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Everything posted by curiousaboutbb

  1. Yes it is. I hope there’s more to come!
  2. Let us know if you do!
  3. Love this story. Hope it continues!
  4. This is such a hot story! We all know a. Lot of things happen on Prom night?
  5. Can’t wait to see what happens on prom night!
  6. Hot story. Look toward to next Chapter!
  7. Another hot story!
  8. Love this. Can’t wait to see where this goes!
  9. Love this story. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
  10. Love this story. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
  11. Awesome chapter. Can’t wait for the next one!
  12. Love the story! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
  13. He will do much better than Trump. Trump has done the exact same mental mistakes if you want to call it that As Biden has. Maybe even worse! Mental capacity is gonna be the selling point for the right though. It ain’t gonna work! Too many people are sick of Trump and his antics. At least Biden will have reasonable advisers around him to help him make decisions instead of thinking he is God and making all of them on his own!
  14. Pics on bbrt look pretty real
  15. I wouldn’t switch without consulting your Doc. Best way to be sure you take it is to get a daily pill box. Take it each morning as you brush your teeth. If you aren’t sure if you have taken it you can check your pill box and see.
  16. Such a hot story!
  17. Love this story. Hope there is more to come.
  18. Excited about the next chapter!
  19. Excited about the next chapter!
  20. Excited about the next chapter!
  21. Syphillis, chlamydia and gonorrhea are pretty easily cured with antibiotics. Just make sure you are tested for them every 3-6 months. Syphillis can progress to a serious illness if left untreated. I get tested every time I go in for my PrEP check up. I have not caught any of them, but I am not an extreme barebacker. I only bb, but probably less than 20-30 guys a year. The things I would worry about most are HSV2 (herpes) and HPV. These are not curable. HEPC is also another worry although it is now curable most of the time. I hope this helps.
  22. Famous Last Words https://breeding.zone/topic/13365-famous-last-words/
  23. The coccyx is what I had also. I just couldn't remember what he called it. Inflamed coccyx I believe is what it was called.
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