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Everything posted by einathens

  1. there's been at least one thread about this already. as i recall, jackson taylor quit TIM because of the video 'slammed,' in which he does not appear. the publicity for his debut scene says 'when we showed jackson taylor ethan wolfe's new tattoo he went nuts' or something similar. read the TIM model application. as i recall, it gives performers to opportunity to serosort if they so choose. how about if, instead of rehashing, we go back and read what's already been coverec here?
  2. Is MyBareBuddies too cutesie?
  3. for me it depends on the guy(s) and the mood. sometimes i like it froggy style (on my back with my legs pulled up) so we can see each other's eyes. that's when i insist on kissing. also choking and spitting and slapping are easiest in that position. sometimes doggy style is best. choking works that way, too. kissing, not so much. if his cock has the right curve to it, there's nothing better than him on his back and me cowboy riding him. if there's a sling involved, i want my feet in the stirrups, and if there are multiple tops present, i want to be blindfolded. and sometimes i wanna be face down, legs spread, just a hole taking cock(s).
  4. i know it's still 2 months away, but who knows they're going to the folsom street fair? i'll be there, staying at goodhotel 2 blocks away. my goal is to take 25 loads per night all 4 nights of my stay, for a 100-load weekend. any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. when i go to flex in atlanta i go with a buddy. if things are kinda slow we'll meet in one of the public areas where people are congregating and flip fuck for a while. that way the crowd knows we're both willnig to give and take raw cock.
  6. oh, please. if all these 'straight' men want is a prostate-driven orgasm, they could hand a dildo to their wives and ask het to go to town on their ass. if what these 'straight' men want is sex with an actual member of their same sex, then they are not actually heterosexual, no matter how many hairs they split or self- definitions they twist into pretzels. so spare me the rallying cry for hypocrite liberation. by chosing to lie you chose to enter into a legally sanctioned contract still denied to most of us chosing to live in the truth. the minute you break the 'forsaking all others' part the rest are dead too. and if you're chosing to do it raw, you're chosing to endanger the health of your wife as well. explain to me how 'love, honor and cherish' fit into that. one final request. i'd like a show of hands from all the men who are living in open, public same-sex relationships and sleeping with women in secret.
  7. if you're actually 100% straight, you're not considering or looking for sex with other men. if you want sex with men but you still want the social approval of heterosexuality, you're a hypocrite. calling yourself straight but seeking sex with men makes you a liar. i refuse to have sex with married and/or straight-identified men. if you can't be honest about who you are and what you want, i'm not sleeping with you.
  8. is the OP also assuming that the poz guys are unmedicated? makes for a hotter fantasy, i guess. if you're really curious, go to the websites for the studios and look at the model applications. at least one of them asks about status and serosorting.
  9. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." freedom of speech is not absolute. it is constantly evolving. all the amendment says is that the government will not interfere. it makes no mention of the Terms of Service to which you agreed when you signed up here, on a private site. all that your whining does is make it chear what you are. you're westboro baptist.
  10. i find the combination of lanky, west virginia, redhead, smart, funny and good-natured to be very attractive.
  11. years ago as a writing exercise i wanted to see if i could write a story so tasteless and offensive that no magazine, not even Hustler, would publish it. i worte a romantic and explicit tale of terry schiavo and her lover. and not even Hustler would publish it.
  12. or maybe just call it Lube + . i'd make the + sign big, with the horizontal bar solid and the vertical one outline only, like a - sign waiting to be filled in and made complete.
  13. @tiger: i think 'icky' tends to refer to the products of bodily functions other than ejeculation. @fuckboy: in my opinion, you're more in touch with the mental, spiritual, emotional and psychological parts of your sexual identity.
  14. so it was fun at the time and i remember it as being fun, but it wasn't actually fun because you say it wasn't? do i have to ask how much fun hitting the 'unsubscribe' link will be?
  15. i remember when viagra was first hitting the market, every gay bar i went to had fliers warning people not to use poppers while taking it. and viagra itself has a clear warning 'do not take viagra if using nitrates...' i have questions about your final assertion. "...you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real." if you believe it's more fun, isn't it more fun? and if it's something as subjective as fun, if you believe it's real, it's real, isn't it?
  16. @ rawtop-- you should call it loaded lube
  17. it can be difficult to find men who are truly good at fucktalk in general. and finding one gifted in the subset of bareback/pozzing is harder still. if you find one, hang onto him and encourage him. it's easier than training one.
  18. i like the black light ink idea. how about one with 'raw' on the front and an arrow pointing to the crotch? it's companion piece would have 'raw' on the back with an arrow pointing to the ass.
  19. i have a lot of TIM tees, and i wear them often. i find that the message is clear to those who know what they're looknig at, and to anyone else it just looks like a gimme tee. wore the 'meatpacker' to breakfast a while back and when i was waiting for the bathroom a beefy redhead came out of the kitchen and started talking to me about it. we ended up swapping numbers but haven't played yet. i also got one from the cumunion guys last year. it features the head and torso of a man drenched in cum. its graphics are lovely and its message is unmistakeable. i save it for my infrequent nights out cruising bars. have gotten a few funny looks, no overt negative reactions and a coupla phone numbers while wearing it.
  20. to me being a pig means making the rest of the world go away. by that i mean able to give yourself fully to the pleasures being given and taken in the moment without worrying about the repurcussions or what anyone else might think afterward. it's about finding your true inner self and giving it to the man/men you're having sex with, ununhibited and free. nothing else matters, nothing else exists except the intimacy and communication. and it's about growing into that true self. you discover that something gives you pleasure, and you accept it, embrace it and find out more. and then you do it again, and you do more, because it just feels so fukkin good.
  21. i don't know if it's industry standard, but i believe that treasure island allows performers to serosort if they so desire.
  22. i've always had an active, dark imagination. found a partner who was just as sick as i was, and we encouraged each other to become more extreme both in fantasy and reality. the mindfucks were as amazing as the bodyfucks. that said, i know the difference between make-believe and real life, and there are some lines that just aren't worth crossing. and there are some things i would never admit in print to fantasizing about. my current hobby is sex that results in bruises. next week it could be something else. hell, if you'd told me 10 years ago that i'd willingly and enthusiastically spend entire evenings in a sling taking load after load of poz cum from men i didn't know and sometimes didn't even see, i would've told you you were crazy. and look at me now.
  23. dude, do the work. if you wanna be in an actual porn movie and not just an internet scene, visit the webpage of your favorite bb porn studios and click the 'model application' and/or 'contact us' links. TIM has an office in new york. start there.
  24. it sucks when the mind hasn't caught up to what the body wants. you can't really hurry his progress along. only you can decide if you want to wait for him.
  25. much piggier. more open to suggestion and exploration, much more into the darker and more extreme parts of sex, less closeted about being a barebacker, much more open to getting gangbanged...
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