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Everything posted by curiousaboutbb

  1. This story just keeps getting hotter and hotter!
  2. Such a hot story! Thanks for continuing jbucktown
  3. That was 100% my point! Elections have consequences! So it is not voting! If you sit this one out, you may not have the chance to make a decision in the future.
  4. Yeah I think I’m gonna sit this one out too! My right to love who I want, have sex with who I want, watch or read porn, simply be on this site or vote in the future aren’t worth me going out and voting. It’s pretty clear we have the choice between freedom and Christian nationalism in this election. If Project 2025 is implemented to the extent that they want, we will all be criminals simply because of who we are. They intend to make this a Christian Nationalist nation and will stop at nothing to get what they want. No candidate has ever and will not ever represent 100% of my interest or what I want. However, I will be voting for the one who at least says that I should have rights and the ability to choose to vote in the future. The beauty of our system of government is that we can vote them out in four years Everyone has the right to choose to sit at home and not vote in this election. In the future the decision may be made for you.
  5. Such a hot story. Hope there is more to come!
  6. Such a hot story! Thanks for writing! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
  7. Definitely one of the hottest stories on here. I would love to read about his conversion, and what happens next.
  8. This story is always a great read no matter how many times I have read it,
  9. Love this story! Can’t wait for more!
  10. Hope you continue this story. Love how hot it is.
  11. How was your first cumunion?
  12. This story is a great re-read. Giving it a bump!
  13. Thank you! Very hot!
  14. Hot. Hope there is more.
  15. Love this storyline!
  16. I was told that I had to wait please to get the booster for Covid after taking my second monkey pox vaccine
  17. I think you are correct and could use some clarification but the storyline is great!
  18. Were you vaccinated for it?
  19. Hot story. Hope it continues some day!
  20. I had this problem when I was younger. Just don’t overthink it relax take a sip of water and take the pill followed another sip of water. I know it can be difficult but you can get there. Just don’t build up the issue in your mind beforehand. People who never experienced it and can swallow anything don’t understand.
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