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Everything posted by einathens

  1. let me repeat it-- he's controlling you by withholding approval. he's abusing you by making you doubt yourself. he's isolating you by alienating some of your friends and making the others question you. the fact that he behaves one way in private and another in public shows that he knows exactly what he's doing. I've been there. he won't change because he doesn't think he has to. he might alter his behavior slightly for brief periods of time, but that's just to get you to stay. the periods of charm and sweetness will become briefer and farther apart and the negativity more frequent and focused. eventually he will become physically abusive, but he can only do that if you remain with him. the choice is yours. make it today. you moved to be with him. you can move to be without him.
  2. if the point of it is humiliation via visible semen, I'd call it screwkakke.
  3. i think there's a judgment implicit in your question, so I'm gonna say no.
  4. to take Viagra if you slam? my apologies if this is in the wrong section.
  5. Looking for poz loads during Up Your Alley weekend. Staying on 7th in soma and looking for all the seed I can take. And now that the brig is gone I'm also looking for sexclubs/backrooms to visit. Any locals care to advise?
  6. In my experience, men can change up to 14% of their behavior for up to 4 months at a time. Anyone requiring more than that should be regarded warily. True sluts can find successful relationships. Just not monogamous ones. The key is finding a partner who understands, appreciates and encourages that side of you. Anything else just won't last. To me, tame = control. I couldn't be with someone like that.
  7. you can also go to the thrift store and buy a wood sidechair with a removable seat. remove the seat and screw in the toilet seat through the frame from the bottom. gives the guy sitting a more relaxed posture and the guy on the floor under it more room to work with. alternately, a solid wood side table turned on its sidewith the seat attached to the legs can also work.
  8. This is my 734th post. I'll gratefully accept anything you'd care to give me. Size: medium Color: black Graphic: rawtop, raunchy fucker, breedingzone Graphic color: metallic or light Back graphic: biohaz You know l proudly advertise
  9. to me 'pussy' just sounds too friendly for an intense mindfuck fuckscene. i'll save it for breezier, more affectionate occasions. some holes are just cunts and should be called such when appropriate. however, I draw the line at 'mangina.'
  10. I look for the absence of phrases like 'safe only' and such. at least that's a starting point. i'll write 'I like what your profile doesn't say' and if they mention wild, kinky, uninhibited and so on I ask for their definition of the word. I use the phrases 'raw neighbor with benefits' and 'recreational kink' on sites where the blurbs are censorable.
  11. fort troff has a rosebud pumper on sale right now. i'm sure the effect is temporary but i'm excited that mine is arriving tomorrow.
  12. might best be suited to a new thread, but..... sassy boys being taken down a peg? legacy (implied) pozzing? punishment fucking? my-boy's-a-bigger-cumslut-than-your-boy? brothers overpowering mean daddy? I've been begging TIM to do an intergenerational disciplinary vid for years.
  13. How do you know you have all the cock and cum he needs? I know you're dealing with a lot of confusing stuff right now, but phrases like 'I wouldn't hurt him if....' say to me that there are circumstances in which you would hurt him and that is a red flag. If you really like this guy, the best thing you can do for you both is honestly tell him what's going on in your heart and head and tell him you'd love to see him again in six months or so when you've worked your head out of your ass and stopped telling yourself and everyone else 'I'm straight but....'
  14. Welcome, neighbor. Take off your pants and make yourself at home.
  15. It comes from the fact that when we're kids we believe that our parents are always right and always do as they should. If you hear often enough that you're not good enough, you'll start to believe it. That damage can take a lifetime to erase There are therapeutic techniques that can help. One is reframing Listen in your mind to your parents telling you these things, but picture them in clown makeup Or picture yourself as a child but dare to disagree with them and tell them they're wrong. Imagine them apologizing to you A simple thing you can do is create an incompatible response. Wear a rubberband on your wrist and when you find yourself drifting to that negative space, snap it hard enough to hurt. Admit to yourself that no matter their intentions, the words and actions caused you damage and pain. They were wrong. Any steps you take to heal are good ones.
  16. Consider joining some of the bear sites (growlr, bear411, and so on ). You'll find men who look like what you're looking for, and who will love you for your shape. As for what's in your head, all you can do is recognize where it came from and continue working to counteract it
  17. oh hell fucking yes
  18. how young and naïve do you have to be to not know that you don't bite the hand?
  19. I certainly hope that paul morris is savvy enough to realize that this is the perfect time to release the Best of Jackson Taylor retrospective. Including the interview where he talks about taking loads at 4 and any unused footage they may have onhand
  20. Sept 29th. I booked my room in march. Don't know what's still available.
  21. you already know they're forever. play with the temp ones until you're sure.
  22. I think that is a truly horrible idea. Circulating info among friends is one thing, but bitchy queens are destructive enough without having a codified database.
  23. you're in the poz seed capitol of the world. enjoy the journey. if you want to convert via one-on-one experiences with the pozzer of your choice, you're in the perfect place. just make sure it's what he wants as well. i'll be there in 6 weeks. like to sit down with you then.
  24. just got a new phone so in addition to a4a and bbrt i'm now on scruff and grindr. posted my cigar pics and joined growlr and bear411 as well.
  25. i'm curious as to why you think that tops don't suck cock. not my experience at all. i also wonder how you can say on one hand that all a bottom exists for is to give pleasure to a top and then turn around and bitch when that pleasure involves sucking your cock. if those are your definitions of top and bottom, i say you should shut up and like it. if you cum, you cum. who cares? just stay there and take it until the last top is done with you. and if a jockstrap isn't right for you, rip a hole in a pair of tighty whities. or buy yourself some crotchless panties and wear them backwards.
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