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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. Kaiser is a unique case I think due to it being managed care and having its own network and pharmacies rather than contracting with communityu providers and pharmacy chains.
  2. I woulda said well your obese to big guy, what a fucker. As for guy #3 there will always be those idiot trolls who cannot take a hint or even a direct NO for an answer.
  3. poz talk vids are taken down when reported on xtube so for the purpose of this thread xtuve vids your not going to find a ton of those vids.
  4. seaguy


    In case anyone else was asking what is a lido here's the wikpedia: A lido (/ˈliːdoʊ/ lee-doh or /ˈlaɪdoʊ/ ly-doh), in the United Kingdom and some other countries, refers to a public outdoor swimming pool and surrounding facilities, or part of a beach where people can swim, lie in the sun or participate in water sports. On a cruise ship, outdoor pools and the surrounding facilities are referred to as thelido deck.
  5. started his fb profile last month that is odd unless he has been living in north korea or was in prison for years.
  6. sometimes people need a timeout to calm down and get themselves together.
  7. under HIPAA you have to be trained and received access to said records so the chances of some untrained busybody getting access to medical records or any sort is pretty rare, and would be by accident most likely.
  8. if he did not want his medical records snooped through then he should not have fucking lied.
  9. he lied plain and simple, people will say it is your fault you knew the risk which is part true but if you asked him whether or not he was poz and he said he was clean in reply then to most that would mean no i am not poz. i know people take issue with the use of the term clean but when it is used i think it's wrong to try and cover a lie by saying well the term clean could mean any number of things. dudes a fucking liar loose his number and don't tell him anything let him wonder if he does. i just have a thing against people who lie about thier status like that. it certainly does not help the argument for ending the criminalization of hiv when you have people like that who lie. cause those conservative ass holes that get those laws passed will say what if it was a young teen he had done that too?
  10. some posts by some users get the clock reset over and over on how long the post has been up i have noticed.
  11. the bottom in these vids is not straight, wish the guy who posts them would stop calling him that. he's on prep, taking loads from guys like a fucking slut how is that straight?
  12. relocate to Vancouver aka Hongcouver it's got a large gay asian community and sounds less discriminatory than where you live now.
  13. there are a lot of rice qiueens who are poz who would love you out there, and then there are non rice queens. i just know that rice queens would love that body of yours based on your profile pic. i am white and have asian friends but i cannot tell you how many times i have thought some guy was cute only to have my asian friend go oh he is a big ole rice queen so i can tell you that at least here in seattle you'd be sought after poz or not.
  14. my thoughts exactly. and when i am looking for porn so this does not really apply to this site but on other sites i get annoyed when there is straight or bi porn mixed in with the gay.
  15. apparently the guy who made the video ordered gloves for the doctor but they did not arrive by the day of filming so they went ahead without. that needle was was bigger than normal too!
  16. i like the previews but have yet to buy a membership due to being on a tight budget and it's one of the sites that never has membership deals or offers trials memberships. I prefer to try a site out before shelling out $25-30 for a month of access only to find that the site sucks or there are other issues that make it not worth the $$$ but i might join using the monthly recurring which is cheaper then just cancel the rebilling right away so it just expires after the 30 days. trick is to do that right away otherwise its easy to forget and then that is how they make their money cause they never refund the fees if you cancelled a day late.
  17. you found some gems once again. this ones from my city too ;-)
  18. Sadly there are allot of misinformed people out there who have issues with PeEP due to misinformation they have heard about it or they are AIDS conspiracy/denialists which is a whole nother story. And then you just have the cunts who are not afraid of telling someone how they feel about something even if it is none of their god damned business. they are probably the same guys who rail against bareback porn every time a post is put up about it on the gay porn blogs. block and ignore hopefully they will get with the program and read the correct information on it someday or just learn to keep their fucking opinions to themselves.
  19. i know that porn star Rob Rodin http://www.robrodin.net/robrodin_081.htm is gonna be there. have always wanted his big fat cock.
  20. sorry if i misunderstood what you were saying i will admit i had a hard time understanding some of it figured that was due to your being from UK and using terms that are slang over there but not here.
  21. Nastykinkpigs.com does not do that and i was just on there didn't see any underage looking users at all. sometimes it is worth investigating something yourself before believing something someone posted. some people have an ax to grind and will make false accusations to bring harm to their target.
  22. i am on NKP and have not found it to be my experience that many of the users are pedophiles like you say. It sounds like your level of kink is way above amateur so maybe that is why your not liking NKP? As for charging users to view videos that's not all that uncommon, it costs money to stream that content and the guy who runs NKP is not some rich corporation so he has to recoup costs somehow.
  23. that was selfish of him to deny you one of the benefits (as I see it) of having a boyfriend and being in a relationship, bareback sex.
  24. I would chose them any day as well, might swap Tyler Marks for Kevin Slater thought.
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