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Everything posted by Alaric

  1. Go to the Quebec pub in London Marble Arch W1H 7AF
  2. I heard rumours about the local licensing authorities and the biohazard parties.
  3. No idea - it just says on the Fort website closed as of 24th Aug 2011
  4. http://bit.ly/pDHxFz - a link to google maps. Follow the path on the north side of Jack Straws Castle (used to be a pub).
  5. Hampstead Heath
  6. Viagra (and Kamagra - the indian version) works fine for me. Cialis makes the muscles in my legs ache for a couple of days.
  7. Yesterday I was out in Oxleas wood in South East London litter picking in the local cruise area. The idea was to remove all the old condom wrappers, beer cans and used condoms. I was dressed for the part in jeans, boots, tee and bright yellow jacket. Most guys were nervous with me around, but one guy was watching me. Before long he caught my eye and brushed his hand against his crotch, watching me carefully. I didn't look away. He did it again more obviously this time. I adjusted my crotch staring in his eyes. He was in his 30's fit and gaunt with slightly sunken cheeks. He had short brown hair. As I watched he turned and stepped through a gap in the vegetation. I already knew from my tidying work there had been a load of old condom wrappers in that hidden area he'd entered. I followed. I found him almost naked, jeans around his ankles and his tee hooked on a bush. He had a rock hard cut 8" cock tipped with a PA. I stood before him and ripped my jacket off. My tee joined his in the bush and my jeans were soon pooled over my boots. I knelt before him and sucked in his cock. The PA tapped my teeth as he thrust and I soon gagged and struggled. He did not relent. I wondered what damage would happen if he pushed that deep down my throat. I stopped struggling hoping he would let me get some air to breath. Sensing my submission he pulled out. As I wretched and coughed he pulled me to my feet. He wordlessly turned me toward a tree and pushed my back indication it was time for me to bend over. He pulled my ass cheeks apart and spat twice on my asshole before forcing his finger in deep. I knew he could feel the Vaseline I'd used to lube my ass. "You dirty cunt," were the only words he used as he forced his cock into my ass. Despite the pre-lube the PA ring hurt quite a lot and I gasped a loud "fuck". He took this as a signal to ram in the full length. I don't know how long he fucked me for, 10 minutes I'd guess, before he rammed in deep and dumped his load deep in my ass. As I found out later, as I was driving home, it had been a massive load. He pulled out, dressed and left without another word.
  8. Just one question ; your problem with condoms, is it with the same guy or others? It might be his technique, the amount of lube or foreplay. I had one guy who kept breaking the condoms in me so we gave upon that and just barebacked. Funny though I've never had anyone else break that brand of condoms in the few cases I went safe.
  9. I've, but lost track of a video clip where a guy squats on a glass jar to force it up his ass (needed the head phones on for the next bit). It shatters as it slips into his ass - you can hear the pop and the crunching of glass. I read later his missus was in the other room at the time. He then trys to remove the broken glass. Ouch!
  10. Graphite dust from a locksmith. Puff the powder over your knob and rub it in. It stays slippery for ages. Can't think of any problems using it :-)
  11. Came close when I was bb'ing a poz FB on my son's bed. The house phone rang during the day (unusual) so I stopped and answered. It was the wife on a train "I'm on the way home don't feel too good." I used the remaining 15 minutes to dump a load up his ass. It was then he confessed he's spilt his bottle of poppers on the bed! Thank god for large air fans and big Victorian windows in my house. When she got home I was alone and bought her a cup of tea to keep her away from the upstairs...
  12. I know a Matron who runs an ER Dept. Retrieving lost vibrators is not uncommon, the nurses & doctors hear a whole range of inventive excuses about how it happened "accidentally", but the staff there have seen it all before.
  13. I'm sure this will be reliable in times of need Any collectors out there with older?
  14. I should have been more aware at school...
  15. mmmm - I must pay a visit to an ABS to "research" this type of reading material. I'll have to remember not to fart on the train home.
  16. here's a start http://www.budapest-gayguide.com/saunas_and_baths.htm
  17. Alaric


    might be this: http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/health/medical/2010-10-16-drugs-poppers_N.htm
  18. Looking to take anon loads this week in SE4 during day (weekdays). Can accomm/travel. I love to feel cum shooting into my ass then oozing out after.
  19. In London UK yep twice - loads exchanged.
  20. I have a stock of condoms already pierced with a pin prick through the packet. Great for poz tops who don't want to bb me.
  21. Gonorrhoea strain found to be 'resistant to antibiotics' report in BBC news website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-14078098
  22. Pleasuredrome is my favourite in the dark room. Always get at least one no questions ask load up my ass. Always guys who want to take mine too. I had to go on the pencillin twice after being at Pleasuredrome. I also seem to have good success in Chariots Streatham.
  23. I have fond memories of a hotel room in Hong Kong last November. The fucking started with a condom, but it was removed a couple of minutes later. Took four loads from an anon chinese boy that night.
  24. I started bb at 54 (gay sex at 52) and was scared witless initially but my desire just grows and grows. Should have guessed I liked gay sex earlier when the village Pedo came on to me at age 12. My darker side showed at that early age. As well as enjoying the couple of sessions I blackmailed him for the price of half a dozen Mars Bars (candy bars).
  25. At Pleasuredrome in London yesterday. I lubed my ass and lay face down on the mat in a cubicle with the door ajar. Waited about 10 minutes then I heard someone enter the cubicle. I didn't look up. I soon felt fingers feeling my ass and pausing at the lubed hole. Nothing was said. He stretch my hole with fat fingers. When he was satisfied my hole was ready, he climbed on top and pushed in - one long slow stroke but not stopping even when I gasped. He fucked deep long and slow. When ever I lifted my head he pushed it back down into the mat. He wanted totally anon, no kissing just fucking. All to soon he just pulled out stood up and left the room. So far as I could tell he'd not cum in me. I was getting short on time so I showered and left. Walking back from the train station I discovered he'd left a big stealthy load deep in me.
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