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  1. VY6BAECU8
  2. I've cheated through most of my relationships, I blame my first bf, when for a bit of fun, with another friend we stopped at a cruising ground, nothing happened or was intended. It was then highlighted to me that I drove past it every day to and from work! So that became a regular stop off. I'd not feel too guilty if no harm came or was caused as a result. It was the cause of two break ups having got caught. The thrill of the chase, someone new, a random person to discover can be too irresistible.
  3. Edinburgh here
  4. where I the list? I'm happy to take any recommendations
  5. link to the full movie, think is the one you are looking for? [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/fucking-awesome-10505177
  6. My first fuck was BB, growing up in the 80's. - 90s it took me to leave home for college to lose my virginity. I had experimented a bit cottaging, swimming baths, but was petrified of being caught, I remember the age of consent changing and still didn't feel comfortable. My second term I decided I just wanted to have sex with anyone and spent hours cottaging, until I got lucky with an older guy, late 40's, slim is all I really remember. He wanted to fuck in the toilets which I refused, we walked to his which seemed an age, hoping I would not bump into anyone. I don't remember him asking me , I just let him, slide his dick in and fuck me raw until he loaded me. It must have been late I remember sleeping and then leaving in the morning and never saw him again. A few months later I picked a guy up in a Bar, he had a lovely thick 7 inch or more dick, brought him home, before I know it he's got me face down, and pumping his dick into me. Again I let him do as he wished, and he pumped a load into me, pulled out, dressed and left. It never thought about HIV despite remembering the Aids adverts that appeared on TV I had a long term boyfriend until late 20's who I was pretty unfaithful, cottaging and crusing but always safe. We used condoms, until we split and probably my late 20's was the start of my journey into BB.
  7. mmm hot start..
  8. I used to blow this guy local to me, anon dark room style. Usually on Grindr, message and he would be round, always dark evening winter time. I would be waiting mouth open. He had a huge fat cock I would service him once a week. I never saw his face, practically ran out the door and bolted. Despite trying . Years later an ended up fucking him in similar anon style. We occasionally chat on line not even sure if he's local. The not knowing was the part of the fun, he's wanted to meet now and again but we have never managed.
  9. I had been chatting to this guy for what seemed like ages on Scruff, nothing ever came of it, muscled smooth older guy, I had given up the chance of meeting so regularly exchanged how's your day kinda messages. I can't remember if | realised on BBRT but I found him on there, we chatted again for a bit a while, I grow a bit bored if am honest, some chase is fun but if its message back and forth with what seems like no possibility my urge to meet drops. So one mid week decide to see if I can get a cum dump organised or least a few loads. Surprisingly I managed to get three so was pretty buzzed at my achievement on a Wednesday afternoon, I kept looking and then saw this guy on BBRT and shot him a message, no harm, did he want to add another load. To my surprise, he agreed. I had been specific I wanted a straight to type fuck dump and go. Arrived, he shorter than I thought, big. bulge, before we know it my trousers are down and he reveals 7.5 thick cut cock with a huge mushroom head. All the time I am thinking I have met this person, does he think the same? I am bent over and his thick dick is at my hole, then forced inside as he starts to pump. His mushroom is so big it acts like a scoop, and his head is pulling out the cum from my hole, onto the rug running down my leg. Not long and he is breeding me. With the slow realisation and memory jog, a month or so I had been to a friends for dinner, and he had been a guest and for the evening I sat making polite chat for several hours. We never met again, nor mentioned it when we met, never quite knowing if he knew what I knew, even continue to chat on line, nor knowing if he told my friend what a slut I was and how full my hole had been on that day.
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