I was 7, maybe 8, I was a typical latchkey kid getting into everything before my parents got home from work. I had found my dads stash of nudy magazines weeks earlier but I didn't have the chance to go thru them until this day. Most of what he had were Playboys but after looking at the pictures in a few of those it seemed kind of boring. I dug down into the stack and pulled up a magazine that looked totally different. Inside there were women doing things to themselves with their legs spread wide fingering their....I didn't know what they called it but i noticed my dick was hard and i liked it. I was flipping thru the pages looking for other women and there was one but with a man and he was doing things to her. Then I saw it. I flipped the page and there was the man from the previous page, it was a close up of him from about mid thigh up including his face. I remember he was laying back against something like a headboard. Anyway, the picture was clearly emphisizing his package.
I couldnt stop staring at it. It wasn't hard but not totally soft just enough blood flow to make it look powerful. I this was 55 years ago and what I remember dont anount to much more than a few flashes of memory and how this made me feel at the time. I do remember vividly closing the magazine and in my head, hearing the word Magnifcant . I was hooked