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Everything posted by TonyRedux

  1. u would hate my fuck...
  2. overall this is correct, thank God, but at one point states like Massachusetts had Commonwealth-style laws about self-defense...such as the horrifically absurd requirement that someone experiencing armed home invasion was legally required to be able to prove that they were cornered and had no other room to escape to before using violence against the invader. thankfully that dark comedy has long been repealed in Mass., but it serves as a reminder of where such legal attitudes about self-defense eventually lead. my impression is that Great Britain regularly prosecutes home dwellers for attacking burglars, and homeowners who attack "squatters". in the USA, "squatting" typically means taking residence in an abandoned home or other structure...however in Great Britain apparently there is an epidemic of people burglarizing homes, registering themselves with the local jurisdiction as residents, and then enjoying legal protection from attack or even eviction when the RIGHTFUL resident returns! that sort of government idiocy is in retreat in the USA, thankfully...but what sucks is that the mere existence of it elsewhere serves as a bogeyman for the US right wing political element.
  3. clean out good, grab a big bottle of silicone lube, n get to nyc...submit, n i will defeat ur ass for u.
  4. my high horse is fine and true, no need to get off at all. u neglected to include a link from ur "more balanced account", but such is the nature of internet argument about news stories...sources vary in reliability. what is NOT in doubt is the larger point about how Commonwealth nations disregard self-defense and self-armament for the average citizen in favor of agents of Government AND whatever criminals n reprobates that choose to ignore Government authority. that is a social theory that has no purchase amongst most Americans...and the attempt by The Few to foist that idea upon The Many is in severe retreat. Thank God.
  5. u omitted the option of "i turned poz". there is already broad consensus that raw feels better, seroconverting is a paradigm shift.
  6. agreed, on all counts. in the absence of on-demand PCR tests, there's no such thing as "serosorting", only "seroguessing".
  7. truth is that the ass has a main job and what we use it for is moonlighting...shit indeed happens. i tell my bottoms that their normal clean out is drastically insufficient for my fuck, and that they should clean out as if they planned on being double-fisted for hours. besides being over 8" with a fat head, i also fuck very rigorously. one of my favorite strokes is one i call The Strobe, where i plunge past the 2nd spot n literally vibrate back n forth about .5-1 inches, around 20x per second. THAT stroke alternating with punchfucking full strokes is the Big Test. if they didnt deep clean, any mess will show within 5 minutes tops. frankly i used to getthat with over 95% of my bottoms, and had to learn how to coach guys thru cleaning out n dealing with THEIR occasional freakouts "ooo, i feel very self-conscious now!"...nigga please, it's YOUR shit *I* have to smell while teaching YOU! now i do a better job of scaring prospects, AND i'm trying for shorter fucks so i get more nut out n deal with fewer "somebody HELP MEEE!!" bailouts. i even sometimes jump on my husband's uncleaned ass n give him a ruff quickie, after which we stay locked together as i walk him to the tub n we dont decouple until the shower is on. i wont allow my husband to install a shower-shot type douche in our apt bcuz i dont trust the temperature-stability of our water supply. pisses him off, bcuz using the rubber bulb to douche takes an hour or far more. still, i'd rather get a ruff quikie with him or wait 90 minutes for his full game rather than cook him internally with suddenly scalding water. no one else gets that consideration, tho i have fucked a few undouched asses at The Black Party. as gross as the truth is, if a guy has a decent diet with a hi-fiber intake, u can often fuck him awhile n have only minor dirty mucous to clean off. what the fuck do u people think most homos did for most of human history? buttfucking is older than homo sapiens, n douching is a recent invention....all that said, i hate when scat bottoms reach out to me. sorry.
  8. since studies such as that ARE being used to rationalize earlier treatment, y not publicize ur analysis n critique more broadly in journals where u would face reasoned rebuttal AND where those who rebutted u would have to disclose any conflicts of interest they may have?
  9. nothing is sexier on a man than the feel of his anus, rectum, second-spot, and large intestine around my cock...in the broad sense there is always the glorious sense of consuming the will of a man, breaking it to the rhythm of my painfully hard dick...dangling his manhood on a string in front of him, just beyond his reach. in particular i look upon a masculine, boyish-faced, thick-bodied n full-assed man n see a Holy Sow to breed. however, it's the physical part that ultimately rules. my dick has a fat hard head that spends most of it's time in a warm, moist sheath of foreskin...which retracts at perfect cue during erection, makes it's presence known when fucking becomes punch-fucking, n then gloriously retracts irrevocably when my head swells yet again just b4 orgasm. my stamina and endurance allow me to reach a stage of sensory experience dense with sweet novelties...not only the unique contours n tensions within every individual, but the unique ways every physical parameter evolves during my onslaught. how this or that ass swells up or bruises at the 30 min, 1hr, 3 hrs mark. how their hole tightens up again after a 5 or 10 min break. how their 2nd spot suckles, how tight it is, how stable or slack the the rectum is on the forward/backward axis...how their ass jiggles in rapid-fire doggy, how the jiggling affects the internal feeling, how the stress of full-stroke all-in/all-out punchfucking at 1 or 2 or 4 or 6 strokes per second makes their diaphragm spasm unique to each bottom, and what it feels like when ur vary the angle of ur stroke n punch a liver here or a kidney there thru the wall of their GI tract, how all of this effects each bottom uniquely in the psychological sense...one bottom will growl like a possessed child, another musclebear starts crying out "i'm sorry!! i'm SORRY!!! I"M SORRREEE!!!!" as i harpoon fucck him at maximum power...and the feeling on my dick has gone many levels past all description. the sensation often commands deep and hard and completely paroxystic ejaculation, yet fighting and dodging and edging and toying with that feeling becomes a shamanic urge, as u feel the changes in ur own sensation and disposition as u wind up that all-important first nut into a ritual breeding that brings all-involved to that state of joyous, holy suffering that Mel-thenutjob-Gibson recently reminded us all is the real, ancient definition of the word "Passion". good, good stuff. it's why i top!
  10. from what i'm reading i expect more of this in the future, but i wonder how they can ensure this without incarcerating him? http://www.americanindependent.com/208474/local-michigan-county-wants-to-force-meds-on-hiv-criminal-suspect Local Michigan county wants to force meds on HIV criminal suspect By Todd Heywood Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 9:55 am Sangeeta Ghosh, assistant corporate counsel for Kent County, Mich., says should the 51-year-old man charged in two cases of failing to disclose his HIV-positive status to sexual partners make bail, the county is prepared to ask a court to force him to take antiretroviral medications. “The county is taking steps that if he gets out, we will file a civil matter to make sure he takes his medications,” Ghosh told The American Independent. Ghosh was speaking of the Comstock Park man who turned himself in to Grand Rapids police Dec. 22, alleging he attempted to infect hundreds of people with HIV through unprotected sex and sharing needles. He was placed in a psychiatric hold for two days, and on Dec. 24, he was arraigned on the first of two charges of failing to disclose his status to a sex partner. Several days later, prosecutors added a second charge of failing to disclose. He is currently in Ypsilanti undergoing a psychiatric evaluation to determine if he can stand trial. He is being held on a $100,000 bond. TAI does not identify the names of those charged with HIV disclosure laws unless both the accused and the accuser are named in court documents, or one or both provide TAI permission to publish their names. The case, media releases and subsequent reporting have resulted in what experts have told TAI were “sensationalist” reports in the wider media. But this is the first time county officials have indicated plans on how to deal with the man if he is released on bond. The announcement, however, has HIV advocates worried. “Forcing anyone to take treatment is a slippery slope,” said Sean Strub, co-chair of the Global Network of People with AIDS, North America (GNP+), in an email. “This person’s most important health issue seems to be his mental health, not his viral status. Forcing anti-retroviral treatment on anyone is a slippery slope. Once the camel’s nose gets inside that tent, even in such a rare and bizarre circumstance as this peculiar case, it is not such a huge step to mandatory testing and treatment for an ever-expanding number of people with HIV.” While the advent of antiretroviral medications in the mid-1990s resulted in a staggering revival of persons living with AIDS and s sharp decrease in AIDS-related deaths, the drugs themselves are quite toxic and cause a host of side effects. In addition, scientists are not in agreement as to when is the appropriate point in clinical progression to begin treatment, resulting in many mixed messages to patients. Michigan does have a part of the state health code that allows health officials to declare a person a health threat to others (HTTO). HTTOs are a civil action and can amount to anything from counseling to forced civil confinement for as long as six months. TAI reported in December that many people thought the law was being abused when it was revealed that any HIV-positive person who was diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection was immediately issued an HTTO. In other instances, women who became pregnant were issued HTTO orders and HIV-positive people who were named in partner services programs were also targeted for HTTO orders. The state, which oversees the HTTO list, denies pregnant women were targeted but said the STI and partner services programs were appropriate uses of the state’s name-based HIV list. “[The suspect] does not have an airborne disease spread through casual contact; he has a disease that, regardless of treatment, is not easily transmitted. Even without treatment, the primary routes of infection — unprotected anal or vaginal sex — result in HIV transmission roughly one percent or less of the time,” said Catherine Hanssens, executive director of the Center for HIV Law and Policy. “So the threat of mandatory treatment is not a reflection of any danger [the suspect] poses, but of Ms.Ghosh’s dangerous misapprehension of both HIV transmission and the law governing the very limited circumstances under which treatment of an individual can be mandated.” Photo: Kent County, Mich. logo (www.accesskent.com)
  11. i enjoy beating up a guy's nuts with my big hard dick, especially if he's been unruly...especially in missionary. across is fun, just not as fun.
  12. i'm usually very expressive when i have a good serious nut after a long hard fuck...generally a loud deep rumble. God help the fool who tries to shut me up in that state.
  13. i remain astonished at how easily people of demonstrably lesser intelligence and wisdom than the Founders have the temerity to declare the US Constitution irrelevant because it was written centuries ago.
  14. per the abominable Godfather 3, I KEEP TRYING TO GET OUT, BUT THEY KEEP PULLING ME BACK IN!!@! rawtop, ur correct that docs at the same institution will commonly back each other up, and that big pharma wields gross and insidious influence in medical decision-making at all levels, and that science is by definition never holistic, always materialistic and concerned with testability and repeatability. i was also raised in a martial arts household where i was taught to feel, nurture and respect chi, within and without. nonetheless, some of ur comments here could easily be used to script portrayals of mid-80's New Age healthcare charlatans who told a long stream of AIDS patients that the illness was essentially their fault for not being "balanced within"...so i'm curious as to how u firewall ur comments from being interpreted to that extent. to this day i know of HIV doctors in NYC who believe (and tell their patients) that even tho Federal guidelines advise starting meds when t-cells fall below 500, they themselves believe that it's still credible to consider waiting until their t-cells fall below **200**. y do u concur with the current consensus that 350-500 t-cells is the "sweet spot" for starting therapy, yet refuse to change ur assessment if the consensus shifts to above 500? why isn't the 350-500 "sweet spot" tainted by Big Pharma in ur eyes?
  15. that's quite a bit to respond to just now, as i'm about to shower n hunt some ass while Boo e-surfs n watches movies. to re-clarify the 'tin-foil-hat' analogy, i distinctly said u were not there but that the particular reasoning u cited could eventually lead u there. also, u've answered one threshold question, "how many t-cells would rawtop need to get to before initiating HAART?"...but u left my first threshold question unanswered, so i'll ask in terms of broadest consensus: if the START trial shows conclusively that initiating HAART when t-cells r above 500 produces the best health outcomes, would u still avoid doing so if u were poz? would u still advise others to do so? i submit that at THAT point u would in fact be wearing a tin-foil hat. i'm certainly curious about ur detailed response, but i wonder if i should ask certain questions privately... with all due respect, and as someone who disagrees quite substantially with RT's position, i must note that ur analogy is overly simplistic. ur doc by default has primary authority (beside YOURSELF) over ur healthcare, but HIV/AIDS more than any other ailment has paved the multi-lane path for patients, stakeholders and lay persons to join the debate. the family of retroviruses has proven far more wily than any single human can grasp, let alone counter. every reasonably informed opinion counts.
  16. one more thing to add, RT: when u say that drug toxicities may appear 20-40 years down the line, that is actually at least double the life expectancy of most people who are HIV+ and NOT on treatment. what the medical community has proven beyond all doubt is that, when using current therapies, starting treatment when t-cells fall below 200 extends survival time and improves health substantially less than when one starts treatment when their t-cells fall below 350. furthermore, the medical consensus has emerged in US and elsewhere that the same relationship applies to starting when t-cells fall below 500 as opposed to 350 (earlier is better). what remains controversial is whether the medical community should wait until the results of the START Trial b4 making a decision on whether to advise starting treatment when t-cells exceed 500. so let me ask u, RT: if tomorrow u were told that u have 600 t-cells and HIV-1 infection, at what point would YOU choose to go on meds? what's ur threshold?
  17. not at all, the Big Pharma effect is well-documented and appreciated in the HIV-treatment sector...however the consensus forming around early treatment has continued to snowball over the last half-decade, and eventually there's a fine-line to cross between "alternative opinion" becoming "dissident opinion", and between "dissident" and "tinfoil hat wearer". right now your opinion is deep into "alternative" territory...but since the reasoning ur citing in ur response can easily carry u into tin-foil-hat territory, i'm curious if there's a threshold of consensus that would ever be reached at which point u'd get on board? as for undetectability, my first doctor was pushing it from the moment i met her in 12/03. what gave me the final push toward that paradigm was a combo-event in 1/08: a certain young twink i'll bet we've both fucked hollered at me around Pride 07 on Manhunt, during my serosorting era, and after repeated questioning he "admitted" to being poz. we didnt get to play until september, and he rode me cowgirl-style quite sweetly. then in January 08 he wrote me on MH from his phone, he was just down the block at XES. as i walked him back to my place he said "i just found out yesterday i'm POZ!", to which i instantly n blithely replied "congratulations". he became upset, saying "what kind of thing is that to say to someone", and even as i gave a desultory apology i was thinking "bulllfuknshit! u lied to me months back, n who knows how many other people! u aimed for this goal, u got it, CONGRAT U FUKN LATIONS!"... 2 weeks later came the Swiss Statement. my doc had been pushing me to switch regimens for a year, and i gave in...however designing my own ultra-powerful ARV+ regimen that has continued with minor tweaks to this day. what i had told u is that ur ad in 2007 asking only those HIV+ people with "consistently undetectable viral load" to contact u was definitely an influence, as it was the first sex ad i had seen employing that exact phrase. ur ads have often been trailblazing in employing current medical terminology. as an aside, the way to break Big Pharma's hold over current treatment is not to fight every population-wide decision made re: treatment guidelines, but rather to lobby Congress to ensure that newer biotech startups with extremely promising new treatment technologies don't end up penniless and being bought up by Big Pharma in receivership...which is happening at this moment.
  18. there is some evidence that starting fully adherent ARV during initial infection, while being too late to arrest infection itself, can mean blunting or entirely preventing the decimation of the B-cell population of the gut, which in tandem with our gut microflora r probably responsible for MOST of the total immune activity in our bodies. B-cell decimation (and the general inability to recover them) is the primary reason that HIV+ people r regarded as being "permanently immuno-compromised", regardless of T-cell count. the more ARV drug toxicity can be minimized, the more imperative and inevitable early HIV-treatment becomes...even when a cure is found, there will be reason to medicate those HIV+ people who can not yet access such a cure for whatever reason.
  19. i o u a long hard fuck, Aj.
  20. i prefer short over tall, but it's not a big deal...i prefer thick over thin, and it is a big deal. tall n skinny is my kryptonite.
  21. One thing you have all tellingly ignored is that HIV itself has long since been proven to be a SYSTEMIC virus, attacking nearly every system in the body, and does not simply attack the immune system as was previously thought. The mere presence of the virus causes the human body to unleash an overall inflammatory response that further damages itself...and that this cycle of progressive damage at deep levels starts from the moment of HIV infection, and for the vast majority will continue until death absent anti-retroviral therapy. A wider appreciation of this is not helped by the undeniable greed and self-interest of the pharmaceutical industry, but the scientific consensus continues to swing in the direction of early treatment being better. When you have HIV, it is essentially trying to eat you. There is no historical precedent for determining that a deadly virus should be allowed to incubate for best health. The only argument toward that end is based on the toxicity of HIV meds themselves, and by all accounts they are far less damaging than ever before. The actual systemic damage of HIV at every stage of infection is something that gets far too little attention in every argument I've ever seen about "when to treat" among lay persons.
  22. i've fucked him b4, after years of him chasing me...i eventually added him to my buddy list and was pleased last autumn to learn he was much hotter n his ass much more voluptuous in person. i stabbed deep into his ass several times per second and churned his hole into cherry-mashed potatoes. he avoided my emails since then until recently, telling me he needed me help to become a better bottom who could sub to the ruffest of ruff, asking how i broke my husband in. i told him that pain comes with real buttfucking from big rock hard cock, and that simple submission and embrace was far more important than any physical strategy of movement or mental role-play. then i put him in deep-doggy, rapidly determined which strokes pleased my big fat dick the most, n then which strokes caused him the most trouble, and proceeded to alternate explosively and musically between either type of stroke. he had not fully cleaned out to the degree needed for my fuck (u gotta douche like u plan on getting deep-fisted all nite, ALL the way up!), n i sent him to clean up again several times...since he only took 2-5 minutes each time, i knew several trips would happen. i was horny, didnt care...they were his fukn sheets. i finally had him clean enough to get really nutty on, to where his desperation kicked in, and of course as he tries instinctively to break away and escape i bearhug him and rapidly neutralize the movement of any limb he gained purchase or leverage with, as i blasted my nut deep in his 2nd spot and rumbled a deep, amused and happy growl in the ear of that sweet blond man-sow. about 30 seconds into this long frenetic orgasm, his body is fully defeated and he collapses as my spasms taper off...whimpering and thanking me. after that i showered n dressed as we talked, and coincidentally, he's the one that led me here...i knew about this site but didnt know that rawtop had mentioned playing with my husband n myself, and i came here to read his accounts.
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