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Everything posted by Hotboi01

  1. I mean, I'd say it's worth getting tested if you're concerned. From what I know, you definitely wanna get tested if you plan to go back on prep. In fairness though, I got bred by random strangers for years before I went on prep & never got pozzed. As long as any poz tops were undetectable, you have no worries.
  2. Love the cock pics man, would love to let ya dick me down!!

    1. ALPHAboy


      Love your ass pics. Makes my dick leak...

  3. If you don't mind a sloppy hole, I'll gladly take a load from ya sometime. Usually have a day or two every week where I run around & try to get 5 to 10 loads. Got 6 yesterday.
  4. I think your best bet is SW. Pretty easy to get loads generally though some nights there seem to be more condom users than not. Time one of your visits with a CumUnion party sometime. You'll easily get your 15+ loads
  5. Yesterday's count, 4 guys, 6 loads.


    1. chubbybear


      Damn fine ass for loading. Makes this total bottom want to be a top!

    2. cumbottom4use


      totally hot for a totally hot ass!

  6. Love it! Had a few small experiences where the guy did it, but I don't think they pissed much. Then my husband did it...full load of piss all the way up my ass after he'd been fucking me for a while. After he'd drained it, he proceeded to continue fucking me. In pretty short order, that piss started working its way down until it just started erupting from my ass. He's pounding my ass doggy style & with every pump, more & more piss is just spraying out of my ass. I started to pull away which instantly told him what to do...He punches me in the middle of the back, knocking the wind out of me. I'd been holding myself up with my arms but just collapsed. My ass was still in the air...sorta. He grabbed me by the back of the neck with one hand, grabbed my waist with another & held me in place while he continued to pound my ass. It was the most intense feeling I'd ever experienced...It wasn't exactly painful, but definitely overwhelming. I'm a pretty solid power bottom, I like it to hurt a bit, I get off on tops that enjoy making a bottom suffer, but this..... I had tears streaming down my face as he kept a hold of me, pumping my ass...just feeding off my whimpers & whines until finally I could hear & feel him getting close. Those last few seconds as his screams started to build felt like an eternity but eventually I felt his warm, thick jizz start to flood my ass & I knew it was over. He made me turn around & suck his dick afterwards. I was rock hard...& he saw it. After I'd cleaned his dick, he made me stand up. He got on his knees & sucked my dick until I shot my load into the back of his throat. It didn't take long That whole session blurs my memory but I'm pretty sure I was horny as fuck & made him pound my ass again after we slept for a few hours
  7. Got tagged team just after this pic was taken. Even put a good long scratch in the hardwood floors :)


    1. chubbybear


      Nice ass, hairy legs, and feet. YUM! 

  8. Hey! A little late...your post is from August but in the event that anyone comes across this, I figure I'd give my two cents because I love CumUnion Parties!!! So first, the CumUnion parties are great! However, like anything, they can be hit or miss. Some are EPIC orgies & gang bangs, others are just a wee bit of fun. At Steamworks, the 3rd floor is definitely the best place to be, as that's where the CumUnion party directs people. There will be people in Steamworks that aren't even aware it's a CumUnion party, thus they might try & fuck you with a condom. Best way to minimize that is by sticking to the 3rd floor. Next, don't be afraid to go early. Honestly, I like to get there around 8:30. People come in waves all night..I usually stick it out till between 1 & 3 am, depending on how busy it is. All in all, I've had a great time at the parties both here & in other cities. Some nights it's just a few loads, other nights it's a 20 to 30 load night with sloppy asses being fucked everywhere!!!! All just depends on the night, the people, the mood they're in, the weather, the moon, the position of mars...lol..you get the idea. As for the Lights out nights, they're cool but I'm not sure they're much different than regular nights. It's already a pretty dimly lit place ,they just turn off a few extra lights, that's all. CumUnion nights beat Lights out nights any time!!!!
  9. Getting fucked & bred


    1. chubbybear


      Hot BBC in a hot ass. Looks like you had a good time. Raw black cock and loads are the best!

  10. Will be there again this year! Planning to spend most of my time at the Phoenix/Eagle & Rawhide 2010 At the Phoenix/Eagle I just kinda mill around upstairs bending over wherever & taking as many loads as possible. At Rawhide I usually try & push my way to the pool table in the back (provided it's still there) & bend over that so that everyone can have a ride
  11. As far as Chicago goes I generally have decent luck at Steamworks though it really depends on the night. I always get loads at MansCountry but it's a very different crowd as well.
  12. One on ones, yep, I'm picky. If I'm being whored out, or whoring myself out somewhere (someone's house, bathhouse, bar) then I don't care at all who fucks me. Total no loads refused cum dump, the more the better!!
  13. I'd been meaning to write about my experience for a while, I just kept forgetting. Now as some of the details begin to fade I figured it was time! So this was my first experience at Southern Decadence & my 2nd time in NOLA. I went with a 'client'/friend of mine. He's older & quite a bit more reserved as far as his actions but is cool watching me do whatever. We flew down on Friday. Our flight was light, so by the time we got to the hotel, it was around 12:30am Saturday morning. Cleaned up a bit, grabbed a cab & got over to Rawhide by 1:30. Honestly, I didn't expect much from Friday night. The place was packed though with people even pouring out on the street. Stood outside for a bit debating what to do. Finally decided to push our way in. Got a drink at the bar & I continued pushing my way back. I'm from Chicago, so I'm used to packed bars but this was something else!! Got towards the back room but from what I could tell from lifting myself up using random guys shoulders (I'm only 5'4) there wasn't much going on back there, plus it was too packed even for me! So we left & grabbed a cab to Phoenix/Eagle. They had a little street thing going on beside the bar, so lots of people, but they were restricting the flow to the upstairs (where the action happens). That seemed sucky at the moment, but turned out to be pretty good! Had a few drinks & by then we could tell that the line kept moving decently so we hopped into it. Got upstairs shortly their after & it was full & quite steamy up there but again, that line served a purpose, it wasn't packed beyond belief! Initially was pretty hesitant. Took off my shirt because it was hot but kept my shorts on. After seeing some nearby fucking, I immediately got in the mood & so stripped down to my jockstrap. Had a guy suck my dick for a bit which was whatever. I like getting head, but in these situations I just want guys fucking me! Slowly pushed back into the place as people would leave & eventually got to one of the tables that ya stand at. Stood there & had our drinks & I took the opportunity to push my ass out. Within a pretty short amount of time I had my first taker. Now the bad thing about this place is that there are a lot more condom users. Normally I'm not a fan, however, I want people to see that I'm available & that they can fuck me if I'm want & even condom users fucking me help to serve this purpose. So had a few guys fuck me, at least 2 with a condom, not sure about 1 or 2 more but nothing remarkable. After about 3 or 4 random guys though, a hot, older, muscular black guy comes up. Talks to me a bit as he's stroking his dick & then sadly puts on a condom. At this point though, I figured i just wasn't going to get much raw dick. So I bend over & take it. He fucks & fucks & fucks. Slow & steady, but intense & definitely different from the usual shorter fucks you get in places like this. Eventually I needed a break & had to pee so I stand upright & he pulls out. We chat for a bit & he's definitely wanting more so I take my break, go pee & work my way back to where I was, getting a few short fucks along the way. Eventually I find him again & we chat for a while. Pretty soon he starts to get horny which makes me want to let him fuck me so I stroke his dick for a bit & then turn around & push my ass towards it. I fully expected him to pull out a condom & put it on but I sure as hell wasn't going to help him. To my surprise, he lets me push my ass onto it. I was sure this was just going to be "the tip" & then he'd put the condom on but he kept going & then whispers in my ear something to the effect of, "You feel so good like this, I'm glad you let me do it". I didn't say anything back but I was immediately hard because I knew I was getting raw dick for sure this time! He fucked me for quite a while but he'd already been in there for sometime so sadly he couldn't get off. Not sure I got any loads that night but I probably got fucked by 8 guys in total. Slept in the next day & had dinner late so that we could head out late. I really don't remember much at all about Saturday. I know we tried Rawhide again, but still, majorly packed. Went back to Phoenix/Eagle & went upstairs three times I believe, probably getting fucked by 6 or 7 guys each time so we'll round low & say 15 total. Did go by Rawhide again before heading home & found a little action but not a ton. Probably got fucked by 5 guys, & then I fucked this big booty guy that was bent over the pool table & gave him my load as we were walking out! So night 2 was maybe 20 guys fucking me?!?! Now the third night, Sunday. Things had definitely slowed down a bit this night, but don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call it slow, just much more manageable. Went to Phoenix/Eagle for a bit & there was still some action, got fucked 6 or 7 times upstairs but then had to come down because of the heat. Went up once more & probably got fucked like 4 more times but the action was slowing. So decided to give Rawhide a try & I'm glad we did! It was busy still, but workable. Got drinks & slowly pushed our way to the back room with the pool table. I was just in my jockstrap again, hoping to attract some attention as we walked. Made our way to the far back corner & I decided to camp out here. We're standing back there sorta talking over the noise when I feel someone touch my ass so I push my ass back & arch my back. The guy got the signal & started fucking me & we were off! This continued for sometime with me just bent up against the wall. Probably had 10 to 12 guys fuck me like that before a pause happened. So stood there taking a little break & moved our position a little bit. I'm not sure when it happened but at some point once I started getting fucked again, I ended up bent over the pool table in the middle of the room with a few other bottoms, hitting our poppers as guys just pounded us. At one point, the guy that was with me taps me on the shoulder & points behind me saying, "You have a line". I look back & sure enough, jamming up the regular traffic going around this pool table was a line, waiting on my ass. I just smiled & bent back over. Got to have some convo with the other bottoms as we were bent over the pool table which was fun & kinda hot! At one point during this, someone had gotten underneath me & started playing with my dick while I was getting fucked. Another person had their hands on my balls & someone was also playing with my nipples all while a dick was being flopped around my face. I started to get a little worn out both me in general & my ass, & I was about to pull away when I stopped myself. I realized this was an amazing moment & I just needed to give myself up to it. Being an object like this at the center of a crowd was a fantasy come true, so I just focused on relaxing myself & letting all these men do what they wanted & it was amazing. I seriously have no idea how many guys fucked me though. We were in that place for like 3 hours & it was near non-stop fucking the entire time. My ass felt great! I'd guess probably 40+ guys fucked me. I mean there were almost 10 guys in the little line when I turned around so I think 40 is a conservative number. All in all, I'd honestly say my numbers are pretty conservative. I really think I could have been fucked by as many as 100 guys over the weekend but I think 75 is a pretty safe number. Next year I'm keeping better track!! Not sure on how many loads I got, that was hard to tell. So much action going on around me that at a lot of times, I was paying more attention to what was happening around me than what was happening to me. Next year I'm going to keep better track of that & the number of guys that fuck me!!
  14. I've only been in to Touche once so not much experience there however, I've had many great experiences in the Hole at Jackhammer. Usually go down there on Saturday nights. 1am is probably still a little earlier but it's starting to pick up. By 2, I can just walk in there bend over and be fucked by a ton of guys. I think I've been down there on a Friday too but I don't much remember. At any rate, it's like any place else, there will be busy nights and slow nights. Plus if there's nothing going on, just bend over and get it started
  15. Hey guys, will be at the CumUnion Party tomorrow night 6/10/2013. Prefer public fucking so I never get a room, just bend over in the halls, on a bench or in the sling. No loads refused so if you see me & wanna fuck just say something, grab my ass, whatever. I'm easy like that
  16. In a pic mood lately so any tops in Chicago that don't mind snapping a few shots of your dick in my ass, hit me up and I'm more than happy to swing by for a pump and dump Not really looking for extended play, just a nice and easy pump 'n dump
  17. It all depends on the day of the week and the time of day. Overall I'd say yes, I've taken multiple loads in well under an hour on many occasions at Steamworks! I love the place!
  18. I've been to the Chicago one twice (September and October) and also the San Francisco one during Folsom weekend. The Chicago one seems hit or miss. From what I'm told from a friend who's gone for about 6 months, more good than bad. In my experience, well worth it. It's at Steamworks here which is nice, clean and large. Plenty of fucking in both public and private areas and a good variety of guys, younger twinks, some young muscle guys, old muscle guys, beefier guys and bears, runs the gambit really. You can bend over somewhere and definitely get fucked or cruise around until you find what you want. The San Francisco one was different but equally cool. The location, Playspace was a much more public place. Basically two large rooms connected by two smaller ones. Seemed a lot more piggier which was hot, just guys all over the place fucking and sucking. I got there late but still easily took two loads and dumped another in a very short period of time before we had to get on to another event
  19. Thanks for the message man! Damn hot yourself, I'd love to swap fucks and loads with you!!!

  20. I think it depends on the city you're in but Steamworks is definitely a good place for it! Just let some guy fuck your ass in a public area there and very quickly you'll have a group around you. When that guy is done just stay in position and someone else will gladly dive in and continue.
  21. Glad ya like it man! Love to let you mount and breed me!

  22. I'm a bottom and I definitely prefer non-reciprocation encounters. I've never used any sort of chastity device but I'm not really turned on by that either. I more prefer tops. That will grab my hand if I try to touch myself and then punish me for it by hitting me, spitting in me or changing up their fucking pattern so that it hurts me more. In discussions with tops that I'm looking to hook up with I've actually turned down guys who are into getting me off because I can tell we aren't on the same page. I want a top who is all about using me for his pleasure in ways that are degrading, abusive and even painful to me. If a top wants to get me off it puts us on too much of the same level which isn't enjoyable, I get pleasure and I want my tops to get pleasure out of treating me like a piece of ass and nothing more. The only time I've found some pleasure in cumming is when the bf has started sex out by focusing on my dick, he'd suck me until I shot it in his mouth, making me think the night was all about my pleasure, but them as soon as I'd cum, he'd flip me over, spit my cum mixed with his saliva onto my ass and his dick and start brutally fucking me right after I'd had a really intense orgasm which made getting fucked the last thing on my mind. The first time he did it, I was so unprepared and he was so rough that I was practically crying, begging him to stop. He punched me in the back to knock the wind out of me a but then put himself flat on me, holding me down with his weight bad freeing his hands. One went over my mouth to muffle me and the other then went around my throat. He put his mouth right up to my ear and told me that he owned my faggot ass and it was his to tear up and dump his charged loads in whenever he wanted. By the time he Let out this primal growl and scream, pounding his dick into me in one hell of an intense orgasm, I had gotten hard again. Of course I didn't get off again though. He rolled off me and we past out. I guess that one is a mixture but I felt like it was almost the ultimate non-recip encounter. As for more frequent things like hookups, I have a regular thing I give people. I come in and strip naked or down to a jockstrap at the door. They can take me somewhere or just turn me around right there. I can bend over against the wall, get down on all fours or just lay flat on my stomach, whichever way, my ass is there's. They generally eat it a bit, then slide in and fuck me. Once they bust a load in my ass and pull out, I get dressed and leave. I do several of these encounters in a row that way I can get used by several guys and have multiple loads dumped in me.
  23. I've met up with guys like this before, two tops looking for a bottom to share. I love it as a bottom and as a top!!
  24. So I've seen quite a few porns where guys are restrained on a St. Andrew's Cross. I've even seen some bareback ones, but it seems like the guys usually get taken off the thing before being fucked so I'm curious if anyone knows of any titles where the guys actually get fucked for quite a while on one, restrained and everything. Sidenote, if anyone has one and wants to fuck and breed me while restrained on one of these, PLEASE, hit me up
  25. Hot pics! Love to swap loads!!

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