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damsonffpig last won the day on July 14 2023

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About damsonffpig

  • Birthday 02/01/1960

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  1. About 27 years ago. I was increasingly interested and was blow away after I fisted a guy for the first time, then an older piggy guy I met at a sleazy club invited me to try out his new sling 😜. Of course I accepted and the journey to my first fist began then a few weeks later at a party he hosted, a friend of his was the first to take my fisting cherry 🍒 and he had massive hands too. I was hooked 🐷😜
  2. Totally condom free zone for me. Strict rule, condoms always refused
  3. Thanks 🐷😜
  4. That tops hole is very fuckin tasty 🐷. Never seen him top before, but such a hot pig bottom 🐷😈
  5. Definitely absorb it
  6. Fuck now looking forward to the next chapter, seeing how greedy that fresh slam has made him 💉😈🐷
  7. Such a hot guy and he was definitely the inspiration for me getting my hole tattooed, when I saw his inked hole 🐷
  8. There are also 2 Fuckboxxxxxxx at The Factory in Gran Canaria 🐷
  9. FFuck…WooFF WooFF so hot….. loving these journeys, awesome writing ☣️😈
  10. Great start, looking forward to the next chapter 😈
  11. Right now I was looking at the biohazard tattoo he had right above his ass. I had asked what these tattoos mean but he always just said he liked them. Thanks @Gor213 Fuck made me think instantly of my first tattoo…. Just the same a biohazard ☣️ right above my ass
  12. Awesome story, thanks @catcher4you I love mutual Ffisting and ass play to the point 🐷
  13. Naked in the sun is just the best and most natural. An early bf, I was about 19 and he was 39, got me totally into Naked sunbathing and swimming, to the point where I have long felt uncomfortably in swim wear. He briefed me on all the best gay resorts and cities around the world (pre google) and encouraged me to tour and visit as many as possible and basically be a complete whore 😈🐷 Enjoying every minute and still following his advice. Naked right now in Greek sunshine as I write, with lots of hot Greeks and other Southern Europeans around 😜😎
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