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Everything posted by einathens

  1. took first known poz load over 30 years ago.
  2. my own belief is that we are each responsible for testing regularly, knowing our status, and behaving accordingly. If the guy doesn't ask, disclosing your status is up to you, but if he asks, I believe that you must answer honestly.
  3. expect maybe half of the guys who rsvp to actually show. have definite start and end times. lock all valuables in the room safe or trunk of the car. have plenty of water, towels and lube. book in a hotel that doesn't require your guests to call from the lobby to access your room. whatever your drug use policy is, state it clearly in the invite. hope for a great, hot night but don't be surprised if it just doesn't happen.
  4. I think that chems are an awesome excuse, they absolve you of responsibility for the result of your actions. my opinion, if you NEED chemical assistance to go bare and poz-enthusiastic, you're not ready.
  5. some people don't get to visit the site daily. I can understand having to binge-read postings and respond to them as you go down the line. as someone who posts on a semi-regular basis, I'd rather have one guy read my opinion and add his own thoughts than have 50 read it and not say a word.
  6. "All I want is to carry one man's love inside me for the rest of my life." Fukkin beautiful, the perfect explanation.
  7. longest, 37 years. second longest, 21 years.
  8. made me think of SNL's commercial for Gangsta Bitch Barbie ("comes with cellphone and restraining order...") and Tupak Ken.
  9. I did a bit of websearching myself. My leather Billy is MIB, and I think it's time to put him on the market.
  10. doubt means don't. but if you're tempted anyway, ask him his opinion on the subject.
  11. do a websearch for Earring Magic Ken. two-tone hair, aqua contacts, shirtless with purple pleather vest and cockring necklace. if you really want an openly gay doll, I'm sure eBay still has Billy (anatomically correct, even) and his lover Carlos and their buddies. They could all move into Barbie's Dream House without redecorating a thing.
  12. i like to think that the penis is the least important part of the man. if 6" is the average, about 1/3 of men will have less than that, and 1/3 will have more. if he doesn't measure up to your expectations, play with the rest of him. and no complaining. it's bad fuckarma. speaking of complaining, I quite often have problems at the opposite end of the spectrum: I'm psycho horny, just wanna take cock, get pounded, get my ass flooded and sore. so I pick up a big, burly, butch stevedore kinda guy, he growls about how he's gonna wreck me. I can't wait to get started. We get naked. he sees my cock, squeals, and up go his heels like they're full of helium. so I end up going home and pulling a rubber substitute out of the bedside drawer. happens more than I'd care to admit.
  13. i have an etiquette question: what if a cock comes through the hole and (for whatever reason) you don't wannna suck it?
  14. "your hole is as tight as it was in highschool."
  15. just common sense, not the voice of experience. SRO guys are the extent of my knowledge; my liberal guilt for fetishizing them kicks in afterward. but I have 2 to play with next month when I'm in SF.
  16. don't take them to your place. bring food, including a doggybag. don't take them to a hotel with a minibar, put your valuables in the room safe, insist on a long hot soapy shower, and make sure they leave the room before you do.
  17. daddy says, no more porn until you find a job. and no jacking off for a week.
  18. you might have diminished testosterone levels, 'low T' they call it in the commercial for the prescription drug which treats it. simple blood test from your doctor will tell.
  19. listing a bunch of traits and labeling them as 'undesirable' makes it sound like you get to decide what's sexy and what isn't. you do get to decide that-- but only for yourself. how about 'not conventionally attractive' ?
  20. everyone has their favorite sexual archetypes. age, hair color, height, body type, degree of hirsuteness, IQ, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, degree of perceived 'masculinity,' and so on can all combine in different ways and become individual fetishes. and that's okay. some of the hottest sex I've had in my multiple decades of having hot sex has been with men lots of guys wouldn't look at twice, or away from whom they might actively look. and that's okay, too. more for me. I didn't find your question to be offensive, just arrogant and snotty. but you apologized in advance so I'm not gonna give you a hard time about it.
  21. small chance they might be syph, which looks like a pimple. even after they clear up, I'd get tested just to be sure.
  22. negative: the virus is not present in your system. positive: the virus is present in your system. undetectable: the virus is present in your system, but medication suppresses it enough to prevent transmission. unknown: the virus hasn't been tested for, so status is unclear. I don't know about 'unknown on prep.' seems like they'd test first to see if you have the virus the medication is supposed to prevent you from receiving. prep will not keep you safe from anything other than hiv.
  23. fukkin beautiful pig

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      I'd love to share that with you. Liking in each other's eyes and making out while we have our cocks buried in both ends

  24. Prep won't save you from other STDs. How would you explain that to your wife? I'm gonna skip my usual indignation at married men cheating on their wives. You've heard it before, I'm sure, perhaps even from yourself. My hope is that your fear is really your conscience trying to get through. Listen to it some time when you're not overcome with the hornies. You're not the only one at risk, and you have no right to endanger anyone else just because you've got a hardon.
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