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Everything posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. Is there any Gay/HIV organizations near you? I know that there are other "programs" sponsored by various entities to help pay for PrEP.
  2. There has only been the one isolated case reported of s person contracting HIV while compliant with PrEP. You are taking it, just for such occasions Best of Luck
  3. It really is different for everyone. Some get very mild, others (like me) have the WORST FLU SYMPTOMS OF YOUR LIFE. The timing seems right, so why not get tested and see
  4. I've found, in my experience, that the TOPs w/ PAs, generally know exactly how to fuck a bottom with it and have him experience pure pleasure
  5. There have been no warnings issued for the beaches. I was at Sebastian Beach 3 X this week... water was gorgeous, green flags were out. I think the problem is isolated to an area in Miami.
  6. You should be more than curious.. get it checked out immediately
  7. That is exactly what it is protecting you against.. it's 98% effective in ALL situations where a person is exposed to HIV. Including HVL...
  8. I have heard that about 1/3 get "Fuck Flu". Others may have some milder symptoms that are often mistaken for something else in those not chasing...
  9. Whats with the multiple posting to sell "chem stories" posted today. Its annoying that legit postings are hidden from view due to this.
  10. My experience was WAY before PrEP. 2007
  11. I'm glad that you sought treatment and are recovering. For the record, CMV is in the Herpes family, I believe its "MONO" virus. Transmission can be a whole lot more casual than HIV. I would take a break too !! when I had my Fuck Flu, my Dr diagnosed me with CMV, as mt HIV test was negative. wasn't till a year later, a regular checkup did I have a positive HIV test.
  12. Its psychosomatic symptoms... Hes undetectable, you're on PrEP... and you really didn't get exposed to his untoxic cum... You're FINE
  13. I love that your Dr said use poppers & a dildo !!!
  14. The research suggests the double dose, then one/day for 2 days following a possible exposure. The level of protection is somewhat less than daily regular dosing & is not the approved regimen for US.
  15. That's the risk, PER EXPOSURE to an INFECTIVE Source. And undetectable partner, reduces that 0.11% by 98%.
  16. We'd be a perfect match, breederboy. I am totally happy to just have cock in my hole anytime and for however long my Top wants...
  17. He is the only one documented.
  18. Get a new Dr... Get on PrEP
  19. UNCUT !!
  20. Don't "DOUBLE DOSE" ... Just keep taking your regular dosage. You'll be fine.
  21. You can take a maintenance dose of anti virals, eliminating or reducing the occurance of outbreaks & alsothe degree of infectiousness.
  22. Use a pill box... but in the event of missing a dose, I know with HIV meds the general rule is, if its less than 12 hrs...take IT, more than 12 hrs, skip it. Not remembering?? I'd miss the dose rather than double up. If it happens frequently, definitely use a pill box or journal
  23. From what I understand.. All the genetic and resistance testing/marking were done on the infectees (the guy who got infected) samples. I don't recall them even identifying the source. But take this scenario... the guy infected doesn't know hes infected with HIV, let alone a virulent resistant strain. He's got a HVL, but isn't a PIG... and hasn't bred all that many people... That's why more cases haven't been identified
  24. Yes.. You missed something. He was on Truvada as PrEP
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