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Everything posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. Visiting for Xmas weekend looking for local and other visitors who would be into uncomplicated breeding
  2. Actually, swallowing is probably much safer but giving a blow job has a negligable risk of contractin HIV. you need to have open sores, saliva doesnt support the transmission of HIV... But chek for other STIs and enjoy yourself
  3. CLEAN ???? That is an odd choice of descriptive words for The LINK
  4. Please take CLEAN out of you vocabulary when referring to someone having HIV ... Really I would think we all would be more aware of that by now
  5. Now more than ever I want that cock.... How are you doing buddy?
  6. Having an STI, makes you more susceptible to HIV infection. the inflammation & sores associated with the STI, as well as reduced immune response make HIV infection "easier" when a STI is present.
  7. I don't particularly like "pussy", it's too feminizing. ... I LOVE "CUNT" it's just dirty enough sounding
  8. I'd see a Colo-Rectal specialist, luckily in Ft Lauderdale we have 1 of the BEST who is very tuned into the GAY Community. Or see who ever you feel most comfortable speaking about your sexual activities.
  9. I commented awhile back...that he clearly was avoiding the Dr and he confirmed.
  10. You clearly don't want to see the doctor...why ask for advice?
  11. That is one LUCKY Bottom
  12. I just love how much he shows that he's really enjoying himself !!!
  13. I'm in Lauderdale, had my second shot yesterday. Similar experience with wait times between #1 & #2. But tonight I have a slight "fever" tired and a bit achy. It'll be worth it. I had the Pfizer as well.
  14. Sometimes, if you've been infected awhile your body will naturally fight and you may get results like those. SOme people are also "non Progressors" whose CD4 never falls. Good Luck
  15. There has been anecdotal evidence showing milder or less infection rates, but nothing confirmed by scientific studies.
  16. Statistically I believe its 83-86% vs ab out 99% for daily.
  17. This is a 10+ in my book any day
  18. It's open now. Thursday - Sunday 8pm- 1 am.. www.321Slammer.com | Private Club For Men | Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  19. Yes !! 9:30 tomorrow morning
  20. Possible ??? YES Probable ??? NO
  21. If you have had HPV, you need to get monitored my a Colo-Rectal surgeon regularly.
  22. Biaggi is an arrogant asshole though. I used to like him until I had some interactions (not sexual) now I can't watch him
  23. If I am not mistaken, Marriage Equality was supported by Biden before Obama...and that he even CONVINCED Obama to support it No polititian is the second coming of Christ (heck I don't personally believe in Christ's first coming)
  24. Hole or Cunt. I don't like pussy.
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