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Everything posted by curiousaboutbb

  1. Another hot story! I hope it continues!
  2. Anyone else interested in seeing this continued? It’s such a hot story!
  3. Yes I live in the Bible belt and good luck on finding vaccine information. I Called my local health department and they said we don’t have that and didn’t know if they were gonna get any even though there is an outbreak in the county. Then I called the state and they don’t even understand their own literature that says if you’ve had multiple sex partners in an area with an outbreak then you should get the vaccine. Then again they don’t know when they’re gonna have it or how to go about getting it. It’s really sad that we are in this situation
  4. It’s not really fear mongering he said it in his opinion that it should be reconsidered. this is an open invitation for states to bring it on. They aren’t gonna stop until we’re at Christian Evangelical Society!
  5. Hot please tell us more!
  6. @swimslut this story line is great. Hope you are able to continue it someday!
  7. Love this story. Can’t wait to see these guys hit college.
  8. Such a hot story. We definitely need more Nic and Braden action.
  9. Lol not sure what network with air that. It is like waiting for the next season of your favorite show though. His writing is excellent.
  10. Sounds really fun and hot!
  11. This is such a hot story . Hope to hear more about their exploits soon.
  12. Hot story. Hope there is more to cum!
  13. Can’t wait to read about Jake’s reaction.
  14. I am excited to find out. Love this story!
  15. Didn’t see that coming. Always thought Jake would ask Brian to poz him. Can’t wait for Jake’s reaction is he pissed or turned on and Brian fucks him several more times that night?
  16. Such a great story! Hope there is more to come.
  17. Just read this. Such a hot story. Hope you can continue jbucktown. Thanks for writing it!
  18. Maybe sleazy wasn’t the best word. It was more like he had that dirty boy look that said oh yeah I’ll do anything. Not in the dirty physical sense but in the sense that he might’ve been around a few times. Of course haven’t we all.
  19. Just took a load from a sleazy looking guy off Grindr. Did not discuss status. He came in and I sucked him hard. He fucked me, shot his load and left. It’s still in me as I look for more!
  20. Love this story. I’m confused about a few things: how did he go on PrEP after being pozed? Was the director in on his pozzing? Also I’m confused by the “not” that everyone else keeps mentioning. Love this either way. Thanks for writing.
  21. Great chapter. Thanks Timmy7x. Look forward to the next!
  22. Hot story! Love stories where bottom is talked into giving in.
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