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About billy88666

  • Birthday 06/27/1960

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  • Background
    Bald headed with goatee, pierced tits with large tribal back tattoo. More of a bottom than Top as I don't have a porn star sized dick :-) Into tit torture, electro and pig play. I also have a major smoke fetish. Mostly smoke cigarettes myself but expect any potential play partner to be into smoking too. Love leather/rubber/vinyl kit and have a thing for filthy workmens/fishermens gear too. Been think of converting for a while... just haven't found the right guy yet.
  • Looking For
    bikers, workmen, punks, skinheads, smokers, bearded guys, hairy guys, mansmells. Not really into guys under 35 but I guess younger guys would be that into me either.. Ultimately it's all about chemistry. Sometimes a guy ticks all the boxes but there's no chemistry

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  1. When they looked into the reason why so many people were infected in Edinburgh they found that it was more likely due to the number of heroin users that were sharing needles. In some of the housing estates like Muirhouse and Pilton a baggie of heroin was selling for £5.00. It was difficult for users to get their hands on needles and they were used multiple times and shared amongst friends. You still took a risk barebacking but it was probably safer than the risk that the drug users took if they shared their rigs.
  2. I didn't realize that Methylene Blue was used as a medication for human consumption. I used to use it when I kept tropical fish to treat them for white spot. It certainly would turn your urine a strong blue if ingested. I don't think that I would worry about the colour of your urine if I was drinking it , I would be more concerned that I could be ingesting a medication that I could be allergic to. I did google it and it can have side effects and is not recommended for long term use unless it's managed by a physician. Like the previous poster, I would advise you that you have a duty of care to inform anyone you intend to play with, in case they took an allergic reaction to it.
  3. I really enjoyed this story as it brought back very happy memories of a holiday in Corfu about 25 years ago. There was a little cocktail bar next to our apartment and the owner took a shine to me. After closing time we fucked like rabbits for five of the seven nights I was there.
  4. @Falls727 Just make sure to let them fully heal before you let anyone start sucking on them. They will heal quickly if you follow the instructions your piercer gave you. I used sea salt soaks religiously for the first few weeks. I waited for a full year before starting to stretch mine and I've had them as big as 8mm rings in them. I had to take mine out for bypass surgery in November last year and it was about ten days before I was able to attempt to refit my rings. I had them pierced about 20 years ago and play with weights and e-stim on them a lot. It took a bit of fiddling but I managed to get my 5mm rings back in without too much hassle. Despite having mine for so long, if I play too roughly, I will get a bit of crusty lymph on them. All it takes is a good soak and giving them a rest for a couple of days.
  5. I'm guessing if he's only 19 and a fresher at college that Jack won't be on prep.
  6. What an incredible first chapter! I'm astounded that you said that this was your first attempt at writing erotica.
  7. You stories always leave me dripping! I loved Riley's "In for a penny in for a pound" attitude and his willingness to left Greg breed him too. Can't wait to read more of this incredible story. I hope his gets an introduction to more of the men's fetishes and kinks. Forced smoking via a gasmask, leather/ rubber containment and a bit of e-stim to ensure his continued compliance.
  8. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree 👿 That was a fantastic tale !
  9. I think that the Top is just making an idle threat to get you excited. Branding isn't that accurate and access to the inside of your hole isn't easy. most brands are done by "Strike Branding" and the results are hit and miss. You would be likely to cause very serious damage to your rectal tissue and open yourself up to potentially life threatening infections. This is the stuff of fantasy and you should put it out of your head.
  10. I'm hoping that amongst his tasteful tattoos, there might be one to indicate his status ☣️
  11. A very enjoyable adaption of the original tale. I wonder how many boys will identify as a "Friend of Dorian's" 😉
  12. There are a lot of guys into uniforms without leanings towards fascism. There are thousands of guys all over the world who are members of BLUF. One of their rules clearly states that symbols are strictly prohibited. For some guys into BDSM, a uniform (whether it's leather, rubber or fabric) is worn in scenarios to add atmosphere and help both parties get into the mindset for power exchange play. Skinheads have also gotten a bad reputation over the years and should not be confused with the White Power skinhead subculture. I will concede that there are quite a few guys that wear WW2 emblems on their leathers that post on other sites. Recently, there was a major culling of photographs on insta when a few guys on it were named and shamed. Other members very quickly removed photographs. The thing that they didn't consider is that any photograph posted on the internet is there for ever. They can copied and redistributed. There are countless guys on other photo sharing apps that still regularly post pictures that you would find offensive. Before anyone calls me out, I would like to make it clear that the numbers in my nickname, which could be misconstrued as fascist, have an alternative meaning to me. I have been approached before and made it clear that I have no interest in WW2 symbols or the politics.
  13. Great opening chapter. The salesman reminds me of a young lad who comes across a pack of Marlboro Reds that someone a dropped outside a store. The lad will have read about the dangers of smoking but he will be sorely tempted to try his first smoke. Well they were just lying there.... One cigarette won't hurt... He knows that they preach in school about the risks but curiosity gets the better of him. His hands shake as he unwraps the cellophane, opens the pack and pulls back the foil to reveal the cigarettes arranged like a box of tin soldiers. It's not long until he has pulled out the cigarette and placed it tentatively between his lips. He finds a lighter and brings the flame to the tip of the cigarette. He inhales and pulls the smoke into his virgin lungs. He holds for a few seconds before coughing and spluttering. It takes a bit of time before he tries another inhale and this time it's not so bad. He may not smoke the cigarette down to the filter the 1st time but by the 3rd one he pushes through the dizziness until it is fully smoked. One cigarette won't hurt....perhaps not ..... if you can stop at one 😈 Colby's father is like that pack of Marlboro Reds for the salesman. The things that Colby told him about his father should be enough to make him run a mile in the opposite direction. Will he bring the carton of orange juice to the bedroom..... I guess it wouldn't hurt to be polite.....
  14. You haven't listed what country you live in on your profile. There are some countries where it is criminal offense to order medications from overseas. Packages can be checked by border control, and if linked to your home address, could result in prosecution. Just make sure that you are not breaking the law before you proceed. I had a friend that used to order Prep from the far east before it was available on prescription in the UK. The issue is that you don't know what is in the tablets. You run the risk of them being completely ineffective or worse still, they may contain something that could make you very ill due to an allergic reaction. A lot of these medicines produced overseas can be genuine but other have been found to be contaminated and manufactured in backstreet laboratories. If you live in the UK Prep is available for free form sexual health clinics. Your doctor does not get informed that you are receiving the medication unless you give them permission to do so.
  15. I'm guessing that Carson has more than a few mice as test subjects. This story is starting to build nicely.
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