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Everything posted by TxBBTop

  1. Fuck yeah man show us some movies of you getting that cunt used up
  2. Definitely let us know how much u enjoyed taking their loads
  3. congratulations!! glad that you are happy and hopefully will turn him into a PIG
  4. fuck man id love to load up that hot hole!
  5. ever get to houston? Id love to load u up

  6. Loved your response to my thread man ;)

  7. id love to breed that hole. ever come to houston?

  8. I never play safe anymore. since ive discovered the joy of stealthing, anyone who says they want to use condoms, i just stealth them. Which isnt too bad because ive always tested neg. ANYWAYS, Lately i got caught and they freaked out. Anyone ever been caught afterwards? What did the bottoms say to you? He was pretty pissed.... but whats funny is that me and him talked about me breeding him months back and he was down, but this time he said to wear a condom so i figured he would appreciate it... Guess i was wrong. lol
  9. there is always an alley or behind a dumpster or behind a store late at night that is a good place to fuck in public. u just have to be resourceful
  10. From reading your blog entries, I would actually think that you would enjoy learning to bottom more often. And I'm not just saying that cuz I think itd be hot to read entries of you telling us how u are taking loads now. I also think that it would give you a variety of sex that you could participate in and open you up to many more HOT men that you could play with. Plus, as a bottom, you dont have to worry about cumming too fast or not being able to get hard, you just have to worry about your top cumming fast. So I think it would improve your sex life to start being more versatile. I have this friend who recently got divorced who insisted he was a total top. WELL.... I showed him. Today he thanked me and told me that he was glad that I helped him because now he is more versatile and getting laid TWICE as much! Which, for a 54yo newly gay man, is a great thing!
  11. I think so too ;) ever come to texas?

  12. Howdy, i can relate alot... im 23 years old and I started barebacking alot in college. I think i was around 22 when i started breeding undetectable poz guys. There is just hardly any chance for a top to get anything and lots of those poz bottoms are AMAZING in bed
  13. damn man u have a HOT ass. id love to breed that hole.

  14. Personally, if i saw a video camera next to you i'd totally use it. as it is i LOVE to video record me fucking hot bottoms. I have around 300 videos of me fucking guys on a hard drive. HOWEVER, you definitely dont want to bring a visible camcorder there because I dont think they are allowed. I suggest putting it in a backpack or gym bag so they just think that you are bringing clothes in because if they see a camcorder bag, i bet they'd make u turn it in before they let you in.
  15. I love me a hot muscle bear
  16. Sounds like you need to sit down with your partner and discuss each other's needs and hopefully come to an understanding of how you two can keep your sex life alive. OR If he doesnt want to fuck you then maybe you should be proactive... Go find another poz top to poz you and then your partner wont feel guilty fucking you.
  17. This didnt happen to me but thought i'd share it. So i've been seeing a guy for the past two months. i knew he was a pig but each time I learn more about him I fall more and more in love. He is 47, build beefy football player build bottom bear. He is sweet, loving, and best of all a NASTY PIG. So last night I asked him "Whats the kinkiest thing you've ever done...?" He told me that when he was 35 that he wanted to take 35 loads in a 24hour period and so he booked the sling room at flex in new orleans and put a bowl beneath his sling so he can push out every load he took in a 24hr period and drink it at the end. He ended up meeting his 35 load goal in 8 hours and continued taking loads for a full 24 hours. By the end he had taken 50 loads in 24 hours. Take that DAWSON! I am such a lucky top.
  18. I have actually been contemplating exploring my versatility for the past 2 years... ive bought toys for training my ass... But I just dont really feel the WANT to use them. I mostly want to become versatile because it gives me more options for who I can date because houston has a BIG lack of bottoms.. I used to live in dallas and there are TONS of bottoms there and ive probably fucked half of them. And since Ive left it seems like even more have moved there... but i digress. To answer your question, cleaning out is a bit of a hassle for me because bottoming hurts so I really need to TRAIN my ass first and I cant justify cleaning out just to train my ass and I dont want to pull out a dirty dildo out of my hole. Now for a MAN, i wouldnt mind cleaning out cuz ive met several HOT MANLY tops in houston that seriously made my asshole quiver and make me wonder if I could consider bottoming. But unfortunately thats my dilemma. I lack the training that my ass needs to ENJOY a nice decent sized cock. So for now i'll be an asset for all the bottoms in Houston to enjoy.... but who knows what the future holds!
  19. damn man id love to breed that ass!

  20. damn man you are gorgeous. id love to breed that hole

  21. damn man id love to seed that hole

  22. Damn you are GORGEOUS! id love to breed that ass!

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