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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. Biohazard symbol, or like the bottom in Ace in the Hole having his hole and the area around it inked.
  2. I find rape hot, but then I might think differently if I actually was raped. The strange thing about this case is a week later no new info on the crime. Apparently the victim was treated for "severe injuries".
  3. I just noticed this post on Sage Daniels Facebook page: Well from all the responses that i got from my question about if i should quit porn or not ?i made my decesion that I'm not going to be making any more movies. i want to thank all of you that have watched me in action and when i was at an event that came up to chat with me. i will keep this up and running so i can still talk to all of you out there. now its on to the next chapter of my life i hope its as fun as the one i just had!!!! Like · · 4 October at 02:31 ·
  4. I just learned who the guy who died at Z was. I knew him he had gotten addicted to drugs and was homeless. Looked like shit the last time I ran into him so I would guess it was an overdose.
  5. NastyRigPig- did you see this in the news or online somewhere? I live real close to the Z. I know that sometimes homeless guys will get a room there or at Tribe as a last resort.
  6. Explain that one of the "benefits" of being monogamous is that you can forgo using condoms, which leads to a "hightened sexual experience" as they say in those Cialis commercials.
  7. There's an old saying "you can't rape the willing".
  8. http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/police-searching-armed-and-dangerous-sexual-assaul/nFdFz/
  9. I was thinking if it had been me I would have just submitted to him rather than put up a fight, especially if he had a knife that way hopefully I wouldn't get too torn up. But you are right Alaric all the mexican guy needed top do was log onto BBRT or Craigslist and he could have found a willing victim to rape.
  10. So far I have been unable to find any updates that would confirm that there was more to the story. Saw a KIRO news report where they showed the outside the apartment where it occurred. I had a friend who lives in a secured building so he was stupoid and never locked his door, until I got in to the building one night and walkked in on him getting a blow job. I said lock your door whore. I wonder if this guy was that way? I;m curious to know if he was gay or not. If it truly was a random assault the rapist had to get through the front door of the building and if he did not know the victim he must have chosen which unit at random but did he break in? Most apartments have peep holes i sure wouldn't open my door to someone who got into my building without me buzzing them in and then was at my door at 2 am.
  11. A man told police that he was raped by another man at knifepoint early Monday morning in his apartment here in Seattle http://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2011/11/14/spd-investigating-crime-scene-at-700-broadway-building I think there is more to the story than we know because that is a secure building so the rapist would have had to have gotten into the building and then the apartment, and then how did he know a man lives in that unit? Was he just seeking to rape anyone? Could be a hookup gone bad?
  12. I have always thought Chile was a developed country. My similar rant would be guys who are in other states who message me when I have it listed I am seeking a hookup. I don't have a lear jet sitting on the tarmac waiting for my instructions and it while I like to meet new people when your looking for a hookup have people across the country messaging is just annoying.
  13. I party but I I do not let it become out of control or allow myself to get too risky, in fact I find I am more likely to bareback when drinking alcohol than if I get high because if I get drunk enough I am not going to think about being safe. But there are many gay men who have let partying get out of control in their lives and they stopped caring and only had getting high and then having as much sex as possible and usually that means bathouses or hookup sites and by the point they have given up on being safe.
  14. Any chance you can post the clip online or share?
  15. Couples in a relationship have stopped using condoms with one another and it's just easy to assume and do the same when hooking up with another couple most likely.
  16. I find Treasure Island's Christian to be a hotter bottom than Dawson because Christian gets into it way more. Dawson's usually just laying there.
  17. It's a good template for making sure it happens in reality.
  18. rooftopguy does not come up when I did a search on bbrt just thought you might like to know.

  19. I find the small dicks can sometimes hurt more than large dicks because they end up just poking at the sphincter but are not big enough to actually loosen it so they end up just annoying me and being a less than pleasurable experience.
  20. Guy's like this one? http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2011/10/11/HIV-positive-man-failed-to-use-protection/UPI-33731318345035/
  21. Puppy Productions made a few good with with Thomas Bjorn one is called "Forced Entry" Club
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