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Everything posted by bberik

  1. Hmmm, I might start accepting guys with condoms after reading this
  2. If I've done when I was 20 that I do now, I probably would've had aids and been dead before 1990. I was scared shitless of aids in the 80's (I was 20 in 1983). I couldn't stand the thought of condoms, so I only sucked cock, but never let anyone cum in my mouth, I only fucked people I knew (in other words, I didn't fuck very many), so there was mostly common jerking off. Now I fuck and dump loads, and I also take loads from strangers (both orally and anally), and am still neg. Who would have believed? And I received an invitation for acting in gay porn. If I'd been then as I am now, I probably would have accepted, because I wanted to.
  3. Cardiff 1-3 Oct, Brighton 3-6 October, Riga 27-31 October, Berlin 4-8 March

  4. Traveler looking for fun!

  5. I found a guy on BBRT, who I've been chatting with a lot. He's 23, hasn't been fucked since April 2013, almost virgin, very cute, and we actually seem to have very many of the same interests. I've actually fallen in love with him, even though I haven't met him yet. I saw a tv program about him on a local tv-station, on being gay in the country side, which made me fall in love with him. He said that I seem very easy to communicate with. He likes the age difference, and says no to condoms. He's from a very small town with less than a 2,000 people, but 3 hours drive from me. Hmm, who would have believed, finding real love on BBRT.
  6. If my doctor told me I've got 5 months to live, I'd go to the most crowded club in Berlin, stay there for a whole weekend and let anyone fuck me raw in both holes. Anything below 100 loads would be disappointing. Probably won't happen.
  7. A virgin would be fun to bring home and use the whole night or weekend. But at clubs, anyone who bares his ass.
  8. That's not what was asked, but whether or not you use a lube injector. I've never heard about it, and am interested in how they work and if a lot of people use it. I assume you can find them at most gay sex stores?
  9. I'm bberik on bbrt, barebackcity, gayromeo, gaydar.co.uk and some other sites. I'm cumdumpforgangbang on gay.com.
  10. You have to check with the club and the nights. Some nights are theme nights, and they might be more strict. Some might let you in with jeans and barechested, but shoes and jockstrap should let you in. You might put your clothes in a bag and leave it at the counter.
  11. I have two sperms on my butt. Pic in my gallery. I'm also considering a "No condoms allowed" tattoo.
  12. I didn't vote yet, because right now I don't like it at all, but most of the time there are major changes it just takes getting used to the changes.
  13. I like it the way it is. I hardly ever log in, I'm online every time I click on your web address. I'm not on Twitter either, so it wouldn't matter to me. On Google+ I only have a gay + bareback account, no local friends, but I hardly ever have to log in there either.
  14. I don't know, I've never been fucked with a condom.
  15. Thank you, naughty. I asked the question in Norwegian gay forum. I'll let you know what the people say.
  16. BTW, there are already warnings on the dvd boxes and in the film itself before the films start, about the hazards of barebacking. But not on private videos naturally. And private videos will still be posted online.
  17. Is there a link online, where I can read about it? I don't want the whole report, but would be glad if there's a link that anyone can click on, because I'd like to ask this question in a forum in my own country. Would be great to be able to post a link to a source.
  18. I've been a lot on Grindr lately too. I live on the countryside and there are not really many guys close by. I got contacted by a 20-year-old guy last Saturday, who fucked me raw. Then I started checking him out on Facebook, and found out that one of my best gay friends happens to be his uncle. This 20-year-old told me not to say anything to his uncle, because he's in the closet still. Some other young guys on Grindr turn out to be friends with my daughters. But as for TigerMilner and his son's best friend: Are you sure that your son is not gay too? I mean taking a photo in your guest room and using it on Grindr. Are you sure your son wasn't there too? Edit: Sorry, I didn't read all your posts before I posted the last paragraph. He sounds like a great son, and you must be a great dad.
  19. Tom's Apartments, already mentioned, but also RoB apartments: http://www.rob-berlin.de/apartments/?lang=en RoB has slings and everything needed for a great sleazy night. I haven't stayed at either Tom's or RoB, because it's always been booked when I've been to Berlin, so I've only gotten this info from friends and their websites. Axel Hotel has cruising in the sauna and jacuzzi on the top floor: http://www.axelhotels.com/en/hotels/berlin/
  20. I'm vers. I don't care if it goes up my ass or down my throat, as long as it's not wasted, but it's hotter when I get it in my ass.
  21. My ass is full of cum right now. Met this 20-year-old guy on Grindr, and he came over to my place. Condom was never mentioned and he fucked me raw.
  22. I used to be scared too, so I've only been top for many years, but I have been sucking and swallowing for a few years now. However, a few weeks ago I met another top, thought I could suck him. But suddenly he decided to fuck me, and turned me around and pushed me onto bed, and entered my ass. He did ask if I had a condom, but I said no. It didn't stop him though, just went in (I would have told him to anyway). He came inside me, then he left. It turned me on so much, that I didn't take a shower until much later in the day. I just put a towel in the chair to sit on, and let the cum stay inside me for hours. I still don't want to be poz, but I know the risks. Actually not knowing is what turns me on. I can't wait to go to Barcelona in a couple of weeks.
  23. Damned. I met a guy from Orlando last night in Bergen, Norway, and when I told him I might be going to Orlando next year, he told me I should go to Parliament House. I hope it'll still be there.
  24. Great luck Well, maybe I'll see you during Europride next year.
  25. Bummer we're so far away from each other. I love Asians.
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