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Everything posted by Lashman

  1. Great story! Can't wait for more!
  2. Most exciting beginning I've seen in awhile. Waiting for more!
  3. Probably one of the best stories I've read here, if not the best. Like a movie that keeps you enthralled and makes you want it to keep going, or eager for a sequel.
  4. Congratulations, a great work. You created and maintained a high level of excitement throughout. One of. the best.
  5. Another hot scene. Can't wait to find out what the conversation is about.
  6. Every new installment is an exciting read. Wait every day for the next one, reread what's come before.
  7. Love how he's become the "bottom's bottom." Keeps getting richer and deeper.
  8. Creativity is really impressive. Each one makes you want more.
  9. Another hot chapter. They just keep cumming
  10. More and more exciting. I can't wait either.
  11. Incredibly inventive. Just keeps getting better.
  12. Loving this story. Keeps getting hotter.
  13. Just keeps getting richer and more awesome
  14. Incredible story, great work!
  15. Incredible story. Just keeps getting better
  16. Incredible story.
  17. Keeps getting hotter and hotter. Can't wait.
  18. Keeps getting hotter and hotter. Can't wait.
  19. Am beginning to wonder how long we're gonna be kept hanging. Need more!
  20. This is really excellent. Only story I have checked every day for the next installment. Incredible build up
  21. I recall those parties as well!
  22. Great work! As usual. Your stories are the best. Can't wait for more!
  23. Great start! More!
  24. Definitely more!
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