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Everything posted by atlfukbud

  1. so fun -- got fucked in a bmw 330 convertible once -- temporarily parked along a mountainside cemetery = a favorite experience and memory!!
  2. let us know how it goes -- been there for parties that were GREAT fun, but never stayed overnight. Mixed reviews over the years.
  3. So besides the official parties and the in-room sex, are there any larger scale bareback events going on? I saw Ray Dalton is doing a Fornication Party @ Steamworks on the 27th.
  4. A few nights ago i was the very lucky recipient of 7 delicious loads of cum -- from 3 top pals -- they kept commenting on how hot it looked and felt to be sharing a sloppy, wet hole. Bring it on!
  5. My ex wife would always go bottomless and let me finger her while i drove on long trips or overnight to the beach. Truckers definitely noticed when it was daylight outside -- we received lots of honks and light flashes. While i love being naked in general driving naked hasn't been a thing for me. Cheers!
  6. in ATL it seems 90% love a used hole
  7. Love this -- i've discovered if I use less lube in my hole or a more creamy lube (e.g. elbow grease vs. gun oil) i'm much more likely to feel the throbbing and load.
  8. NEVER -- of course I did in 2010 when this thread was started!!
  9. Active cigarette, cigar, pipe smoking are all a dealbreaker for me. Many layers -- from allergies to parents dying horrible painful young deaths from smoking related cancers. I don't find smoking sexy or masculine. Although 420 is ok and I enjoy an occasional edible.
  10. So many hot "starter stories" here -- it seems to be the methodology -- a few good lines and leave ya hanging lol -- very few continue to develop, so jack fast 😇
  11. Great info -- thanks -- it does fold down and i think will fit nicely into my suitcase even. Look for the room with the glory hole door on your way to bed 😉
  12. I don't need to kiss to have a great fuck -- but it does cross the line from sport fucking to more intimate connection if we make out and kiss deeply.
  13. Those who are veteran IML attendees I have an idea that I wanted to run by you -- I have a portagloryhole brand doorway glory hole set-up and I thought it would be awesome fun to install it in the door overnight -- allowing men to walk by put their dicks in for servicing whenever they want. Would this be allowed by hotel management? Other thoughts/suggestions? thanks!
  14. I’d like to experience that honestly. Work, family, home responsibility always come before play and sometimes it would be nice to flip that.
  15. I’ll think about that. FF intrigued me not necessarily excited by prolapse, i maybe true top men would see that differently 🤷🏼
  16. I’m in my 50s had a fair amount of sex… maybe 200 lifetime partners and still enjoy it immensely. Wouldn’t say it’s routine although feeling good can be addictive. To me good sex is a celebration of life.
  17. Fuck dude, i mean fuck me … this post makes me wet and horny 😈
  18. Awesome -- love Ray and the awesome vibe he brings to parties. Can't imagine a Tampa Bay venue that can compete with Slammer Club however??
  19. I love eating ass -- especially freshly cum-loaded ass!! Also, love my ass eaten 😈🕳️💦
  20. I definitely enjoy anonymous sex -- as in i don't need to know your name, address, status or next of kin to put my dick in you or take your nut -- Plus, there's nothing hotter than an occasional blindfolded fuck and go or swapping loads w/ a stud in a dark room or sauna. That being said, i'm an equal opportunity fucker -- I do have several (a dozen give or take) regular fuck buds that i enjoy immensely. There can be something equally awesome about men who recognize your face, know how to work your body and enjoy a drink with you before or after breeding. Some of these trusted men know how to push my limits, enjoy a hot makeout session and may stay the night or take a weekend trip together (which of course always involves more fucking!) -- i guess variety is the spice of life and sex.
  21. Back in the day when hookup sites were newer on the scene, it was easy to connect via gay.com, men4sexnow, manhunt, CL and especially BBRT -- As of late they have largely been disappointing -- esp. Scruff, Grindr, BBRT -- don't know if the others are still players or not. Maybe we are just lazy and fearful or depressed because of lockdowns/COVID/etc.? Or, maybe we've watched so much porn that our expectations are out of wack and real sex isn't very appealing anymore (I have two pals that told me they MUCH prefer to jack to porn solo because real sex is comparatively disappointing -- i find this extremely sad). For me, what works is staying (loosely) connected to old fuck buds, men i've hooked up with before and their pals, as well as the occasional bathhouse/sauna, dark room. I do love the concept of 'hole' app, but there's no one within 100 miles of me on it. Best O Luck -- let us know if you find something promising!
  22. Can't fight your nature man -- it will always win out!
  23. 9/10 top pals tell me they want my pussy shaved smooth. I love hairy men, but tend to lean toward trimmed genitals 😎
  24. Awesome new posts -- very excited about this!
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