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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. His bf Trevor is escorting http://www.rentb-y.com/Listing.aspx?lid=393616&scid=103450173&sp=2&pos=30&locid=1650&iid=475577
  2. He has a blog too http://marcosandyvette.wordpress.com/
  3. Hey your Adam4Adam username scruffy_raw in your profile on here is bad says user not found on AA

  4. Does he usually show up drunk or was this just a onetime thing with him being drunk? My experience is drunks tend to be more rough during sex.
  5. Saw this tweet yesterday: "Damon Kruezer™®© ‏@thekruezer7 Oct I have NOTHING personal against #TrentonDucati. But some things don't add up in his #KillMeth campaign & HIV status. Attention must be paid
  6. To me getting tested is not something I fear or stress over it's something I do so that I have the knowledge to take the best care of myself.
  7. I am happy that he overcame his meth addiction but I personally find it offensive when someone tries to go around peddling thier story to sell merchandise and tweets killmeth over and over like that is going to save some tweaker? It probably has quite the opposite effect. I am not a tweaker but I party now and then and when I see those tweats when I am high I just find them annoying and offensive. Kill is not a term I take a liking to in any state or situation.
  8. He got in BIG trouble for murdering Brian Cruces (sp) owner of the bareback twink porn studio Cobra Video. He's now serving life without parole in PA.
  9. This was already shared at the start of this thread.
  10. Awesome. Maybe this will help with some of the guys who seem to not know how to fill out a profile and include location. It's real helpful for potentially hooking up to fuck.
  11. If they mention pnp, partying especially with the T capitalized odds are they love to bareback but they also do crystal. So if your anti drug move on.
  12. I googled the censored URL and it took me to the video that is one of my favorite vids love that bottom boy Alex Ryder he's versatile in his other videos and knows how to fuck with a cock that never goes soft.
  13. Just saw this comment that Ethan aka Kevin left on his real Facebook profile seems he is not happy with Treasure Island anymore: "Kevin Roberts: I wasnt and still dont. Ask those TIM guys why they maintain a facebook page for my dead alias and communicate with people still. Numbskulls more like it lol 20 September at 09:00 via mobile"
  14. Just like with online your gonna find your share of lookiloos and voyeurs offline. The ones who just wanna talk till they get off....
  15. on the hill as in capitol?

  16. Your a student check with the student health clinic.
  17. I saw Trenton Ducatti at a club that closed down here in Seattle and he does look older than his actual age for sure. His skin has the look of someone who tans too much and the drug use and possible use of steroids probably just made it worse.
  18. Addiction is a disease and he may have a family history of it? I have some friends and myself who know our limits when it comes to partying. But some people just can't stop, and that usually leads to trouble though it is usually financial and person not death. I honestly have never known of someone who died OD'ing on meth. And this is the first time I have heard of a heart attack so I would bet that it was otehr drugs that contributed the most to the heart attack, or he may have had an unknown heart condition and the drug use just made it worse. That it common with cocaine use.
  19. I agree and the campaign falls flat with me not seeing it much in Seattle where he is from either.
  20. People lie though. Now if there was a photo or video of thier tryst I might be inclined to believe but otherwise I don't just beleive what someone posts online, there are some viscious queens out there so someone posting false information would not surprise me. I had a friend here in Seattle who is into older guys but was not into one in particulalr so the spurned dude who is 62 and is so addicted to meth he is paranoid that the police are following him and stuff. Well to get back at my friend he posted signs on the telephone poles of Capital Hill the gay area with two photos of my friend and my friends full name accusing my friend of having drugged, raped and filmed it all at STeamworks over the 4th of July weekend, mind you the flyers went up a month later. He listed and email and reward of 1000 if anyone could help bring closure by contacting him if they were there that night and knew anything. I snatched the one I saw down and sent it to my friend who said it was fake the guy was an addict and ended up walking around to take the others I saw down and my friend turned them over to the police and the guy admitted to posting them to get revenge on my friend for spurning his advances. My friend works as a realator so that could have ruined his career but thankfully he lives outside of Seattle. But anyway the point I am trying to make is people will lie. Not saying that patrickdcdupont is, but I don't take somneone on just thier word when they post something like that online. Meth is also a problem in the straight community, especially in rural areas here on the west coast. It's been around Seattle for 20 years that I have lived here and has been a problem in the gay community but if it'sd not meth it's alcohol, tobacco, Ectasy, drugs cycle through every few years the only real solution is llegalize, and tax it so that those needing treatment for addiction can get it because the taxes fund those beds right now people without insurance can't get treatment which is why there are so many homeless tweakers. Of if they are able to get wait listed it can take months before they find a bed at a treatment center.
  21. totally forgot about Paypal not allowing porn. He did send me the password but there are only 4 videos on the page and one is an Xtube user I follow none of them have any real nasty conversion or poz talk so not worth $5.00 at this point.
  22. I donated if it is a scam I will submit a claim to paypal because they guarantee the transactions through them. It's been an hour so far no email with the password.
  23. Does anyone recognize this guy who just applied at TIM? http://www.treasureislandblog.com/headlines/casting-call-mark-2/ he looks familiar but I can't think of his name from his previous work in porn.
  24. I just think it is rude to do like some of the haters as I would call them have done and commented on his FB profile things like "it was tina". How the fuck do they know that? To me they are just gossipy nasty queens who know that Scott is not around anymore to defend himself. If your going to make an accusation like that then you damn well better have something to back it up and share what that is otherwise your just a nasty hater who get's off on speaking ill of the dead.
  25. Read up on the studies regarding undetectable men having bareback sex with neg guys and the science should help you because that is the best info your gonna get on it. Is your vid on xtube or somewhere for us to see?
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