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Everything posted by Zencoli

  1. Fuck you guys are hawt
  2. Damn. July 2023… had any luck here bro?
  3. Thinking of moving west... U still need a roommate?
  4. Depends where ur at. Believe it or not this is a common way to get picked up in Ottawa. They hit on you, they show Interest. But as soon as you Bring up gay... They assure you they are straight... And they move away. Then they linger for like 5 minutes confused why you don't follow them
  5. How is the sex scene in East Africa bro?
  6. Fuck you sound hot
  7. You travel to Ottawa ever? I’d love to get dirty with you… 

  8. If your dirty I’m interested
  9. I’d love a homeless fuck
  10. Honestly, it’s disturbing that the point of this site is undermined by the site and that the site will not allow us to delete our accounts.
  11. I lived at the DI in Calgary. Man I miss the smell of street feet. Also sux that i missed the OP by like 10 years… spent the whole time wanting to fuck other guys in the shelter but I didn’t get so lucky too often. Generally I find that the natives are the most open, if you figure out how to approach them. Hope this helps.
  12. I pref the strangers jizz to the fuck buds. I can be a dirty slut without my fun hurting those I care about… the only exception is those bros into the same.
  13. Hawt! Me too!!
  14. Well what I don’t get is if it’s a law to verify age, and a kid still uses it, they should suffer for it. These laws have nothing to do with the child. It’s an attack IMO.
  15. I like Bobby…. He sounds so alpha
  16. You should ask your wife’s input if you feel you need to be free to do this.
  17. 1) The guys are fucking “straight boy” top 10. 2) The script or concept is unrealistic. Fantasy is great, but the entire industry is pretty much fantasy. 3) usually oral heavy in the vids I have seen, after 15 mins I’m bored of oral, and am not happy the of the 1.5 hour video 1 hour is oral
  18. RAWTOP; you should also remember that despite the amount of work you do, and the fact it’s largely taken advantage of, it’s been able to at least provide me a place that I can feel somewhat normal, thank you for that because I’d literally have killed myself multiple times since finding you back when I joined. You have saved my life more than you know. So take pride and take your time with doing, it helps us. My advice is to do what keep your income flowing so that you can be able to keep this community going. Because I was that fucked kid in high school that couldn’t get through sex ed without needing to jerk. No body I have met in person has ever had any idea how mortifying it is to be uncontrollably turned on by bugs… and know it’s deadly. To top it off, despite the imagery of Canada, it’s healthcare is far worse the the States so no… I didn’t have help, until I found this place. That’s why You need to do whatever you can to keep this place going, work towards finding a team of lawyers and psychologists and other such experts to protect it… because the few out there like me, need a place to feel relatively normal and exist with a sense of usefulness. I hope this offers you some encouragement. If not, I am sorry. Good luck!
  19. I need to show this to my BF to stipulate what I meant when I said he should sleep around
  20. Anywho. Sorry for the tirades. I can stop if no one wants to figure out what we can do. I guess I mistook the point of RAWTOP telling us about the situation.
  21. While I would agree that the problem does not exist atm, it’s possible. the point of the “costs in my idea” was to raise money for legal defences, and building the community. Not about stoping kids from being kids. While it’s not ideal to have to go to the post office to get the device, and while it’s true the government could use that to track who is into pornography (virtually everyone is)… Apple, Alphabet, the Government, and god know who else already track everyone anyways. So to me, this is the privacy vs security fear mongering. It basically distracts from the situation and also create another non-existent tangent. I also came up with this idea on the spot trying to see if I could motivate a brainstorming process to help kill this bill. I built it off the “Roku Stick” and other such inter web streaming services. I am sure there are better solutions if we worked together to overcome
  22. So what should we do? Like we are talking about church history, arguing about context, and we are making excuses for not doing something. I have not had a great experience with posting on rawtop’s site in the past nor do I have much of a nice opinion of him, BUT RAWTOP is providing a service that has work a lot towards “normalizing” our content, making each of us a community. the fact that he has posted this thread alone should be enough indication that he feels the future of our community is in jeopardy. there has to be something we as a community can do to protect this community, if we allow the Governments of the world dictate to us that we are wrong, defective, or unworthy of equality… we have conceded their viewpoint and our silence, fears, and lack of efforts set not just us back, but everyone who has stood up against these kinds of attacks as well. we built this community, we need to be responsible and defend it somehow. So my ideas have some flaws, but with everyone here, surely we can come up with something, to ensure the community survives… and not repeatedly “hope/believe” the bill won’t make it.
  23. Oh I agree fully with you there. But I’d rather protect our lifestyle then let the government criminalize it
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