The rubber bands weren't that tight. It did cut off a substantial amount of scrotal skin circulation. 12 hours later my balls swelled and I had to go to the emergency room. After another 6 hour wait, ultrasound on the balls indicate hyperemic scrotal tissue with hypereactive variocle, but blood flow to testicles is good. Also testicles were still showing homogeneous appearance in the ultrasound. The balls were 12cm by 10cm, and serous fluids was oozing from the lacerated skin. Suffice to say all the med students were interested to learn the case. Anyway after two days, I was discharged. the swelling took two weeks to subside but the scrotal skin was still raw and only healed in one and a half months time. The first cum after that was bloody. And then it was brownish and watery for quite sometime. Then it was normal but not as opaque or thick as before. Subsequently I felt the balls shrank and I didn't cum for a month. When I did it was very hard to cum, and only a tiny amount of slightly milky cum, almost clear. So the spermatic cords might have been scarred as well as the balls were always mildly sore all the time.