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About rawflipfuck

  • Birthday 01/03/1987

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Cum, ws, ff, cruising, bathhouses, sloppy cum-filled holes / getting my hole loaded
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Looking For
    What we're all looking for here

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  1. Great setup so far, looking forward for more of the story!
  2. I haven't asked in years anyone's HIV status, and rarely do I get asked mine. I like to go to the park to do some cruising, and that isn't a topic you're bringing up in that situation anyway.
  3. The very first was pissing on myself in the shower growing up. Then my first WS with a guy was at a nude beach. The guy and I were taking turns fucking each other when he suddenly told me to open my mouth. I drank it all up and then pissed on him. It was made even hotter that guys a little ways down were watching the whole thing. I've been hooked ever since
  4. I can feel him start to throb followed by the warmth of his cum each time. Whether I feel him shooting deep in me varies guy to guy.
  5. Get pozzed, so you can breed and poz me. You have a fantastic cock for breeding.

  6. Only one time did I ever ask the guy to wear a condom. I was still nervous about HIV at that point. Though shortly after that guy, I began making a point of saying raw only, even before the days I was on prep. I wanted to get those loads in me.
  7. Hey guys—been browsing around here for quite some time now and finally decided I should stop sitting back and sign up. Looking forward participating in this and hopefully will get to fuck / get fucked by some of you soon.
  8. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I was feeling horny after work, so I decided to go to the nearby cruising park. First guy was lean and tall 30s, jerking while sitting on a stump on a side trail. As I approached, he let go of his dick and I saw it was nicely hung. I got down and started sucking him. I proceeded to pull out my dick and jerk while still sucking him. Then I pulled the back of my shorts down so he knew he could play with my hole if he wanted. At that, he stood up and turned me around. He spit on his dick and began pushing into my hole. He continued pushing steadily until he was all the way in. He kept me bent over and gave a nice pounding for a 10 minutes until he started grunting. At that, he pulled my hips in and bred me deep. It felt great getting his multi day load (according to what he said after). I thanked him and continued to cruise, as I now couldn’t leave without another breeding. A short while later, I found this hot 29 year old cruising the park. The type of guy that many wouldn’t think he’d be into the cruising scene. I followed him off the trail, and he pulled out his dick for me to suck. He didn’t take long to have me turn around so he could fuck me. He slid is raw dick in fairly easily from the last load in me and moaned at my wet hole. He just wanted to fuck and go quickly, because after a short bit, he pulled my shoulders back and bred his load into me. As I went home, I felt great and earning two massive loads. No names, no questions.
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