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Everything posted by billy88666

  1. Hope we're going to get a fly on the wall account of Artem and Franco's night in Artem's apartment. Slow and steady wins the race boys πŸ’ž
  2. An incredible chapter!
  3. I guess that the best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley. So Lipscombe turned up like the proverbial fly in the ointment... Glad to see that he's going to get his just desert. How well did our Max do with the interview! I guess Ben was thinking Pot , Kettle , Black... He could hardly pull anyone up on their morals when he had a checkered past himself. Perhaps the boys will encourage him to fall off the wagon πŸ™‚ I really love all your little "Diversions" losolent. πŸ™‚
  4. Damned near perfect opening. The only thing that you could have included to make it my perfect read was if they'd both been leather Daddies. Of course when they get into the house, who knows what this hot, boot wearing smoker might have in store πŸ™‚
  5. Well Tom's big encounter with Gareth finally happened and it certainly didn't disappoint! We just need to get Franco and Artem sorted and all the ducks will finally be in a row πŸ™‚
  6. I guess the next big event we have in store is the wedding. Can't wait to see who Tom will end up with and if Artem and Franco will finally be honest with each other πŸ™‚
  7. I guess we all knew it was coming but it was the perfect day for me to read this chapter.... What a birthday present that was!πŸ₯‚
  8. I absolutely roared when Mateo turned to Alphonso and suggested that they "Swap". Mateo certainly has stamina if he was able to satisfy all three of his bed partners... ah the blessing of youth πŸ™‚
  9. This is a slow burn which makes it all the more fun. I really enjoy when a writer takes his time building the setup to a good tale.
  10. I must admit that when Franco was first introduced into the story, I thought he was written as a gay character. Then when Sam came on the scene, that seemed to change or perhaps I got him confused with Francis. Hopefully in the next chapter he'll make contact with Jack and we'll find out for sure πŸ™‚
  11. The only piercings I have are my nips which have 6mm rings in them. Some people say they saw stars when they had theirs done and I was dreading it, thinking I'd make a total dick of myself and that I'd back out after just one. To be honest my went with more discomfort than a screaming pain. They were very tender for a couple of days afterwards but I love they way they are now hypersensitised. I've taken them up to 8mm rings that were like door knockers but they;looked way too obvious through clothing, so I've kept them at 6 for the last few years. I guess everyone has a different pain threshold but if you can put up with it for few days I'd say go for it mate! you won't look back. I also have a large tattoo on my back that covers most of it. I agree with leatherpunk16.. some areas will be more sensitive. I found the kidney area very uncomfortable. I had mine done over 5 sessions and found the longest I could go was about 4 hours before I'd say that I'd had enough.
  12. A very unusual main character for a story-line here. I enjoyed the first chapter and look forward to the next.
  13. I don't know how I manged to miss last Friday's chapter but what a treat it was to binge on two chapters this evening. Mateo's integration into the Royals household was seamless. Mateo and Hannes make a good match but I think Tom is still carrying a torch for our Latin whiz kid. Will Tom and Gareth fit or will he match up better with Nick? Just when I have my mind made up on things you always manage to outwit me with another twist in this tale. πŸ™‚
  14. Loved that line "Make me your HIV test" 😈
  15. So Mateo will join the Prince's household... Bet Tom's very happy with that result πŸ™‚
  16. I'm kind of hoping that Tom has stayed in the hotel for round two with Mateo.. He'll instantly recognize Andreas and I'm sure will know how to handle him if Mateo opens the door before the police arrive. I'm still not 100% convinced Felipe was not in cahoots with Andreas... he may not have expected him to be in his suite last night but I guess well find out soon enough.
  17. Nice set up to the story so far. Sounds like Owen may be more experienced than Jeff thinks. He certainly seems to have a very talented mouth πŸ˜‰
  18. Ah come on daddybear...an hour later? Didn't you realize as you read the story? I didn't like to mention it in my comment as anyone who has been following the story should know who has unfinished business and is slimy enough to join forces with Felipe. I'm thinking it could cause an international incident if it backfires. And No, it's not Prince Andrew.. He's at Pizza Express tonight πŸ™‚
  19. Why do I have a feeling that Mateo could be relocating to Monrovia πŸ™‚ Could this be yet another match for our Tom... although I still think that Hannes may have awakened a taste for leather bondage in the not so innocent lad πŸ‘Ώ
  20. Totally agree with ErosWired.. 5-15 is art imitating life. I've had my fair share of play dates that only lasted a few minutes before they blew their load and fell asleep within two minutes. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  21. It's still very common to find guys into watersports in Europe these days. No great surprise as I definitely think we have a less inhibited attitude to kink compared to Americans. In my opinion, the piggiest pigs are from Belgium but Germany and the Netherlands are not far behind 🐷 Love a good session in rubber or PVC 🐷
  22. Glad to see Franco had a long chat with Max and made him aware of Artem's suspicions. Between Max and Liam, I'm sure that they will be there to protect Alex, despite what the calculating Felipe has in mind.
  23. Poorly shot movies with bad camera angles, bad editing and the worst story set-ups with really bad scripts and acting. If the performers can't act, why give them dialogue? They should simply get down to the chase. No need for two gallons of cum that looks like wallpaper paste either. Have to agree with LthrRaw... Love to see a guy in leather... smoking is an added bonus 🐷
  24. Nice start.. 3 chasers and 4 breeders... hopefully there will be a few more breeders right behind them πŸ™‚
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