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Ranger Rick

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Everything posted by Ranger Rick

  1. Club Columbus also ain't so bad; pretty similar, actually.
  2. Bath houses are a lot like the weight room at my gym. Casual conversation is frowned upon. Always some hot guys a tong like they're way too good to talk to anyone else. Always pairs of small groups of Bros hanging out together and ignoring any body else. Godawful music on the sound system. Women have no fucking business is n either place. The major differences seem to be that staff at my weight room is somewhat less Queenie, and the gym management never has to close the showers because someone shit in them.
  3. It's about stopping people from using clever memes to criticize the EU Government.
  4. Doing poppers while watching porn. That's it.
  5. Had an argument with my college fuck puppy followed by intense raw dog makeup sex in his dorm apartment.
  6. Besides, the CIA was too busy with Chemtrails and inventing crack.
  7. Highly concentrated populations of people fucking like crazy.
  8. Hella inefficient bioweapon if it takes ten years to do the job; and requires a secondary infection to kill you off.
  9. My last four loads have all gone into the butt of my college fuck bud and I daresay the lad I a developing a bit of a crush on me.
  10. Discussion I had: Is chasing a form of self-harm?
  11. What a great name

  12. Has anyone been to Vapor in Louisville? Is it any good?
  13. The politicians would force them to after LGBT activists screamed that not paying for serial multi-million dollar AIDS treatments was "killing LGBT communities." Then the insurance company lobbies would make sure they got taxpayer reimbursement with 390% markups.
  14. "But honestly, I am shocked that many of you lost your virginity inder 14 with an adult" I find the majority of those stories to be less than credible. Not that I mind, it's mostly a fantasy forum and it's usually obvious what's real and what's fantasy.
  15. Would people get turned on by diabetes or Krohn's or cancer if they were sexually transmitted?
  16. The 20 year old I've been seeing is not thrilled with his status.
  17. You know, since she hasn't been relevant for over a decade, it is kind of silly to keep this going. Switch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Joy Behar or someone else who is at least current.
  18. Alternatively, some people are just sociopaths.
  19. Cock cages, like pup hoods, are something you rarely saw a couple of years ago. Now they're everywhere.
  20. Someone should get an NHS grant to study this phenomenon. I'll require $80M, a well-equipped "laboratory," travel expenses, and a large number of lab assistants and subjects. Expect my report on 3-6 years. Perhaps longer.
  21. My doctor told me that among his patients, he has several guys on Prep that don't need to be and a lot more who aren't on Prep who should be.
  22. I wonder if the term "gay" is insensitive to men who suffer from depression.
  23. What's the gay chem porn equivalent of "Mary Sue."
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