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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. Sounds like it will have an algorithm type thing like netflix that learns your likes based on your reviews?
  2. That would be awesome. So it will be an aggregate site of the best from all the others in a way?
  3. The thing abouyt Xtube that annoys me if the number of 15 second clips. I am sorry but 15 seconds is not enough time for me to get a preview and decide if I want to buy the whole scene or video. To me those are just clutter. 15 seconds sure is not long enought to get off too if your jacking.
  4. Here's the video interview where just before the end Jackson says he prefers it bare with trevor and says they are both in a committed relationship and negative
  5. Just make sure it is properly anchored. I have heard stories of people bolting it to a plaster ceiling and then it gives way during use. That would suck.
  6. Trevor still has Jackson under his power and what he says goes and he was becomming anti this and anti that and even spoke of jealousy issues so he's happy with no more porn or social media I am sure. But as Jackson has demonstrated before he has needs and I have a suspicion that he will stray again if not already. I find Trevor hot but do not like the fact that he is basically telling Jackson he can't do porn and can't be online because of his jealousy. Jackson was a nice addition to the stable of studs at TIM and I was looking forward to more of him getting fucked. I checked out the BBRT profile does seem to be him find it somewhat interesting that they both went on record about their HIV status on a YouTube video I think or a blog interview so if Jackson is poz that was a lie on his part but then Trevor may have been behind that being he is the dominant one in that relationship. I believe he is poz, i mean how could you get barebacked by Ethan Wolf and be staring at his biohazard tat while blowing him and not know what that means. Only a fucking idiot living under a rock would not know, and I hope that boy is not that stupid. lol
  7. the last I heard via menofpornblog Jackson has retired for love. According to PeaksNValleys via twitter "I talked with Jackson tonight briefly. Still retired & with Trevor. The Gay Room scene out today with Bobby Hart was filmed several months after the Mountain Tops 2 scene."http://menofporn.typepad.com/menofporn/2013/04/jackson-taylor-is-still-retired.html
  8. In the newest scene posted on Timfuck.com where top Drew Sebastian fucks Danny Blue the top refers to his toxic load several times really fucking hot.
  9. Xtube is nlot going to get censored as one of the banned sites like your post above did. The software looks for sites that are known to post pirated porn and blocks them with the asterisks this is so that advertisers on this site do not get mad that the site is promoting the viewing of pirated porn. I kept getting censored a while back and finally got the 411 from someone about why that was happening.
  10. No pictures at all is an automatic ignore for me. I keep my Face pic locked because gay's gossip and I don't want just anyone seeing my face pic but I unlock when asked or am going to hookup. But this day in age no pics or even his body or cock means to me they are fake, or just too stupid or lazy and I don't want to waste time with them. Either that or they have something to hide like being way older and fatter than they are stating in the profile.
  11. It deepends on the situation. If I am partying and playing dance music can be great to fuck too, you kind of fuck in time with the music. But if I am watching porn or video I want to hear them not some music. I get annoyed when guys post videos with music or no sound. If your posting it then you obviously want to share it and most watching it are going to use it to get off to usally jerking off and to me I get off much better hearing guys talk nasty during sex or just hearing the sex not some diva belting out a song or the sound of nothing.
  12. Ethan's poz on his NKP profile. I would guess he made the transition to bb porn when he got that news.
  13. I agree. Sammie is not a regular poster on that site either.
  14. Someone should email him and ask he's got his escorting site laterslater.com
  15. He was probably on home detention or monitoring for some minor crime.
  16. Someone named Sammie posted this back on 02/06/13 on the menofgayporn blog: Jackson & Trevor are doing fine and still together and very happy. There is so much fiction in this comment section that I'm not going to address them all LOL. I am friends with both guys and have talked with them numerous times since this incident happened. They have and are continuing to work through their relationship issues but both are committed to it. They have left the world of porn and twitter, and doing regular jobs. Yes, Jackson was incarcerated for 4 days due to unpaid motor vehicle violations that he could not afford to pay, so he opted for time. He ran the ads referred to above for a short time due to those $ problems but never actually met with any clients; of course, there is still the issue of not sharing that with the hubby that is one their resolving. They really seem happy as ever. Trevor & jackson are a good match...compliment each other well. They do miss talking with their fans on twitter. And there is still some work that has yet to be published by some studios.
  17. He's talking about retiring soon, i hope he does a few more bareback videos before retiring if he does.
  18. Looks like his last porn work was this http://www.epicmale.com/network/scene/detail/1892/Pauly-and-Dustin.html
  19. I second that! This thread is for BAREBACK BREEDing videos, nothing else..
  20. I echo what rawtop said. StumbleUpon is also like delicious.com which was big Yahoo bought it then it languished there before being sold and now had dedicated users but is not nearly as trafficed as it once was.
  21. Like they say once you post something on the internet it's out there forever.
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