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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    I’m trying to imagine defending a dissertation in front of a peer review committee with questions about how ‘I fuck faggots’ and ‘I crave cum’.

    Kind of like my (gay bear) friend, an English PhD, who had to give a job talk on his thesis research (19th century erotic literature) at a Catholic university. Complete with discussion of the clitoris.

    He got the job.

  2. 6 hours ago, Eurolads said:

    i have two posts in the London and Uk hook forum page.

    I have my face pics on these and need them to be removed at some point.

    You did exactly the right thing by reporting the posts.

    I'll repeat this here for those who haven't got the memo:

    You can edit or delete your own post for about 10 minutes after you put it up. After that, the system locks it and you need to request a moderator to do it, which you can do by reporting your own post, with a description/text of the edit you want to make in the report. We are happy to do this for you (as long as you don't get crazy and do it eight days a week).

    • Upvote 1
  3. 4 hours ago, StickyWetHole said:

    it felt like the penicillin had turned to stone in my ass

    Let me tell you about the time I drove from upstate NY to Colorado with one of those in my ass...

    On second thought, don't. That's one of the experiences I'd just as soon forget. Even if it does make a good story.

    Yes, that really happened.

    • Haha 2
  4. On 5/12/2022 at 3:48 PM, TheSRQDude said:

    I won't go on, since this isn't the "politics" section...

    You're right. It isn't the politics section. Be very careful - I'm not a Democrat, nor am I a Trump Republican. I'm a conservative Libertarian, and definitely not a racist. All due respect, please leave this over in LGBT Politics. 

    <Looks at nav strip>

    Um, guys... I have bad news for you. This is the Politics section.

    That said, even in the Politics section, respect is good.

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    • Haha 1
  5. This is AWESOME, @ErosWired!!! All you need is to collect a significant (in the technical sense) batch of data and you have a scientific publication in the making! (NOT kidding - and if you're interested I can probably put you in touch with a potential co-author).

    I got EAI with coords 3.7, 3.0, 4.4 (if I remembered them correctly). The description seems quite accurate, though if rating myself on the I/G axis, I might put myself a little on the G side of center (based on a comparison between my mental experiences of breeding and of getting bred - they are both extremely strong, though).


    • Upvote 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, mort said:

    When you are a person who has been involved in science

    I have three degrees, including a PhD, in science. From the top 12 schools in the world in that field at the time. Unlike you, I cited my sources. I am pretty sure I know what constitutes valid scientific argument.

    <MontyPython> Go away, before I taunt you a second time! </MontyPython>


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  7. 12 hours ago, ejaculaTe said:

    I may have missed something, but how would...

    You are correct, it wouldn't. @fskn explained what I was thinking (good read, that!): the regular testing would catch it before it got that far. I would add that for me, the regular testing possibly has been the greatest benefit of being on PrEP. I haven't been having so much sex that I would have been likely to pick up HIV even without it, but it has been enough to pick up at least 2 STIs including syphilis, and we caught them early, which makes me happy.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, jockhrychest said:

    I have to say, while most guys seem taken with my overall physique, I get more comments about my chest and shoulders. I'm not someone who lives in the gym or even works out a lot, I'm just one of those guys who is genetically predisposed to a decent body.

    We want pictures!!!

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Nchikerbttm said:
    12 hours ago, mort said:

    A fair few people claiming HPV strain "causes" cancer this is untrue.


    We do not know the "cause" of any type of cancer.


    It has an association which is not valid science it's the same as stating on sunny days more people drown its because of the sun.


    The same with when people talk about risk this is cause/effect statement yet they don't know the cause so again invalid.



    Well… sorta… the science does support HPV causing Cervical Cancer.

    I haven’t seen anything on Colorectal Cancers, though.

    HPV definitely does cause cervical cancer, and it is considered (by the scientific community) to be very likely to be a causative agent for a variety of other mucosal cancers. More details on the mechanism of the causation are still under research, and significant mechanistic evidence has been shown.

    For more details on HPV causation of cervical cancer, see this really excellent article, which goes into great detail about exactly what it means to "prove" causation from epidemiological data:

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1769629/

    • Upvote 1
  10. 4 hours ago, TheSRQDude said:

    They can do the research, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will actually lead to a drug that is a cure because it will still require Big Pharma...

    Except that this is actually an instance of gene therapy, all of which is aimed at one-time cures for a variety of diseases. That mostly isn't provided by Big Pharma - although most of them are probably dipping toes in it - but by small biotechnology companies. I'm not sure what their profit model is, but there seem to be plenty of investors. Who, of course, are looking for growth gains rather than dividends, as they were from software in the .com boom 20 years ago. So perhaps there is some hope.

  11. 1 hour ago, mort said:

    I wouldn't pay to much attention to the cure talk it's all BS.


    Cures do not make $$$ what they are really doing is looking for treatments or prevention which wont be one dose but a long term making it fairly cost effective so they can sell it for a fair price but also make a nice amount when you take them for decades.


    I'll disagree on this. You have to consider who is doing the research. These people are at a state university. They are much more likely to be doing research because they think it's the right thing to do, or because the government happens to be funding research in that area and their proposal looked more likely to give some kind of positive result.

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  12. 3 hours ago, PillowPrincess0 said:

    "In two large studies, people receiving cabotegravir injections were significantly less likely to get HIV than people receiving Truvada pills; for both, adherence matters"

    Do the two studies specify percentage points between the two? If I do do pills I might forget a dose so a 2 month injection might be more convenient.

    Also, it would be interesting to know whether the studies tried to measure (and correct for) the adherence effect. Measuring would presumably be relatively easy for the cabotegravir, less so for the Truvada.

  13. Syphilis is notorious for looking like other things or sometimes having symptoms subtle enough that you just don't notice them. Especially if you're bottoming, when the primary sore can actually be inside where you can't see it at all.  The second time I crossed paths with it I never noticed any symptoms.

    But IT CAN KILL YOU... indeed it WILL kill you (and very nastily) if left untreated.

    So get tested, people!

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  14. If, like me, you're prone to losing them - this is one possible solution: Buy silicone O-rings by the dozen. I got these from Amazon and they work out to a little more than $1 each. They're a bit on the narrow side, but they're fairly stiff while still stretchy enough to get on and off - work quite well for me. They are also available in a wide variety of sizes, which is a huge advantage.

    [think before following links] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FN0YLC/


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  15. I'm with @NWUSHorny on this one. I'm aware that this is a thing, but: I see people subscribing to this or that hierarchy, and jockeying for place in it, or happy with their place in it... and my reaction is very much "OK... whatever." I'm just not wired that way. I can role-play dom or sub (within limits) but it's definitely acting for me, and not at all connected with my psyche. I find politics similarly baffling.

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  16. OK, a couple of points here.

    One, the 2-1-1 on-demand dosing for PrEP has been experimentally verified to be effective for bottoms. Therefore, a 2-day tail (plus however long it takes for the drug concentration to drop in the body)  is sufficient to protect from infection.  Therefore 28 days (or even 7) are not necessary. QED.

    Two [warning, science ahead!] the drugs (reverse transcriptase inhibitors) in PrEP do indeed go into the cells, and they must do so significantly *before* the HIV virus in order to protect that cell from infection. They must enter the cells because that is where the viral RNA is unpacked and transcribed into DNA - the first step in replication, and the one that RTIs prevent. They must do so early because the dosed forms of the drug are not the ones that inhibit the process - they must first be deprotected (from the chemical modification that protects them and allows them to be absorbed by the body) and then have a couple of phosphate groups added by body enzymes before they are in the form that binds to the viral enzyme and prevents it from working. All that takes some time.


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