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    Metro Philadelphia
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    == Results from bdsmtest.org: ==
    93% Voyeur
    93% Dominant
    81% Degrader
    74% Non-monogamist
    71% Exhibitionist
    64% Sadist
    63% Brat tamer
    55% Master/Mistress
    50% Vanilla
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    33% Experimentalist
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  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Younger bottoms only. Orally vers top here.

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  1. I've not had a lot of luck on Grindr. Guys tend to be pros or looking to parTy, which (no judgement) isn't my thing. I'm on Scruff but it works better when out of town. It tends to be the same guys in my immediate suburban area.
  2. It's a matter of semantics. THEY consider themselves straight. I'd argue if someone was 100% straight, they wouldn't be able to maintain an erection for a guy. It's a matter of the definition used. I consider myself gay. Under the right circumstances, I'd fuck a female but those stars haven't aligned yet. If they do, one day, I won't consider myself bi because 99% of my interactions have been M2M. Consider the old Kinsey Scale: There are relatively few 0s and 6s. But there are a lot of 1s and 5s that round off 🙂
  3. Agreed, it's all a meaningless label. My best friend in HS swore he was straight. We played around a couple times and I rarely have gotten a guy off as quickly. And it's happened dozens of times with other guys since. Where they sometimes draw their line is "Well, you got me off. I didn't make you cum." So I always insist that they give me a hand job (at least) so they can't justify their "straightness" quite as easily; they made another guy cum. How straight is that? I love swallowing real fathers. Not "dads" but men who have actually gotten someone pregnant. Just knowing I'm taking live sperm gets me hot. I used to have a FB who was divorced. I'd go to his place and there were pics of the family all over. Just knowing that he was giving me the same sperm that made the kids in the those pictures got me incredibly turned on. I do hesitate to tell guys that fetish because they usually think I'm creeping on their kids (I'm not!) Doing a father and son is another, yet unrealized, fantasy but the son would need to be legal.
  4. A HS friend and his husband moved there. They were both in a position where they could work remotely and PV was a lot cheaper than where they moved from. I visited once (for a day while on a cruise) and had a fun time. I didn't have an opportunity for sex given the time constraints but it would have been pretty available had I stayed overnight. Again, nice place to visit but 24/7/365? Not so sure... I just had a conversation about retiring abroad. The primary reasons one might want to would be 1) Better affordability and 2) Political climate. I'd personally be hesitant to move to a non-English speaking country and would want to live in a city or suburban area. Even in PV, where English seemed to be widely spoken, some Spanish would seem to be useful. Admittedly, I haven't done much research aside from 5 minute Google searches when bored. It looked like Canada would be tough to get a visa for a retiree, even a younger one (I'd expect to be early 60s if/when I do this.) Ditto for UK, especially post-Brexit. Maybe Ireland? Sadly, my GREAT grandparents emigrated to the US. Were it my grandparents, I'd qualify for citizenship. In any case, I'm not sure any of those options would be much cheaper than the US and political considerations haven't gotten to the point where I feel I'd NEED to get out...yet.
  5. I can enjoy both straight and gay porn but I hate the phoniness, especially with the women. I might get into it more if they weren't artificially enhanced. My problem with both straight and gay porn is that relatively few of the guys finish inside. I get it, people want to see proof that the guy came. So push some out! Or the guy could squeeze the last drop out once he pulls out. I saw some gonzo porn where the women gaped themselves and you could see the load pooled by the cervix, which was pretty hot. Not sure the male anatomy lends itself to that, short of a colonoscopy. 😂 I did recently see a vid of a guy who cystoscoped himself into the prostate. It looked like a giant Rorschach test to me; just a giant blob but conceptually it was a hot idea.
  6. No. But then I'm a top, so what would you expect me to say? 🙂 Even orally, you can gag me with a big one but I think we'll both enjoy it more if you're small enough for me to take you balls deep. I do like guys who like to be forced when I'm the one receiving head; gagging them by pushing them down on me is hot. I can't imagine how that's enjoyable for the bottom but some guys tell me they love it so I'm happy to oblige!
  7. I've had this (hypothetical) conversation with friends: Would you rather be with a trans man (i.e. with a vagina) or woman (with a penis)? I'll take the man for a couple reasons: 1) I tend to like twink types and many trans men fit that bill; 2) men tend to "pass" better than women. Unless a trans woman transitioned early (pre-puberty) there's often at least one "tell". That said, I've never done it but would, depending on the person I'm with.
  8. I'd like to try fisting a guy again. Did it once, got about 2/3 to my elbow which was kind of hot because it was a 5'5 Mexican twink and I was fist bumping myself on his stomach 🤣 It was a hotter fantasy than reality because my arm fell asleep but I'd try it again, maybe not quite as deep. Among the things I haven't tried, I want to use someone who is unconscious. I've been with drunk guys, maybe high, maybe some who wouldn't have put out for me if they were clearheaded but they were sufficiently aware they were getting fucked. I want someone where there's zero feedback: No indications of pleasure, or discomfort, or whatever. Just a human fleshlight. They'll wake up with my load in them (or dripping out) but would have no idea who put it there. Bonus points if many guys have unloaded in him before me.
  9. I was never into my father. I always fantasized about playing with my brother. Only problem is I don't have a brother.
  10. It's going to depend on a lot of things. One is age: My refractory period was a lot shorter 40 years ago! Another is the person. If I'm really into/excited by him, I'll tend to bounce back quicker. A third is the atmosphere: If it's new and exciting (my first orgy!) I'll probably be ready sooner versus a routine round 2 with my partner of x years, who will be there tomorrow and the next day.
  11. I'd proceed with extreme caution. Maybe a half joking comment (i.e. "if only you were gay I'd be into you.") Or maybe brush against him...inadvertently, of course 🙂 But this can go wrong in a lot of ways and it isn't like some straight guy in a bar whom you'll never see again. Most people have an ick factor with regard to incest so even in the off chance he might let somebody blow him, it may not be you. Playing this the wrong way could make for an awkward situation for the next x years....and depending on his level of freak out, others might become aware. Might be a better fantasy than reality.
  12. Speaking as someone in his late 50s, I wouldn't call it ageism any more than it's sexism if you're not attracted to women, or racism if you prefer someone of a certain color. I know many on here take on all cummers but some people are just attracted to whom they're attracted. I'm typically into younger guys and picky at that. It's a bit ironic because most of my platonic friends are quite a bit older. Yeah, it's difficult but that's my "fault". If I could be attracted to everyone I'd get laid a lot more! So I can hardly take offense to someone who rejects me as too old, or not buff enough, or whatever. That said, there's no need to be rude about it. Politely indicate your disinterest and move on. Similarly, when you're the one rejected (which predictably happens to me much more often than not) don't get aggressive or creepy, move on.
  13. Again, I was a precocious kid and spent a lot of my youth in the library. I got tired of children's books and found the section on human reproduction (Dewey Decimal 612.6...I still remember!) I figured maybe there would be some nice pictures 🙂 Anyway, I quickly went from not knowing ANYTHING (what's intercourse?) to knowing quite a bit. I knew what semen was before I was able to produce any.
  14. I grew up pre-VCRs so really didn't have access to gay porn. Very rarely, I saw a cock in a magazine. There was a porno drive-in theater near where I lived so when I was old enough to drive I'd go there, but that was straight porn. The first time I saw a guy cum, I was 10 and he was standing next to me. I was a nerdy kid so learned about sex in library books. I'd read descriptions of semen but when my friend shot it was a lot different than what I'd visualized. I'd imagined it would have the consistency of toothpaste (that IS a thick white substance, after all!) I was probably in my late teens when I first saw gay mags and into my 20s when I saw videos (in a movie theater.)
  15. The other thing is express or implied coersion. I was 10 my first time...with another 10 year old. We were precocious kids! I was mature enough to handle it on that level. If it were a significantly older relative, teacher, authority figure, etc. I might not have said no because I was taught to respect/obey your elders. But that wouldn't be the same as saying I wanted it. Again, I don't think there's a red line to be drawn on age because situations -- and maturity levels -- differ. Personally, even if I were attracted to someone underage and even if it were legal, I don't think I would do it because I'd never want to f up someone for life. Again, some people -- including on here -- handled it OK. But others don't and I couldn't live with messing someone up on my conscience.
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