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Everything posted by billy88666

  1. A new modern gothic... love it so far..
  2. So good to find another story from you in the lead up to Christmas losolent!
  3. You certainly have a gift for writing a gripping narrative.
  4. A very skillfully written short story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was concise but you still managed to leave me feeling empathy for Matthew and his remaining years with Somchai.
  5. @ chi4loads I'm guessing that you must be enjoying this incredible tale yourself.. The chapters have come in quick succession but the quality has never dropped. It's been an excellent read so far.
  6. Great opening chapter mate! Can't wait to
  7. Dominic for me.. I love heavily tattooed men 🙂
  8. Well done... excellent writing! You painted a very vivid picture of the events of your story. As someone who was subjected to a brutal assault in my 20's, the story seemed very realistic. I remember at the time being in a state of shock and it almost felt like an out of body experience. I reacted in a similar way to the victim in your story. The mind almost goes into a state of denial, in a bid to block out the pain during the assault.
  9. Great opening chapter. Guess Justin is about to get a lot more that he knows 😉
  10. Don't know if you've contacted your local clinic to get tested. If you are worried about contacting them, you can buy a rapid test at Superdrug. It is a bit pricey at £36.00 but they are very accurate these days. There's also the Rainbow Project. They have branches in Belfast and Derry and their details are available online.
  11. Great Story so far.. Can't wait for the next chapter 🐷
  12. Can't wait to hear about Jay in the next chapter 🐷
  13. Excellent tale 😈
  14. One of the most original stories I've read here in a long time. I'm curious to know more of Goatee's history. Hopefully, as your story continues, we'll find out a little more.
  15. While I agree with skinster that the most important factor is the skill of the tattooist, I don't know if I agree with his suggestion that a woman would do it. I had a large tribal piece inked on my back by a female tattooist. She was the owner of the shop and made it very clear that they would not ink or pierce genitals. This statement was made after a young guy opened the door of the place and loudly asked " How much would it be to have my knob pierced". Her piercer was also female. I guess that I could understand why she would be so cautious. The parlour was situated in a quiet street and they were probably worried about being overpowered by a customer. It might be worth checking out websites of tattooists in your area. Many will have pages showing previous work. There are a few I've looked at that had pics of clients that had been inked in pretty intimate areas. If you're worried about asking face to face, why not sent them an email or ring to see if they can accommodate your request.
  16. Great 2nd chapter. I hope there will be a follow up where he gets additional loads for your tall friend Mike.
  17. For a lot of guys, smoking is a major turn off. I'm quite the opposite... I find it difficult to get aroused when playing with a non smoker. I prefer cigarette smokers but will hook up with guys that smoke cigars. Dip isn't a big thing in the UK or Europe so I've never hooked up with a guy into it.
  18. I hate to be a killjoy, but having read everyone's desires here, it's seems that they have all, to some degree, been self serving. Hasn't anyone thought of a superpower that would benefit all of humanity? What about the ability to end all human suffering, the ability to bring an end to war throughout the world, or to ensure that no person on earth ever went hungry? If I had a superpower I'd like to think I would use it for the good of others... not just myself. To do something like that is more likely to bring actual love into your lives, rather than trying to bend others to your will.
  19. Most female to male trans identify as heterosexual so it's pretty unlikely that they will want to have sex with gay men. As an affirmation of gender, they often have a hysterectomy, so getting them pregnant is not an option. There are also some trans men that will identify as gay, who sleep with men, but the testosterone they take will inhibit their fertility. There are a few trans men, who have retained their reproductive organs, that have given birth after coming off their T injections and undergoing fertility treatment. They were in committed relationships and their partner was unable to carry a child. For them it wasn't an easy process. About 25 years ago , I was propositioned by a lesbian couple who were looking for a sperm donor. I did give it serious thought but I was worried about the laws in the UK. I could have ended up paying child support for a child that I wasn't going to see or have any role in their life. In the end, I chose not to go through with it. I would say to the originator of this post that they should think very carefully. It could end up costing you a lot of money if the opportunity did present itself.
  20. I'm kind of hope that the second harness was not really related to enabling Logan to fly. I'm hoping that it's a chastity harness that our clueless dancer is wearing. Perhaps he will be convinced that he needs to wear it for the duration of the tour 😈
  21. As a smoker and a gearhead, this pushed all my buttons 🐷
  22. Sounds like the future lives of Max's family lie in Monrovia. Sam as Private Secretary to Alden and given the title of Viscount and his parents having titles bestowed on them too. Almost everyone has been paired up but I'm wondering what lies in store for Liam? Will it be Polly or will he be swept off his feet by someone waiting in the wings? It may not be something that is resolved before the end of this tale... Perhaps when the Royal Princes head off on their honeymoon he 'll encounter his love... guess we'll have to wait and see...
  23. What a perfect chapter! Max was not expecting to have such a title bestowed upon him. It's was the proof of the complete acceptance of the Royal Family at Alex and Max's union. Loved it!
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