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Everything posted by chipygmalion80

  1. Yup. Basically I've figured str8 or gay or whatever know the difference between a hookup to fuck and love making. I guess the question is: sticking dick in a FB or random guys ass makes you gay? Some think so. Others look at sexuality as the sex the person wants to be with. And then there's the long term relationships with no sex. If a "gay" is married to a guy but only has sex with women, well ... 🤯🤯🤯is he? a man whore?! 🤣
  2. A 67yo slim white tall Grandpa hit me up yesterday. 2nd message was his thick cock n balls. I was totally turned on! Sadly I got his message after I'd left town.
  3. Herd mentality. Its like fads that everyone falls for. There's no point trying to understand it. It just happens.
  4. Doctors have an Rx that will irradicate crab (pubic lice). The active ingredient is permethrin, an insecticide also used by farmers (though not in ointment form, hah!). I went to my doc and got a cream that I applied to my groin and the itching was gone in days, IIRC. It's been awhile. I've not had crabs in over 20+ years. And there's where the stigma about crabs is silly. Crabs are not an STI. Yet the CDC's own website assumes sex and STIs -- wow: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/pubic/treatment.html I got crabs from sleeping in a college mate's dorm room. We slept together -- not "slept together" -- we did not have sex. The crabs were in his bed linens. Crabs are like bed bugs. Yet here we are on BZ with an OP feeling comfortable talking with some sex pigs about it. 🤨
  5. 🙌 Can we get this guy a drink?! Labels are killing us. Gays, trans, top, bottom, or whatever "Other-ness" divides us. The good news is we're all united here on sites like this. Think of that! But labels are great at sorting out people. Dating apps are great at it. Like the saying goes "a knife doesn't kill but the person who does the killing", a label doesn't divide us until its in the wrong hands. Labels are often in the hands of the worst people who can only think inside a box. Think outside that box!
  6. Fuck I'm jealous. One of my re-occuring fantasies is to be used as a seedbank by an infertile couple. Hubby will be fucking my ass while wife is milking my cock's fertile seed into her pussy. When the "Daddy" is ready to cum up my ass, I'm expected to cum on demand to impregnate the Mom. My gay dick used as a cum donor for straights. Fantasy still ... even if the couple isn't really trying to get pregnant. Damn I got hard from typing that!
  7. Your comment reminded me when I was walking around a downtown hotel after sundown and a homeless black guy in his 40s came up to me and looked me right in the eyes and said "I'll give you a BJ for 20 bucks". I was stupid to say no but I also was younger then and didn't feel comfortable. Nowadays I carry too much cash on hand. I should carry 2 wallets like my Grandpa did. He had his fake wallet in his back pocket that had like $20 in 1s. His real wallet was in his FRONT pocket and had hundreds. Grandpa figured a thief would have to get close to the sensitive parts to steal it and he'd feel it.
  8. +1. There's a couple porn studios that film TopSon and they do make me bust 😛 IRL (In Real Life, as the young Gen says), I've been fucked by a few college twinks. They're all 1 and done. I figure they're experimenting. I fucked a 40-something a few times back in college. For FWB / FB's, my success has been with same age men, so 40-somethings.
  9. Wisconsin too, at least the countryside. Young kids are U+ / poz-friendly?! Not around here. The lingerie kink kills me too. It must be a country thing. When I visit cities, I never bump into so many guys into lingerie, smooth asses, a guy (with cock and balls showing) in wig & dresses, etc. I like fucking females but the guys into that kink turn me off. Nice! I saw a chick nearby on Grindr yesterday but thought she must be a really damn good TS. I'll be on the lookout for more chicks on Grindr.
  10. This ^ I'll still wrap when bending over Bi/"Str8" married guys. I tell them to pull out and shoot their cum all over me, or I finish them off deepthroat. Being a cum fanatic helps, lol. My own cock hates rubber so I seek out BB btms.
  11. Yup. When I top an anon pump n dump ass, an external room door is a perk but isn't required. Room keys can get messy, especially locked elevators or the entire hotel needing the key/card. Playing room key tag is a hornball killer. I've tried finding the bottoms hidden door key in a lobby plant or wherever ... it's just messy. So pick a hotel that doesn't have locked elevators or locked lobbies.
  12. He's a keeper! I've fucked with hitched/partnered guys. And now I'm one of them, hah! 😆 My partner pokes fun that I'm a pig who will fuck anyone, and I ask him if he's chatting a hookup when he pays more attention to his phone than me 🤣 So in a way we are open. Am I cheating? I don't think my partner would ever say "you cheated on me". Still, it is hot to hookup with another partnered/married guy, I don't have to worry about "strings attached". 🙂
  13. It's working. Your ass pic looks great 🙂
  14. Hot as fuck! Totally agree about open or cummy holes. A tite ass might milk my cum or kill my hard on like a condom does. It seems a lot of cubby, beefy, chubby guys have silky soft fuck holes. Probably why my skinny ass likes fucking their phat asses 😝
  15. 🤣🤣🤣 There may be a bottomless pit of bottoms ... OK I'm not so good at jokes 😁 ..., but A LOT of bottoms self-select themselves out of getting fucked. "BBC only" "white only" "no Asian" "8+ thick only" "smooth only" "18-30 young only" "40-70 old only" "dom only" "Daddies only" ... on and ON the laundry list goes. I'm put off by picky bottoms even if I meet their laundry list criteria.
  16. I tried Crossfit for 3months. Then cancelled. Felt like very expensive weight lifting to me. The AMRAMPS, WODS, EMOMS or whatever -- they had this lingo and never explained anything but always did barbells. Barbells every other day. It was expensive weight lifting. Where was shoving tires around? Sand bags? And climbing rope? Climbing rope happened 1x a month, I missed that day, and everyone else hated it so I couldn't see ropes happening more often. When I mentioned these things, the owner recommended that I get a crossfit trainer. Hah! Paying $150 bucks / month for the gym, and now add-on a personal trainer on top!? $$$. I quit. I run, bike, and do my own style of yoga while watching TV. Once I find a nude yoga partner, I'll sign up in a heartbeat. My partner goes to the crossfit gym religiously. That's a big reason I tried it. He's always tired by like 8pm. Often I get home around dinner, cheery about my full day of doing this-and-that, only to find him about to sluff off to bed. He has to get up early to make the 5am gym class time. Sounds like hell to me.
  17. AdrianBliss on YTube must be one of the world's friendliest gays. Here's one of his funny shorts that includes a "I love men" 🥰
  18. Sounds Greek Orthodox. I also live way out in the country and conservative / religious folks (but in the USA, yes). Play the cards that you were dealt in life. If girls are attracted to you, be good friends with a girl. Guys who appear coupled, even to a friend, are strong magnets. A gay guy who sees you with a girl may feel more comfortable walking up to you both or just asking her if you're single. Do you have a girl there you could trust and hang out with? Sometimes the girl who has the biggest crush on a gay guy turns out to be a good friend. And lots of girls like to think they can match make. Whether their matches work, LOL, well it's better than sitting alone at home.
  19. Funny thread. My problem is the opposite: if I'm there to suck or fuck (a vers), he almost always asks to fuck me. Well, except the 100% bottoms of corse.
  20. Bingo. I dip my finger in their condom after they leave and shove it up my ass hole. Usually the next guy will be into it. Often, a line-up is like: 1st guy: "do you have condoms?" 2nd guy: "did you already take a load?" 😁
  21. We'll see soon enough. The latest case is the Santa Clara Heath Dept spying on churchgoers. The law about freedom of religion was used instead of right to privacy. In that case, the County hired SafeGraph to geolocate the # of attendees at the church during COVID. Perhaps the Cali law should have stopped the County, but time and again ethics fly out the window when folks get ahold of datasets. This guys interpretation of the tech is spot on -- if SafeGraph knew locations of attendees, they can track back to a person's home [think before following links] https://davidzweig.substack.com/p/when-a-renegade-church-and-a-zealous The Vatican doing this crap is just a red herring. It's news meant to make people mad for the wrong reasons. When government agencies that aren't even supposed to act as law enforcement can spy on our exact locations WITHOUT a search warrant or, even worse, a secret Patriot Act court signing off on a wiretap, the Vatican knowing who went to a bathhouse will be the least of my worries.
  22. Yup. That's a Public Service Announcement that should be shouted everywhere. The Facebook - Cambridge Analytica fiasco prooved what many of us (especially in IT/Tech) have known -- that private data is $$$ so it's bought & sold all the time. Even free forums, like this one, have to make $$$ somehow. Occasionally, I will "donate" to forums, aka. upgrade to Premium. If the question is: "what do we do about this?" You'll hear a lot of stabs at it. I recommend 1 uncommon thing: Pay-to-Play. OK, not "pay-to-play" in the usual sense. I mean seek out and use apps/forums/etc whose revenues are, at least partly, from paid subscribers; and then subscribe to them. Substack is an recent example of revenue from paid subscribers. "What's a good sniff test?" might be the next question. A good indicator of how much revenue is coming from selling private data is looking at how targetted the ads are. If ads are generic, like this site -- OK it's all BB porn but I've not seen that any ad actually knows _which_ BB porn that I like --, it's probably OK. If in-app ads seem to really, REALLY know you -- like the ad knows you just bought some Nike shoes yesterday, or knows that you just visited Chicago --, then your private data has been sold to 3rd parties. If the sniff test fails, then get rid of the app/website/whatever. And to be bearer of bad news -- all the social media apps must be removed. Not just TikTok. All. Of. Them. Not many folks are willing to remove all these apps, except Mr. Hermit whose off-grid already anyways 🙂 There are some methods to limit these apps ability to send private data (usually the app already has your data on your device and just needs to send it to servers), but these methods aren't simple to use, and often break the apps anyways. Examples are: overseas VPNs, reverse Proxies, secure DNS, advanced Firewall apps, etc.
  23. "Hey" popped in on the chat. 8:24am was the time on my phone. I'm sipping coffee, usual Tuesday morning, and heard the buzz from my phone. It was that college "twunk" from last night. Cute young guy, totally smooth Latino guy, no beard or scruff, <6' tall; so not really my "type", but whose picky? De had a sexy freshman 20lb spare tire on his tummy, and some fat balls between his legs, that he spread wide open on my couch when he wanted that BJ last time. I'd told him I was old enough to be his gay uncle's. His reply that night was "Guncle". (I had to Google that to be sure.) Well last night, this "Gungle" milked his young cock and got a sweet tasting load of cum. Can't complain. And now this text from College guy ... "Morning stranger, you up again?" I txted back. "Nah." College guy replied. But then he txted again after getting my joke, "Oh, yea I'm "up" "Damn those balls fill up fast". I egged him on more. "Fuk yea man. Constantly." he said. I imagined he was jacking ... and thinking this counts as "sexting" where I'm used as a chatbot to bust this guys nutts via texts, hah! Before I could txt back, he got to the point: "You free now?" "Yea for a bit. Round 2?" "Nice. I just need to be on campus at 9:30am." "Oh, not much time. Quickie then" "Yea", he agreed. Then he said what he really wanted: "Quick pump n dump cool?" "You mean up my ass?" "Yea. Like your pic." he txted. Now I got to think ... which pics did I send ... oh a pic of my ass doggie on the edge of a hotel couch I had stayed at. "OK, no prob. Give me 10 mins" === 8:45am. 10 mins I worked on cleaning my hole. I'd heard my phone buzz a couple times but ignored it. When I finally checked my phone, I saw College Guy was getting trigger happy: "Let me know", and then "Ready?", and finally, "I'm gonna start heading out, K?" Damn -- I know what that means. College Guy's head is talking, and not the brainy one. I finally txted back: "OK yup I'm ready". I unlocked the front door, put on the MILF porn that College Guy liked watching last night -- was this guy bi or curious ... I didn't care --, setup laptop, lube by the couch, ... then heard my phone again. "Just parked." he replied. "Door is unlocked." I txt as I saw College Guy getting out of his little Nissan beater car, wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, and then walks towards my door. I hear him open the door. "HEY" I hear his voice boom. "In here" I yelled back to him. I hear his footsteps creek across the old hardwood floor into the living room. "Fuck man" I hear him whisper as he walks up to the couch. I turn to look back at his cute young face gawking. Bare jocked ass up doggie must be good for him to see. No blindfolds needed. We saw each other last night. "It's what you wanted." I said to his face, he looked into my eyes, I saw his brown eyes gazing back, him not knowing what to say now, after his pent-up testosterone had taken over his brain. I reached over for his buckle, already seeing an engorged groin, unzipped, and out popped his hard 7 in pecker. "Early riser" I smiled. "Yea, I woke up hard and jacked it some." he said with a smile. I went to grab for this raging cock aimed at me, but when I wrapped my hand around his shaft, he blurted out. "I'm already ready man. Don't have much time", College Guy said with a serious strain in his face. "Damn", I said. "OK, then do it" I turned away, stuffed my face into the pillow of the couch, and raise my jocked ass up doggie right in front of his hard cock. College Guy shuffled over, pants still at his ankles, grabbed my waist, and shoved his bare cock right up my ass. No lube! No condom! No questions! I moaned when I felt his cock's fullness in my ass, and from the thought of his going au natural. He pumps his bare cock several times. His belt buckle jingles on every thrust. "Fuck" I hear College Guy say from behind me. His pumping stops. His bare cock slips out of my fuckhole. "All good?" I ask turn my head sideways. "I'm really close man." he pants back, his cock "No worries man. Dump that load." I command. I reach around from behind, grab each of his hairless thighs, and pull him towards my ass. His bare cock slips back into my used hole. His cock swells up inside my fuckhole. I know what's going to happen, and muffle a "Fuck yea man! Dump that load" into the pillow. "Oh fuck, here it cums!" he responds, as if on command from my encouragement, as he tightly squeezed my buttcheeks and leans his whole body into my ass. I feel the pulses. Fuck, I think, College Guy is dumping the load up my Guncle ass. The thought makes my semi-hard cock jump and dribble cum. "Fuck." I hear him pant. College Guy stays standing behind my ass for a couple seconds, then I feel his cock yank out of my ass abrutly. "Damn, I just couldn't hold it man" he pants and starts to walk over by the lube & towel I put beside me on the couch. "No problem", I turn my head and look back to see College Guy's cock is swollen but deflating fast, his fat balls are still tight, and a string of cum drips from his bare cock head. He quickly wipes the cum away and cleans up his whole cock. He sees me checking out his junk, he smiles back at me, and pulls up his sweat pants. I sense the awkardness could sink in, so I quickly look at my watch, get up, and pull up my pants too. "I gotta run to an appointment." I lie. "Oh shit" he says, and looks at his watch too. "I'm gonna be late for class." He looks up again, and smiles "Hey, thanks. Gotta run" and he literal jobs over to the door. "Later" I say. === 8:48am was the time on my phone. College Guy was definently a quick pump n dump. === THE NEXT TUESDAY === "Hey" comes the text. From College Guy. 7:53am. His text was a bit earlier but same day. "Hey buddy. Yea, I'm free. What's up" I reply. "Me. You free now" and for flair, a piggy emoticon too, hah!. "Nice. Yea" I text back. "No class today?" "Yea still got a 9:30. Need to dump this load though" "Fuck yea. Big load?" "4 days man. You be ready?" "Sure, what are you up for?" "Same as last time." "OK. Give me 10min." 8:15am "Almost there." College Guy txts. "OK. I'll be in back bedroom. Lights off if you want." I reply. "Nice, OK. Quick in & out." he says. "Yea no problem", we understood each other now. My Guncle ass would just be some hole for College Guy to dump his load in. === 8:20am. I hear the door slam shut. My head stays in the bed pillows. Hardwood floor creeking comes closer to my bare ass up doggie on the edge of the bed. It's dark. I hear a belt buckle flopping sound, and a zipper pops open, I feel a cold hand reach out but it finds buttcheeks, and then something presses against my buttcheek. His cock isn't lined up. I move my ass over to line up. I feel the pressure against my fuckhole. More pressure and in pops a swollen sensation. A quiet moan happens from behind me. My hole erupts in pain as College Guys shoves his cock down deep. I clench my teeth in hopes of not moaning back. He starts pumping. The thrusts aren't slower this time. I start thinking: young guy is fucking fast again, like last time. That big 4 day load is too much for his fat young balls to hold onto. College Guy is going to lose it again. And then it happens: that heavy breathing sound. This time he keeps thrusting hard. I don't feel his cock pulsing, like last time. Too much thrusting. But I know he's cumming. My cumhole feels much warmer. College Guy keeps pumping balls deep, and dumping his 4 day load up Guncle's ass. I feel his cock slip out. Sound of his buckle from pulling his pants up. A slap on my buttcheek. And College Guy walks out, and slams the door shut. === 8:25am I get a text just as I'm fingering my very cummy hole. Just 2 words: "Thanks man" he texts. "No prob." is all I reply. 5mins. Damn! === About every other week, College Guy texts me. If he texts in the evenings, he wants a long sloppy BJ while watching MILF porn on my couch. If he texts me in the morning, he wants to walk in on ass up / face down for a quick pump n dump that lasts a couple mins. He stays a regular FB for the semester, and then College Guy never texts me again.
  24. This ^ It's so true. Every. Single. Smoker (of tobacco). "smokey cum" just taste nasty. So what do cum swallowers do? I spit out, or get a facial. Or his cum goes up my ass, LOL! 🤪 Anyone know if vaper's cum tastes OK? I'm hoping I've swallowed some and just didn't realize because it tasted good 😆 🐷
  25. I was visiting Minneapolis and of course got horny. My hubby doesn't put out anymore but it's been hard to find local FBs, so when traveling I have fun. Chat up a guy who was a scruffy, 5'9ish, salt & pepper 50-something cyclist off Sniffies. I was wrapping up an appointment, parked in a lot, chatted him up, and made plans. He had me park on the side street and meet him in his shed. I find him in the dark shed, he has a sexy deep voice, we make out, I feel up his muscled body, and he grabs my throbbing semihard cock. He has me sit down in a dusty old rocking chair, and swallows my cock. He makes all kinds of slurping sounds sucking my cock hard. I peek over his salt & pepper head bobbing and see his 2 mounds of cycling butt. I tell him I want to see his ass. He says he didn't shower. I say good, get up from the chair, he bends over, and I pull down his shorts. Damn! out pops big ass on top of 2 thick thighs. I spread his cheeks, see a hairy crack, and smash my face inbetween. Daddy's ass smells of must and more. I love it and lick. My cock is rock hard after rimming his hot muscled ass so I tell him I want to fuck his ass, but he says next time because he didn't shower. Damn. He turns around, kneels down, and sucks my cock. I get close to cumming as I imagine fucking Daddy's hot ass, so I tell him that I'm close.. His throat stays balls deep as I cum. He gets up off the floor, saying his knees aren't up for doing that long, hah! 🙂 and other chit-chat. I tell him that I'll look for his ass next time I'm in town, and he says do that. Obviously Daddy need some milk that morning.
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