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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. That is great. I wish they wouild get rid of ask me that is just an answer all the guys too chicken shit to get tested use.
  2. Speaking of 14 year olds I had one start chatting me up on Facebook here is the chat: April 18th, 8:10pm Hi Saturday 8:26am hi boy Hi r u gay Sunday 12:21am I am never slept with a woman. Sunday 4:55am Oh how old r u Sunday 10:22am Hello? Sunday 10:39pm I am 41. Not logged into chat all the time so if i don't reply instantly that is why. 3 hours ago U r so much older than me I'm 14 but u seem hot can I see u 3 minutes ago Um sorry kid I am not into jailbait, your too young for me.
  3. It's tje system the blog uses to warn people of "violations" and it takes more than one to get any kind of penalty or bannishment. The moderators or Rawtop can issue them and answer questions as to why you were given one.
  4. It's going to take a while for the new domains to catch on with the general public because we are so used to .com As it is now people get confused when a URL has anything other than .com Well at least the people who are not very knowledgeable about the internet and technology.
  5. Totally not Nathan. The guy in the gang bang has darker hair and eyebrows his nose is bigger and skin coloring a little more olive.
  6. You are on here I wondered if you were. Your blog is great, you write well. Keeps me reading and my cock hard.
  7. Sorry bf's suicide is in a later post on that blog. The post I referenced mentions one of the charged guys had committed suicide and then later then later the link between him and Dozer was publicized by the DA's office I guess. Here is the link http://str8upgayporn.com/exclusive-mike-dozers-boyfriend-commits-suicide-after-being-arrested-for-child-porn/
  8. Came across this hot tumblr blog where this guy Randy Raw is writting a series of stories about his bareback fucking experiences http://randyrawman.tumblr.com/
  9. He is back in jail this time the feds are holding him. Dozer has now been charged with child porn as part of a child porn ring that the feds busted, additionally his BF was involved and committed suicide while awaiting extradition this blog post has the DA's press conference that was aired on the local news http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=10092430
  10. Hot 28 yo barebacking a 25 yo with hot verbal http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ebpDg-G288-
  11. After watching an interview of the alleged victim I feel he is just a scam artist hoping for an out of court settlement because Singer probably did have parties where things got a little wild. I have been to a couple pool parties like that. I really decided he was lying when he said that he went to therapists after the alleged abuse but they were all declining to help or treat him because they were being paid off by the Hollywood establishment. That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. CA law requires that therapists report crimes like child rape and I cannot see several of them which he said he went too all being so unprofessional as to decline to help him and then take pay offs for doing so. I don't buy his reasons for not going to the cops either. This guy is a scam artist! Singer might have showed him some attention at a party that happens people drink, pool parties show skin, but I seriously doubt he rapes the kid/guy and then carried on like the alleged victim claims.
  12. I'm not a titpig fan he is so loud and annoying in his porn scenes.
  13. This guys blog is pretty hot www.bbburghbottom.blogspot.com
  14. TY Roberts is so fucking hot, and he fucks hard and rough (at least in his porn scenes).
  15. Was visiting Portland, OR and was out at one of the gay bars with strippers called Scandals. Met this hot latino twink guy. I went to go pee in the bathroom which had just one stall, and twink decided to come with me so we get into the stall and he basically got me hard and then backed his ass right up onto my bare cock no lube, or spit used. It actually kind of hurt and there was a huge line for the lone stall so we were not able to really get it on, but it was hot. Unfortunately didn't get to take him back to my friends or the hotel to give him my load, would loved to have done that.
  16. Some guys just don't like taking loads orally, so maybe he is one of them, and he is not just being that way with you?
  17. If you're worried about people in your local area viewing you a certain way and getting a reputation as a slut then try to limit your cumdump fun to weekends where you can take a road trip to another nearby city of town where you're free to be a cumdump without worrying about the gossip queens and all of that.
  18. Fusion has posted this video titled The HIV Prevention Pill That No One Is Talking About, that features TIM stars http://fusion.net/video/embed?id=576317
  19. Well he can have those kind of guys cause they are a total turn off for me. I like twinks and fem is not a big deal unless they are like over the top girly fem then I get annoyed by them, but I draw the line as wearing womens panties. I want my man to wear mens underwear hot jock straps not some lacy silk panty.... He's probably gay but won't admit it, and fucking those type of guys is easy cause they similar to women in his eyes.
  20. Since you were raped I can't really know how you feeling since I have not been but it can be traumatic if you have insurance I would consider talking to a therapist. They can help you get back to that place your wanting to be in.
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