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Ranger Rick

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Everything posted by Ranger Rick

  1. Democrats have made it clear they hate people like me; white guys who live in mid-America. They call us deplorables, bitter-clingers, and sneer at us from their positions of power. For all Donald Trump;'s myriad faults, he doesn't seem to hate people like me. So, there's that at least.
  2. Still undecided. If the Democrats nominate someone who supports reasonable economic policies, safe secure borders, and the right to defend myself against homophobes and gay-bashers with firearms, I could vote for that person.
  3. The only time anyone cares about the debt is when the opposite party is in power. As for "constrained by Congress," IIRC, there was another president who said of Congress didn't do what he wanted, he would use his "pen and phone" to rule by Executive Decree. This same president used his executive power to strip college men accused of rape of their Due Process rights under the Constitution. Both parties are horrible. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties are authoritarian. Fuck them all.
  4. Look at the way the knives are out for Tulsi Gabbard; for the crime of being slightly less insane than the other candidates.
  5. Your results may vary, but based on the Democratic Debates, there are positions the Democratic nominee... whoever he or she is... will be representing: 1. State-run health care paid for by tax increases. 2. De facto open borders and free health care for illegal immigrants. 3. Severe gun control up to and including gun confiscations. 4. Severe restrictions on gas and oil development in the USA. Some candidates would even stop fracking, which has permitted the USA to become energy independent. 5. Increased economic hardships in the name of fighting 'Fighting Climate Change.' 6. Restrictions on 1st Amendment rights in the name of "fairness and equality." As for LGBT issues, which to some people are paramount over issues of economics and basic freedom, Donald Trump is 1. the first president ever elected who openly favored gay marriage before being elected 2. Has made ending laws against homosexuality a focus of his foreign policy 3. Appointed a gay man as ambassador to Germany OVER THE OBJECTIONS OF DEMOCRATS and 4. Worked to increase the availability of PrEP. So, while I don't like much about Trump --- the often unnecessary combativeness, the deference to aspects of the police state --- the Democrats are worse on all the issues that matter to me, and the Democrat propaganda about him being "Anti-LGBT" is just scare-talk to keep low-information voters on the plantation. I also like that he doesn't seem hot and heavy to start wars in the Middle East like the last two presidents.
  6. Yeah, whereas our propaganda is made by lumps like Michael Moore.
  7. Because no one gets hard thinking about being whipped by a vegan soyboy cuck.
  8. The debt only matters when the other party is in power.
  9. What are the chances the Democrats nominate someone with rational economic policies, who doesn't favor illegal immigrants over American citizens, and who isn't hostile to the 2nd Amendment?
  10. When I think of LGBT politics, I think of this scene from 'Pink Flamingos'
  11. Hm, maybe Castro really was Justin Trudeau's real father. It would explain a lot.
  12. Some of us are androphiles; we're attracted to masculinity and put off by femininity. There plenty of others who are into femmes. Point is, people like what they like. Nobody should be forced into anything they don't want. It sucks if a particular individual doesn't want to pick up what you're putting down. But that's just life. Man up and deal with it.
  13. There is considerable pressure in media never to present LGBT in a negative light.
  14. Gay 'chemsex' is fuelling (sic) urban HIV epidemics, AIDS experts warn - Reuters
  15. Guessing a lot fewer than there are gays throwing tantrums at Chik Fil A
  16. Established completely unrealistic expectations that could never be met in the real world.
  17. When I go to Poundtown, the last thing on my mind is someone's voting registration.
  18. I hate them both. I hate politics. I hate politicians. I hate how people drag politics into everything. Even into perverted RP sex forums. It would be great if government had so little control over our lives that it didn't matter who was in charge.
  19. Wasn't going to, but the more insane the attacks on him get, the more I'm wondering "Why do all the political and media scumbags hate him?"
  20. And that wasn't my point in posting it. There are plenty of legit criticisms of Trump, but the charge of homophobia is bullshit. If we're going to argue policy, it should be informed by facts and not based on rhetoric, propaganda, or emotional appeals.
  21. What "harm" have they actually caused?
  22. The irony of this being said on a site that glorifies HIV infection is off the charts. If this were anywhere near true, Mike Pence would be a BZ hero.
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