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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. I read that interview and found it bittersweet I liked learning a bit more about Eli but him being totally straight (or so he claims) is a disappointment. If he is truly totally straight I give the guy an Oscar for looking fucking hot getting fucked in the ass and fucking a guy in the ass in his Sketchysex scenes.
  2. I agree. I can be submissive and like to be but that does not mean giving up my ability or right to enjoy the sex between me and the top.
  3. I usually have to take a break. I always figured it was due to when i cum my muscles in my body get real tense and that makes it painful to continue getting fucked usually. But once I relax I am ready to go right back to it.
  4. I guess cause when your with your gay friends its easy to confuse Chris with someones name where Christina is not going to be so easily confused unless your hanging with girls too.
  5. Try this link it might have the video http://gay.theater.aebn.net/dispatcher/movieDetail?movieId=66901&locale=en&theaterId=14077&genreId=102
  6. I think guys with tats and a shaved head a fucking hot, they always give me a boner.
  7. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=BavMa-G658-#.U6aU8ZRdWSo Fuck with a PA
  8. He's on twitter https://twitter.com/BigRedDick1
  9. I just bit the bullet and joined. I think the vids are fucking hot, I really like Eli Hunter he is the one who fucks himself with a coke bottle. Something about watching that frat looking guy turn into a cum whore giving and receiving just turns me on. There are 21 videos posted streaming only that range in length from 36 to 15 minutes most being in the 20 or more minute range.
  10. I'd say post it with a pin and then post the pin here that limits who can view to people from this site, ask them for input. If you post it would be impossible to find and request the pin because you don't have any other vids posted yet. Of just do like Tiger said post it.. I comment often on videos I like on Xtube rarely make any negative comments except if the video has not sounds that annoys me. But there are some people who forget that they are watching amateurs and then post some rude or demanding comments so if your really sensitive to stuff like that be warned. Those are rare though. Also make sure it is not 15 seconds or less those clips are an xtube viewers most hated I would say.
  11. Main obstacle would be finding people willing to produce content so controversial and then getting sites to carry it for sale because doing so would open them to attack by those who would find a video of this sort appalling. It's one of those things that is better kept on the downlow as to not draw the ire of the condom nazi's who seem to love to find something to make thier cause and get shut down.
  12. Have you tried putting neosporin on it. I get those ingrown hairs on my legs and thighs sometimes and rthey can get really painful like a bad zip so i put neosporin on it and that usually helps get rid of the infection fast.
  13. That is why i stay away from bisexuals!
  14. Leather, guys wearing jock straps, shaved heads, tattoos....
  15. I don't like to cheat or be cheated on but if my partner (if I had one) stopped putting out I think that is when I would make an exception. What is the point in being in a sexless relationship. That just sounds like the old ball and chain!
  16. They don't sell Elbow grease at the Ranger station store? lol
  17. Just posted in the comments section for that video. I hate it when people steal videos and then post them without giving credit to the person they got it from. It's catfishing sort of.
  18. I have been flaked on but never had anyone tell me they were just joking. That is fucked up and childish of someone to joke like that. They really ought to get a life, so that said I think a little blackmail is fair in this case because if they are going to joke and play games like that then they better be prepared to deal with the consequences.
  19. Jeb should take his mothers advice and not run.
  20. I take all the retirement announcements from porn stars with a grain of salt. This one I think is gonna stay in retirement at least under the name Damon Dogg, especially if he does shut down the sites and profiles. But only time will tell.I will say the quality of his vids is not as good lately. He seems to be going way more amateur and they have not been as hot looking as a result.
  21. Saw this post from Damon Dogg's real (non porn) Facebook account: Today, after hearing the news that my dog has passed away, I am announcing my retirement from Porn and from any and ALL THINGS associated with the name Damon Dogg. Tonight I will keep my facebook/ google and other online social means of staying connected. But, tomorrow I will be deleting ALL of them. So, hopefully you already know how to keep in touch with me, if not then my apologies. I will be very difficult to find after tomorrow has done past.
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