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Ranger Rick

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Everything posted by Ranger Rick

  1. So, Yale and MIT are fevered Trumpanzees now. [think before following links] https://thehill.com/latino/407848-yale-mit-study-22-million-not-11-million-undocumented-immigrants-in-us
  2. Not only did Donald Trump just nominate an openly gay man to be his Director of National Intelligence, the man he chose was the very same man Mitt Romney fired from his campaign for being gay.
  3. I would think tops are the only people using condoms.
  4. No crushes but a bunch of get with if the chance arose
  5. Is it still a lesbian thing to try to look like him?
  6. Snowflakes are dangerous when a bunch of them get together. Individually, they are fragile and deluded that they are unique and special.
  7. Now, having a macro that turned the devil-word into "Epstein didn't kill himself," that would be more contemporary.
  8. I look forward to more cutting edge jokes about Dan Quayle and Spiro Agnew.
  9. 2008 was a long time ago. It just looks stupid now.
  10. The Climate Change Activists remind me of televangelists. When thousands of them travel by private jet to Climate Change Conferences at plush resorts and then lecture on how *everyone else* needs to have a lower standard of living or the world is doomed; how are they different than a televangelist who rails that adultery and alcohol and gambling will lead you straight to hell... and then spend all their spare time in casinos, with hookers, getting wasted. Same thing. If you're going to preach that the world is facing is a climate apocalypse, don't own 13 enormous mansions and travel everywhere by private jet and megayacht (Lookin' at you, Bloomberg, Steyer, de Caprio, and Al Gore.)
  11. "Green energy" is not necessarily clean energy. The extraction of rare Earth metals and lithium does environmental damage that far exceeds the damage caused by fossil fuels. Wind and solar are devastating to wildlife, especially bats and migratory birds. There's also the issue of the child slave labor used to mine the metals used in car batteries. ([think before following links] https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/09/the-dark-side-of-electric-cars-exploitative-labor-practices/) The trillions of dollars spent switching to "green" energy that is worse for the environment than hydrocarbons would be better spent cleaning ocean pollution or providing clean water to the developing world.
  12. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/giving-the-furry-otter-b0y-another-p0z-load-convert-him-41949421
  13. This one doesn't seem to be enjoying it. [think before following links] https://str8boyslover.bdsmlr.com/post/154414054
  14. It didn't lead me down a path of darkness, but it did lead to a hot raw hook up with a young firefighter.
  15. It's just weird how the solutions pushed by the Climate Change activists are invariably political, invariably authoritarian, and invariably socialist. If human activity were driving global warming, than the solution would be scientific and engineering. Yet, you've got Greta "Scoldilocks" Thunberg screeching about colonialism and the Green New Deal that was full of sh-t like "universal guaranteed incomes" and "Government provided daycare" that have exactly shit to do with climate.
  16. Your comment offends me. I'm a go to my safe space and jackoff
  17. I'll take "Things I've said to my exes" for $400, Alex.
  18. The poz college boy who's been puppy dogging me says he got no symptoms at all when he was infected.
  19. Weird being a member in good standing considering how many forums I've been banned from.
  20. Can we maybe just let people decide for themselves? Crazy idea I know.
  21. In the afterglow, when I get to ask, "So, who are you guys?"
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