some tops just pump in and out, some spend a lot of time doing acrobatics to the point where you don’t have any clue what’s going moment to moment. Alex combined both. He’d pump for stretches of time in and out and pound my hole, and occasionally would stop to work my hole differently, either balls deep and stretching, or with the head of his dick. I do recall at a couple different moments turning my head back to look at him and every time, he was transfixed on the porn that had been put on, which was odd because it was fully occupying his attention and yet, he was delivering anything but a pre-programmed fuck. I don’t know that I could have fully transfixed on porn while doing what he was doing to me. I think it peeved me a little bit but then he kept fucking me and eventually, picked up pace and shot his load in me. I don’t always feel the spray of cum inside of my ass - I don’t know why, but I remember moaning that I could and did feel every single spurt of cum in my hole. It felt great. We both cleaned up a little bit, I put on shorts and came out to the living room where Alex was sitting in his boxer shorts, staring a little blankly at the porn. Master of Hole Alex has seemingly vanished as fast as he had appeared, and Dopey Alex. It was insane. I asked of he wanted a glass of water and with a brief pause responded along the lines of “What, oh yeah. Sure” Again, what the fuck? I turned off the porn and put something on TV. It was around 1030P, I was tired and sleepy and it wasn’t sure what the hell was going on. Alex was starting blankly at the TV screen, there wasn’t really any conversation happening, and I asked something like “so what do you have going on for the rest of the night” to which his response was “can I stay the night?” I resigned to him staying, he jumped in the shower and we got in to bed and went to sleep. 6A. I got out of bed and made sure Alex was awake and grabbed him a clean shirt before getting in the shower. I got out of the bathroom about 10 minutes later and Alex was still in bed, and somewhat frustrated said, “hey, you need to get the fuck up. I have to leave soon which means you’re leaving soon.” He slowly and reluctantly got out of bed at a speed that I could never achieve even if I were frozen solid. We made it out of the house, Alex said he didn’t have a car but also didn’t need a ride, and down the street he strolled while I went off to my day. Over the next two weeks, Alex texted a few times and each time asked if I wanted to hang out. Based on the previous two experiences and his recurring pattern of lingering a bit too long, each time I made excuses why I couldn’t. They weren’t always lies but I was definitely doing my best to avoid him. The sex was good, but it was one-off and I really didn’t know if it was just drug fueled or something he could repeat, but I didn’t need a live-in non-boyfriend. At the end of the third week, I get another text from Alex. It was later on a Friday night and I had definitely come from some happy hour with friends and was more than a little tipsy when the message arrived. I had made it home and was horny, and was probably frustrated with the lack of ready to go tops on BBRT. Oh, if I were better at navigating these moments of weakness. He showed up a while later looking like he would, slightly disheveled with another ugly shirt on. He cut almost immediately through the chit chat and asked if he could see my toy bag. (Note: at some point during the sex party, I failed to mentioned that I had gone to my closet and grabbed my duffle bag full of sex stuff – dildos, plugs, a variety of restraints, collars, cockrings, etc. There was little use of any of this during the sex party, but it had clearly caught Alex’s attention). I set it down on the couch in front of him and watched he just sort of looked at the bag. There was no touching or foreplay occurring so I wasn’t entirely sure what was going to happen next – was he going to grab things out and use them on me or on himself? It turns out he was curious. He unzipped the bag and began picking up individual items one by one and asking questions like “you’ve had this in our hole” holding up my largest dildo, or “damn, doesn’t this hurt” holding up one of the buttplugs you use only when getting to the heavier types of ass play. There were a few things he couldn’t identify like a leather cockring that had straps which separated your balls, and a metal ass grommet. He grabbed one of my leather collars and went to wrap it around his arm and I laughed a little and told him it was a collar and helped him put it on. It felt out of nowhere when he said, Alex: “Have you ever been to ClubZ?” I briefly share with him a few lightweight stories of ClubZ and emphasized some of the key differences between Z and Steamworks, namely that ClubZ had much more obvious drug use obvious in the behavior of the patrons and that Steamworks generally had a greater “safe-sex” contingent where as at ClubZ you might struggle to find a condom even if you wanted one. Alex: “I have had fun there but the rooms are so small and cramped.” I had only ever rented the Sling TV room (room 408) which was the biggest and largest of their rooms. I had been the next two tiers of rooms which were equivalent to your normal room at bathhouse. Twin sized cot, a room about double the width of that. I did not realize until Alex described the rooms he had been that there were three classes of rooms below the top three which were truly like capsules. The room was the size of the mattress with nowhere to really stand on the ground, there were no TVs and because they had fit these rooms in to odd places, often had unusually low ceilings. Some you actually had to crawl through a large cubby hole versus a door to get in to. By comparison room 408 was a palace. It was their largest room equipped with a King Size mattress, a sling that could be used over the mattress or raised, ample floor space, a cross, and a TV. I didn’t know where anything was headed at this point, but buzzed and horny, I shifted my energy quickly towards taking control over what would happen next that evening. Alex kept looking at me for more details of what I had done at ClubZ, what were the guys like, how long I had stayed, etc. and while I was fine telling him about these things I didn’t want to sit on the couch telling stories all night. As he had before, I asked him if he wanted to get high and as before we did. Whether because of that, or because I had determine my role for the evening, I grabbed the remote and turned on the porn again, and looked at him and directly and with no tone of doubt I was serious said to Alex, Me: “Alex, take your fucking clothes off.” I went to the bathroom and grabbed two jock straps and began undressing with Alex. I threw the jock at him and told him to put it on. I started asking him if he had been to the dark room or the fuck bench to bottom. I told him that with his looks and body it would be easy to get fucked by a bunch of guys. Not only had he never ventured in to these areas, but he said he had hangups if they weren’t attractive white guys in the range of 20-40’ish. He couldn’t really articulate why – it wasn’t really a racial thing, and he had found guys older than his age range attractive but still wouldn’t mess around with them. The no loads refused cumdump in me with my slightly impaired thinking saw this as a condition that needed a cure and my mind went instantly to figuring out ways to make him relinquish himself fully and without qualification. I told him as I had learned from others that if you’re a good bondage dom that when you were exposing your sub to new experiences, you needed to communicate to them what was happening – not in a way that communicated choice in the matter but at its core, set expectations for what was next. I explained that I was going to restrain him to help him get used to what it felt like and at each step explained what I was doing. I asked him to think of a safe word. As a sub, my expectation was that he would only beg for things he really wanted, thank me and others for thinks that had been done to him, be verbal during sex, ask for water or a break, or, if whatever was happening or he needed to remove himself from the situation for any reason, he could use a safe word. I don’t remember what it was, but he chose one and seemed relaxed. His ankles were cuffed and chained to each other, as were his wrists, leaving his hole somewhat open based on the way he was sitting. He had the jock on. I asked him how he felt about taking pictures and he expressed no real concern other than he’d like to have his face more covered. I retrieved a Nasty Pig baseball l cap and red bandana from my room. The hate went on backwards and the bandana was made in to a blindfolded in in no time, he was restrained, blindfolded, and looking like he was relaxed while confined. It was time to start work on his hole. I stood on the couch/ in front of him at first and stuck my dick in his mouth. At first I let him move his head on my dick and then pushed him back and began to fuck his face, slowly and shallow at first before deepening and eventually shoving my whole dick in and all the way to the back of his throat, causing him to cough. He did not want to stop though and tried to raise his hands to grab my hips and I think at that point realized he had limited mobility. The next hour was spent working on Alex’s hole – and admittedly, I was not as slow or gentle as I could have been. There were a few moments where Alex moaned or said ‘slow day” and I would briefly pause and then continue. The smallest dildo turned in to the medium one, and then I tried one of the largest. This large one had a fat head and was thick and though Alex initially pushed back and struggled to open, the tip finally went in and I was able to get it two-thirds of the way in. His words and his voice indicated he was enjoying it but as with most experiences like this, it was overwhelming. I pulled out the dildo a little while later, pulled down his jock, and put the shoved the lubed up Fleshjack down on his dick. I’m surprised given the giant moan he made and the way he arched his back that he didn’t shoot his load right then. After the dildos, I played around with a few buttplugs and as many do, once it was inside, he didn’t want it to ever leave, and he struggled as I pulled both out of him. It was so hot to watch. I had stopped using the Fleshjack and was instead slapping his dick and balls gently while playing with the buttplugs. Each time I would remove everything completely from his hole, he would whimper and tell me he wanted more. In honest review, he really did do a great job – he went from struggling against a tiny dildo at first to being able to open his hole for a medium-effort buttplug in a short amount off time. He had one of those very adaptable holes. We got high again and I removed Alex’s blindfold so he could watch the “Aaron’s Pozzing Gang Bang” TIM scene where Aaron’s only dream is to be blindfolded and bred by a group of poz men so he could be pozzed. Alex was very turned on by this and said “it would be really hot to be him” We paused and got high again, and I removed his blindfold while the TIM "Aaron pozzing gang bang" started, with the text that read how Aaron always wanted to be pozzed by a group of men. Some time around midnight , near the end of the scene, fueled by what I know call my “alpha energy” and other things, I told Alex to get up and get dressed. “You wanna go to ClubZ?” His answer was very clear. I told Alex to rinse off quickly but not worry about his hole. I did the same. Alex told me he wanted to bring a few things from the toy bag, so I grabbed those things and made a go bag with some fresh clothes, a few snack bars, lube and poppers . I grabbed one of the permanent markers I kept in my nightstand. We skated through the simulated bag check at ClubZ and I requested the Sling Room. By luck, they were cleaning it right then from the previous guests. I bought one of the douche kits and moments later we were in the room getting organized and ready for the evening. After heading to the shower area, it was only about 30 minutes before we were in the sling room. I adjusted the sling height slightly and then asked Alex to get up in the sling. He had bene in one before but I told him we were going to make it similar to what we had done on the couch back at my place. I chained his wrist restraints slightly behind him to the chains of the sling, and did similar to his ankles. Obviously, this left him with no ability to resist. All the time I left his blindfold off so he could see what was happening. I grabbed the permanent market and carefully wrote ‘CUM DUMP’ across his chest with an arrow pointing downward to his hole. His collar was finally restrained back loosely and the baseball cap was put back on. The last thing was to blindfold him, a small action that seemed to make thins very real for Alex all at once. He softly jerked from side to side to see how much he could move. Realizing he couldn’t he said, he asked to have a moment to adjust, and after a moment I told him we were ready. I reassured him I would not be leaving the room at any point, and I would be there 100% of the time to make sure was safe. He kept moving and squirming trying to find some movement in the restraints. He asked for more T and I gave him some and did some myself. He continued to say “almost ready” and then ask for a few more minutes and after about ten minutes, he finally stopped moving. Me: “Are you ready?” Alex: “Yes. Yes. I hope so! Yes!” Anyone that goes to ClubZ draws a certain amount of attention upon arrival, especially if they are particularly in shape and not daily regulars. This described Alex and I and I noticed as we walked up the stairs when we got there people scoping us out. Notably, I had made Alex wear the collar from the apartment so I’m sure many of the guys were already pegging him as the bottom. When I finally opened the door to the room, there were a few people lingering on the landing and a few seemed ready to fuck – they had probably been wondering for the entire time whether we were just there to play with each other or were eventually going to engage with others. The goal here with Alex and his goal was to get fucked by a bunch of guys. I had learned my lesson over the years that when in a bathhouse, you strike when the irons hot. If someone is willing to engage, engage them. Don’t back-burner them while you look for something else. This is why no-loads-refused bottoms had the most fun and if you weren’t quite there in your head, why a blindfold could help. The first guy to walk to the door happened to be a tall black guy. He walked up, stated more than asked “can I come in” and entered the room. I had seen him there before. He walked in and makes some comments about Alex looking hot in the sling and Alex started to try and engage in conversation, “what’s your name?” was all he got out before we told Alex not to worry about it. A black guy was definitely not what Alex was wanting, but thankfully for Alex, this guy didn’t not have a massive dick to start the night. The black guy lubed up and began to fuck Alex who like before, whimpered with each stroke of the guys dick. Alex was definitely enjoying himself so I walked to the door to see what other trade was within earshot. There was a group of three guys that seemed to be there together who wanted to go after the black guy finished. I waved them in to the room while the black guy continued to fuck Alex. These three were much more Alex’s desired types. I think two guys were good looking white guys and the thirds was more olive complected but not Latino – maybe Italian? I couldn’t tell. The four of us made out and sucked each other in various combinations. The non-white White guy was verbal which is always a turn-on for me and while I was down sucking one of the dicks kept on with “suck that fucking dick” and “choke that fag” and a variety of other really hot encouragements -which continued for about 5 more minutes when we heard the black guy say something along the lines of "I'm gonna cum" at which point he pumped a load in to Alex who was still whimpering just the same as he had been. The guy pulled out and Alex said something “holy fucking shit man.” The black dude vanished. I don’t even recall seeing him get off the bed. And the Verbal Guy quickly got up on the bed and one of the other guys got up as well and approached Alex’s face. Getting fucked in the face and his ass at the same time was definitely a level-up for Alex and initially he struggled to figure out how to turn his head but eventually settled in to a rhythm with two dicks in him simultaneously. Alex continued his whimpers though now muffled from the dick in his mouth. Thrupple 1 got louder with his words and kept talking about breeding Alex’s slut hole and asking him how he liked to have his pussy creamed. I remember him using the word pussy a lot, which I sometimes use, but not as often as this guy. Thrupple 1 continued to pump in and out as he came, and then gave Alex one final balls deep blast and pulled out rather quickly. “Fuck him” he said to Thrupple 2 who did exactly that. He was slightly slower in motion I think because he was already close to coming and sure enough, after a little over than a minute, Thrupple 2 came in Alex. All the while, Thrupple 3 was standing in the corner jerking off and I sort of motioned to him that he was next, but he shook his head and told me he had just cum. Thrupple 1 had come up behind me and started pawing my chest from behind and I could feel that his dick was still fully. He pushed my back forward just a little but and pushed his dick in with pretty much expert aim and I was a little shocked he managed it. “Now you have some of that nut inside his hole’ and pulled out. The Thrupple was done and said “ catch ya later” and made their way to the door which had four guys blocking it standing shoulder to shoulder. The moved aside for the Thrupple and I asked the guys who wanted to go next. At this point I realized that I’d never really engaged this much at a bathhouse ever. I was most often in Alex’s position, or taking dick from someone random behind me, never really making conversation. No here I was walking around and engagement people, encouraging them to take their turn on the cumdump Alex. The next couple of guys came in, fucked Alex, and came in his hole followed by another after that. At this point, I don't think Alex knew what dick or who was in him - he certainly didn't after a few more because he said something like "are your friend still here?" to the guy fucking him, presumably talking about the Thrupple earlier. He hadn't realized there had been several other people in there since then. Several guys would walk in and watch, some would fuck his face while he was getting fucked, I would suck or make out with some of them. Some of the guys came and some of them just fucked him for a while without cumming. During this time I kept Alex hydrated and let his legs down a few times so he could stretch his legs. Each time I asked him if he wanted to keep going and he said he did. I broke out of the sex has of it all when at some point, the guy come over the loud speaker to say that rooms X, Y Z were nearing checkout and I walked over to the lock box closet to grab my phone and see what time it was. I think we were meant for checkout around 8-9A and we still had several hours left. Alex was in the sling and not getting fucked so I told him I was going to the bathroom and would lock the door and would be right back. On the way back, I saw two people I had seen at ClubZ before and after some chit chat asked them if it was worth sticking around so late/early on Saturday morning, because there was definitely less activity than there was during the first few hours and I didn't want to stay there and be bored. They unanimously agreed that it WAS worthwhile to stay and said there have been quite a few times where surprisingly a new rush of guys shows up in the early morning hours. Maybe it's the pre-weekend shift trade crowd? I took them for their word and headed back to Alex. Alex was surprisingly energetic given he had just been fucked a ton. He was still bound to the sling and seemed comfortable like he was watching a movie in a recliner. I raised the blindfold and detached his wrists and told him to relax for a little bit. He was not clear about what had happened prior to this and though he knew there were other guys fucking him, he had this impression that the Thrupple had been there the whole time. I remember similar sensory things happening when I was in his position. He indicated he wanted to stay a while longer but also told me to keep asking if he wanted to go because he wasn't sure if how long he could go. I think at this point there were maybe 2 or 3 more guys that came by and fucked him, and I think only one of them came. The crowd at this point was definitely high and the "early morning" crowd did appear but I think were completely sober so maybe a bit overwhelmed by the scene in our room and were probably looking for something less elaborate than a guy in a sling. I eventually unbound Alex from the sling and told him to relax and take his time getting down and just chill for a bit. I locked the door and went a grabbed two waters from the vending machine and brough them back Alex drank his plus half of mine. "Holy shit!" he kept saying again alternating with "Fuck!" sitting up on the bed and looking dazed. The "CUM DUMP" on his chest was still there. I packed up, we both got dressed and I prepped Alex for leaving reminding him we were going to be walking out and it was at least somewhat light at this point and that we were going to be hopping in an Uber. I know the feeling of leaving in the daylight, having just been blindfolded for hours in an altered state and I didn't want him to have any anxious feelings, especially because we clearly looked like we had been partying and probably smelled like sex and would be around a stranger. We made it to my place and Alex jumped in the shower and I did afterwards. When I came out Alex was semi jerking himself with no porn or anything at all, and looked like he was starting to feel the impacts of what he had done. I didn't bother asking if he wanted to stay given the previous two times, and he said he just wanted to sit on the couch for a while and watch porn. He was cold so I grabbed some blankets and we both sat there just a little dazed. He'd occasionally say "holy shit" or "fuck" and then start asking a question like, "so what did they..." and "who was the guy that said..." and I tried to answer as much as I could. I could tell he wanted to ask me whether or not all of the guys had been “attractive white guys” in his age range but I think he knew at that point they hadn’t been. He did at one point play with his hole a little bit and I don’t think he’d ever felt it feel that way before. He would occasionally look over at me and smile a little and seemed pretty content. “Thanks for doing that with me” he said and then asked if I had fun. I told him I had a great time, and was happy that he felt good about the experience. It was sunny as fuck that morning and we never really fell asleep, maybe dozed for a bit. At some point I realized I was hungry as hell, so was Alex, and he was willing to go out to breakfast. We got dressed, I gave him a pair of cheap sunglasses and we went to one of my spots I went to when I didn’t really want to be seen. We were both obviously in a haze and Alex wasn't much of a conversationalist anyway so we ate rather quickly and walked back to my apartment a few blocks away. I asked where his car was and he said he hadn't driven here. I asked if he needed me to drive him somewhere, and he said he would just walk. I gave him a bottle of water for the walk, asked him again if he needed a ride, then told him to stay hydrated. He grabbed his backpack and walked out. That was the last time I ever saw Alex. Some random that just three weeks earlier had shown up at my house for an unplanned sex party where I was the cumdump. The guy who told me he had fantasized about doing what he had seen me doing. And who allowed me - a guy who up to that point largely was only a cumdump and often submissive - to dominate him. I texted him a few times over the next week just to check in and see if he was okay and he responded with his typically short answers. Yes, he was okay. He also made comments alluding to how he had enjoyed that night and had thought about it since. I remember feeling like he had walked away feeling like he had fulfilled a fantasy and had fun. The conversation just sort of fizzled out and I never received another text from him asking if I wanted to hang out. And at this point, I had moved on. He wasn't ever going to be someone I would pursue for a relationship or any kind, I wasn't very curious about knowing more about him, so eventually he just sort of faded in to the background. And it wasn't until seeing these pictures that I even remembered he existed, or that this night had occurred, or that it was connected to this wild sex party I inadvertently hosted. Only because I've always been that guy who takes a shit ton of pictures and stores them in the cloud was I able to piece this back together, via a series of photos before during and after the sexy party and before during and after the Club Z night with Alex. They say a picture is worth 1000 words – in this case two pictures have generated quite a few more. As I said at the beginning of this, I’ve unearthed a lot more pictures that bring back memories that I’ve long since forgotten. I look forward to unpacking each of them slowly but surely and working to remember what I can and writing about them – it was both interesting and therapeutic for me. And as for the sex party and the night with Alex, what a fucking memory! -------------------------------------------- (POST NOTE: Also featured in pictures was a night at my apartment with one of my best friends a few weeks after the night with Alex. I made dinner, we wore pajamas, and drank and watched movies talking about our lives. He's one who I share everything with, and I remember telling him about this guy Alex and the wild night and mentioned casually that he kept staying over. My friend perked up and asked me what I meant, and I explained. My friend looked me dead in the face and said, "Dude, do you think he might be homeless. XXXX (our mutual friend) had the same thing happen with this guy for a few weeks and eventually the guy said he was homeless." I don't know if that is the case, but it makes a lot of sense and honestly, if I had known this, I would have expressed compassion in a different way, it just didn't occur to me that he might be. )
  25. I've finished editing Part 2 of Whoring of Alex (Part 1 in ChemSex Fiction) but I've apparently reached my limit for posting for the day.  Wah wah.  Will post as soon as allowed.

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