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About POZdetectable

  • Birthday 07/07/1983

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    chemless people... REAL people... REAL sex... nothing fake like everyone are here...
  • Background
    Not interested to meet up people from this website... enough bad experiences... !

  • Porn Experience
    somes... but nothing's gonna be shared here.
  • Looking For
    Real people... so that's means, nothing here... !

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  1. Any following ? 🙂 I'd love to read more... and more.. and more... 🙂
  2. I LOVE to read that !!! it's exactly what i LOVE !!! If only that would be pozzible... i would jump in the spider web without loosing a second !!!
  3. 3 years after... The wasp continue his quest... (for now, it's all true) After a long trip in a foreign country... Eddy came back and contact me... to continue the work we started 3 years ago... We chatted on WhatsApp, exchanging arousing messages, pictures, vocal messages, fantasy and needs. He told me that during the 3 years, he never stopped to think about what we started and like acid on metal... my need to lay my eggs inside his corrode his mental and worked to make him go further in the journey. We met in Bruxelles to eat and drink... and talk. I took a viagra just in case... and as long as we talked about how he'd want to be transform... how far he wants to go... my dick was leaking as much that it pass through my jeans... My dick was literally drooling like a Komodo who biting his prey. He wants my progeny inside him... incubating it, feed it with his body, make it grow and let my progeny inside of his taking the control of his mind to become a predator... and spread it. So, we went to his place, he took his poppers.... and siffed 4, 2 and 5 for the last breath... making me know that his getting closer to reach the goal... He let me go inside of him but he was on Prep... 😞 He wasn't ready yet as he said to cross the line, to jump in the abyss. We fucked, he felt my PA dick inside of him, he dremt about it for a long time. He was so excited that he came without touching his dick. After he came, his ass twitched and got so tight that makes me come very quick. After all, he licked my poz tattoo. It was a short fuck.... not long as i like... but leading to longer fuck anbd more prolific results. I did not pozzed his that night but i know that he begged to get some evils inside of him... begging them to push him more deep in... and more close to the abyss.
  4. I like to read your stories. Somes are very arousing for me... some are less but the most important is that you like to write on the things that turn you on, and how it turns you on (i think you do it that way) 🙂 I would ask you to not stop if you want. I really like to read those kind of point of view even if it's fiction 🙂 If my english was better... i would write more myself... 🙂
  5. Someone help me to correct 🙂 🙂
  6. Chatper 2, second meeting, Mind control. Eddy and I met a second time at his place. We talked again about our fantasy to make us hornier and hornier… We agreed to a sign that’s gonna mean that he’s ready for me to POZ him. He’ll have to sniff poppers 6 times with each nostril and he’s gonna ask me to do the same… so 6, 6 and 6… that’s gonna be THE signal for me to begin his transformation. We took off our clothes, we sat on the coach and we started to play with our bodies… Eddy is not into mansmells but I wanted to test how hypnotized he was… so I hadn’t taken a shower for 2 days, no deo, no perfume. I felt him quite receptive to my musky smell… but not enough to surrender to me. He still resisted but I felt that I’m bringing him further on this path. He started to suck my dick… but I refuse. I explain to him with a hypnotising voice that he needs to accept his fate, submit his body to my Stinger… and carry my DNA in him forever… He seemed a bit disappointed but it’s how I work to be able to reach my goal… to possess him and break through all his barriers. He said that the night before, he dreamt about a black angel that came to him and started to pass through his body several time… He confessed that he wants to do it… but he’s still not ready to. Last night with his dream, he went a bit further in his head. He tooks 2 sniffs of poppers by each nostril and he offered me to sniff once only… The score is 2, 2 and 1… His head spun a bit and he shot his load onto his body. We continued to talk about THIS moment, THE moment of his sacrifice to become a member of my Colony… but also his to become a Devil too… His dream consumed him and that gives me more motivation to bring him much further than I planned…
  7. Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tounge so i could/would makes mistakes... this story is fiction... for now 😈😈 I plan to realise a part of it eventually... 3 people are willing to follow me. Time will tell... After chattin' with a friend of mine about my sexual deviance, he told me that i turned him on for several reasons. We started to explore his need and i got a big surprise... I was not alone with my twisted mind. He's twisted like me. Chapter 1 My friend, i'll call him Edouard (Eddy), wanted to get pozzed for a long time but he never found someone serious enough to Gift him, until we talked... Wa talked about our fantasy for 2 days on WhatsApp... describing how we'd like to proceed for his pozzing... He took me on some nasty paths that makes me hard as steel. He wants to consider me as a Jewel Wasp and him as my prey... He REALLY wants me to Make him... to Pozz him. He makes me horny like a Hornet who needs to sting his prey... he makes me become a predator, THE kind of predator i adore... EVIL. He said that he wasn't sure he wants to cross the line and he wants me to guide him at MY direction. He feels hypnotized by me, by my POZ dick, by my PA, by my twisted talk. Before working for his pozzing, we made a deal. If he accepts me as his Pozzer, that's gonna be like a sacrifice. He's gonna fuck up his health for MY pleasure and MY pride. There are some conditions he needs to satisfy for me to Reward him! A Wasp Tattoo... Emerald Green and Black (for the Jewel Wasp) it's MY Mark ! (the image at the end of this chapter) A negative blood test results. NO one to fuck him until he convert. Anonymous HIV test... until it comes back POZ and afterwards, regular blood tests to know how high the viral load will climb. when the convertion succeeds, he's gonna have to GIFT... and to get recharged. Stay off meds as long as he can (but i don't want my prey to pass away... ) Recharging me ! He agreed all of these conditions. These conditions are mine to POZ someone. I'm the Boss in MY colony! I want to create new wasps and make it grow!!! He needs me to break his Pandora's Box... to make sure he's not gonna close it anymore. He's feeling hot as Hell... and he invites me to talk in person about this. I travelled to his place and we talked, naked but we did not fuck. I wanted to control his mind like the Jewel Wasp does with its prey... so we talk about how we'd like to get sick, how i'd poz him, how i'd lay my wasp eggs inside his body... how free he'll be to be himself... and he'll be MINE! We jerked off... and we promised to get closer to the moment at our next date... He warned me that he could slow me down... step on the brakes... but i answer that i could not brake and i would push him over the precipice... He did not disagree but I still need time to control his mind completly... The job is not finish... It could take awhile but my reproductive instinct will get the job done sooner or later. When i left his place he said that he wants me to bring him to the Other side... into darkness... He wanted to be fucked by me... only me... and become an Evil to burn other people from the inside when he's pozzed. I promised him to continue to work on his mind to manipulate him, bringing him where i want him... and to sting his body with my dick to make him MINE... to start to build MY colony! He's gonna be a co-predator for the next hunt... but before, i have to finish my work with him... He will be my First Victim, my First Conquest ! I have 3 men now wating to be a part of my Colony... but Eddy will be the First and were gonna work together on the next ones.
  8. 1. Steve 2. 37 3. With a serious predator, proud of his sickness and feeling the only need to kill with his dick. Selfdestruction verbal abour predator vs prey.... Feeling his venom starting degrade my body like an egg hatching in my and slowly eating me by inside... 4. In a red room, i would prefer to choose my devil !
  9. From now... this profile is ONLY use for reading stories... nothing more!

    Too many fakes and selfish people (like all fucking slammers).


    I forgot... i'll never answer any private message in the future... it doesn't worth any time to waste!

    1. Pozlover1


      Can’t stand speed freaks

    2. AirmaxUK


      That's a shame. 😞 I always enjoyed following your posts. 

    3. 020pa


      too bad you lost faith in your fellow pigs here. But at least continue enjoying all the horny and nasty stories being written here on this bugloving website

  10. my smells turn me on...
  11. Other... for me means that getting gifted OR gifting somebody... is better than everything !
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