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About foryouruse

  • Birthday 04/06/1956

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  1. We love you, but I’d go search for your other stories if you told me where to go.
  2. Rawemobttm still seems to be on. Hopefully, he will see and post his chapters.
  3. Just. Don’t. Stop.
  4. I know I’m more of a hole now (even though I started off as a straight top and a breast man), but I’m kind of grossed out by pussy’s - especially shaved ones - at this point. Some of the sites show straight sex previews and it makes me nuts because I find it to be a turn-off.
  5. You may want to do only one since the algorithms will forever try too link you to your other self. Ten years ago, it only took four pieces of data on the internet to personally identify anyone. Now, a face pic on either profile is likely to show up in visual searches.
  6. All my life, I’ve had a butt (mostly from biking and running), but I’ve mostly been into older guys with football player builds gone to seed and done well with Black and Latin guys and not well with thin guys. One of the guys chalked it up to Oakland booty, but I’m stressed as hell when guys with abs hit me up.
  7. I guess my date pictures all sort of look alike as I look at them…
  8. I think hands are more sensitive to texture than some dicks (and friction and jacking off can contribute to this). Also, not all guys like the same thing. You have to be extremely open for some guys while others want you tighter. Kegels and biking do give you more control of what the top feels and T definitely makes your hole warmer -especially booty bumps and I tend to like having them for that purpose. I think some holes like booty bumps better than anything else. That said, the first time I had my hand in an experienced muscular fist bottom, I felt an ecstasy beyond most fucks. Even though I love to bottom and get fisted, I don’t want to fuck a guy who’s so tight he’s going to clamp off blood flow and I definitely want to lay off jacking off (which I feel like doing three times a day) so my dick is sensitive. If we discuss sucking technique, I thought it wasn’t possible, but a great oral guy brought my T-dick to fucking form when it should not have happened because he was so intent on getting fucked.
  9. If you ever hear “Oh god” a few times in a video where the bottom didn’t know he was being filmed and it really sounds like he meant it, it is probably me. I’ve been told they are out there.
  10. I just have to turn off the sound and wish somebody had gagged the guy.
  11. It would be great to see this story continued. I can’t believe it’s been a year with no more chapters.
  12. Based on the newspaper and television columnists, I guess he’s planning on doing that himself.
  13. I think I just got a credit on the order, so I assume the order is cancelled. I didn’t get an explanation with the credit. It probably would have just screwed up my sinuses anyway. Oh well.
  14. Funny, but I never drove when I partied ever. I find myself Ubering everywhere now and only put 40 miles on my cars last year. I just don’t know how guys are able to drive after partying. I’ve gotten rid of both of them this year, but I had to replace the gas tank in one after the gas turned to varnish. I couldn’t live and play in a state I had to drive after playing though. I would always be worried about having an accident or getting pulled over.
  15. I live next door to a DA whose house is under 24 hour police surveillance. We are friends but partying is a no-no so I don’t bring guys home. I also haven’t always made the best date choices so I really don’t want to bring guys home anyway given some of the things that have happened on dates (theft, phone cloning, etc.). Worse, I share a nice brick wall with my other neighbors and I hear everything from conversations to sounds to kids in their bedroom…I really don’t want to live with what they’d hear from my bedroom.
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