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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. Firstly, there is no wrong way to be human!

    Secondly, pleasure is something that happens in the mind, not in the body. If you prefer and enjoy being used mercilessly, then by definition that is what gives you pleasure... even if the sensation of it is one we ordinarily would call pain. As anyone who enjoys S/M play will be happy to tell you (that's not me, but I have very close friends who do).

    Whether that means you are "damaged" is a different question - obviously  the "pain" sensation evolved to help us learn what to avoid (hot stoves are the classic example), but human beings are proficient at learning alternate interpretations for sensations. Bitterness is a great example - it means what you're eating is likely to contain toxins. But some people seek out bitter foods, or enjoy it in combination with other flavors - and that is learned behavior (children rarely do this). So I would only say you're "damaged" if that association is maladaptive for you or causes you psychological problems. And IMO you are one of the sanest people on this site, so I'd say nope, you're not damaged!


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  2. Yes, of course you can. There's nothing different about re-starting PrEP and starting it the first time, so taking it daily for seven days will work fine. I suspect your provider was trying to make sure you would be protected sooner if you were impatient about starting to have sex... Not that anyone on this site would ever be impatient about sex... No, never! 😉

  3. On 4/12/2022 at 3:12 AM, TotalTop said:

    If two or more people who are poz have unsafe sex this makes their meds not work as effectively, can make the meds stop working, and they spread and create drug resistant strains of HIV or infect each other with new strains.

    These statements are not true, or at least greatly overstated.

    Firstly, none of these are true at all for poz people whose infections are well-controlled (i.e. undetectable or nearly so).

    Secondly, even if one or both poz partner (on meds) does have a significant viral load:

    • Both partners' meds will work just as effectively
    • Having unprotected sex will not make the meds stop working
    • If the other partner's strain is resistant to all of the meds they are on, it is possible for them to catch it (superinfection) but because the meds are combinations, this resistance is unlikely.

    Edited this to remove statement regarding likelihood of superinfection - the data are not consistent, but superinfection is a significant phenomenon, see this article: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752600/



    That said, the cautionary statements in the first paragraph are well-stated and worth listening to! Though @BootmanLA was talking about overall probabilities, and his statements about those are correct.

  4. On 4/10/2022 at 2:31 PM, bareback-flipflop said:

    As my doc said two years ago, it’s better to get Syphilis then covid. 

    Note: This is ONLY true if you are getting tested regularly and discover it and get it treated. It is very easy not to notice the symptoms, and if it is not treated it can progress to serious harm to various body systems (heart, brain, etc.) and eventually kill you.

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  5. 1 hour ago, LakeErieSub said:

    Thank you! And I think I found the answer. "It's a privilege that comes with time spent on the site." Correct?

    Yes, but my more recent post (just above) is a bit more accurate. It's not calendar time that matters, nor amount of time logged in, nor number of logins. It's actual participation in the forum discussions, and "higher-quality" (for lack of a better phrase) participation counts for more. At least that is my understanding. Yes, that seems contradictory when the number of posts you can make is limited. In practice, it's not as bad as it sounds; you earn the basic privileges pretty quickly.

  6. I'm moving this to the PrEP forum; I think it makes more sense there.

    Short answer: Yes, PrEP will work regardless of how many loads you are taking. More loads don't somehow "use it up". It isn't perfect, but it's very, very good as long as you take it regularly.

    That said, if you go full-on bare cumdump, you are very likely to pick up some other STIs. Do get the appropriate vaccines and get tested and treated regularly.

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  7. On 12/30/2020 at 6:05 AM, Need2submit said:

    I know this will sound odd, but over the counter Tagamet (cimetidine) works really well for warts.  Here’s an article...

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/557832

    Alas, that information now appears to be outdated:


    Some evidence suggests cimetidine could be effective in the treatment of common warts, but more rigorous double-blind clinical trials found it to be no more effective than a placebo.

    -From the Wikipedia article on cimetidine

  8. 10 hours ago, miticax said:

    the whole prescription thing is a deal breaker, will probably have to pay for all the tests in germany + the cost of medical check, and the consultation part would be tricky given I'll be a foreigner asking a german doctor for the prescription, I don't even know if that would work, cost aside.

    I don't think there is any reason to believe that getting medical care as a foreigner in Germany would be difficult. Expensive, perhaps, difficult, no. Foreigners in Germany surely get sick all the time, and I would not expect preventive care that is the standard care in Germany to be different even if it isn't available where you come from. I recommend doing a web search for clinics in Germany (preferably in the area where you will be) and trying to get some real information. They will probably be happy to talk with you and tell you what is and is not possible. They might even be willing to tell you what it will cost (which, believe me, would be nearly impossible to find out if it were the US!). Or if you know anyone living in Germany, you could ask them.

    I did a little web searching and found this site to give a lot of info that looks useful:

    [think before following links] https://wise.com/us/blog/healthcare-system-in-germany

  9. 42 minutes ago, Toyrsrgr8 said:

    But in some ways I understand what he's saying about safe words.  There has to be some trust in the Dom

    Oh, I get that and I agree. Disclaimer: I'm not experienced in BDSM. But my understanding is that safe words are intended as exactly that. They are for safety in a situation where the sub is threatened with actual harm (be that physical or psychological), not just having their boundaries tested (which is part of the point, is it not?).

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  10. I think if we were to do it right, the "age of adulthood" would have not much to do with chronology, and a LOT to do with maturity. I've known people well into their 20s (and probably older) who didn't seem mature enough for adult responsibility.

    We could have some kind of test... of course then people would cheat on it, and bribe their way out of it, and like that.

    Never mind.

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  11. Great start! I'm liking the characters already.

    I'll offer a bit of what's intended as constructive criticism: This has a lot of typos - including a couple where I cannot actually tell what you mean for sure (which is rare for me). You may find it helpful to type out longer posts such as this in a text editor (you can get basic ones for free) and proofread them (or better, have someone else do that) before posting them here. You can message me if you need help getting started with that.

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