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Everything posted by Zencoli

  1. Well actually that’s where the second one comes into play then… if you have to purchase a “flash stick” given the cost of the “flash stick” being set hypothetically at $100 or $1000, you need to attend your local post office with photo id to pick it up. This would verify the adult content is indeed going to an adult, and allows the device said “flash stick” to access those parts of the web. Secondly the cost is ample enough that even a high school student won’t be able to save a pay cheque or two to buy one. this would also (I think) work to kill the bill by allowing the adult industry to adjust to these new implementations of archaic laws, preemptively. Can’t say these websites are a problem when they have secured themselves using an already established (government mandated) process for identifying the users of the site, while proactively keeping it out of the affordability of the typical market that would be argued as concerning for exploit. short: the “obscenities” and such would not be able to be accessed without this flash stick. The children can’t pick up these devices from the post office the only source for them.
  2. I’m going out on a limb because this site has a history of attacking me every time I speak, but; would TOR Network possibly work? We would be slowed to dialup, but content would be on the deep web, which is impossible for the states to independently or unilaterally block in totality. or maybe if you want a more simple solution, would it not be wiser to move all porn servers to (just for convenience) Montreal, Canada, then provide for users at $100, or to be honest if it’s our stuff I’d pay $1000 for a “streaming service USB”?
  3. Honestly, not convinced for it. What I know is the Gov doesn't know anything. They don't know how long it incubated, they don't know how much it mutates, they don't know how it spreads. If they did their "harm reduction" would have curbed the viral. Spread. In 2012 it was Swine Flu (H1N1). In 2015 was Avian Flu (H5N2). Both of those presented as "urgent for vaccination" but everyone who got vaccinated still got sick. At that time, my mother (allergic to eggs and bread) was exempt from the vaccinations mandated for employees of a hospital. She was the only one who didn't get sick. Same with my brother (refused vaccination from the school), he didn't get sick but everyone who vaccinated did. Both of These were called serrious health issues. As was SARS & MERS. Now we have a mix of Flu and SARS (Coronavirus-SARS-2). I know it was 20 years to develop the polio vaccination. Even longer for Chicken Pox. Small Pox also took a vaccine and decades of. Use before it "cured" Small Pox. We still haven't cured Cancer, the Common Flu, the Common Cold, or HIV. But somehow, these two untested shots. Are. Suppose to work? For me, I haven't needed a Flu Shot yet ever. However there are many people who do rely on those shots. I'm glad this is worked on, but I. Believe medically this vaccination is in its infancy, and people need to know that. Now that said, for me between my experiences of life that show that at this this time, I don't Need It.
  4. For me, not much exp. But started in grade Five with my class mate.
  5. Fuck yes... I beg them to make it deep
  6. What you mean?! M on it right now... ??!? Also Nice dick man
  7. Honestly I am in Canada. I have moved across the country several times. I loved Craigslist, and am pissed that AMERICA gets to tell me what I (non-american) is allowed or not allowed to see/access. I think Grindr is shit programing. I also am tired of NKP and bbrts because those sites don't seem to produce much. At this rate it's time to vacate north America If I can't get laid.
  8. Been getting breed everyweekend raw by a few dudes without knowing anyones stats. Still waiting on a gifter to visit me with his sexy tool to impregnate me.
  9. I wouldnt use the terms disgusting, offensive, or threatening. But I will say that being from an "open minded nation" The law, law enforcement, streets, and establishments all bestow the impression that I am disgusting, offensive, threatening, and inhuman. I find that here in Canada, most excusively Gay services eventually need to go BI or else Health Canada or LEO find some way to shut it down. We have never had rights or freedoms here, and the straight or bi communities dont seem to understand that. But this is Just MY OPINION strictly.
  10. Fuck man... You able to get to Arnprior? ... Id take ur loads!!
  11. Got any luck in TO? Been lookin for it in OT and nothing
  12. If you wernt on meds man... Mmm
  13. Congrats ... If only you could be my drill sergeant 😛

  14. Any of you poz dudes wanna poz me at cu Ott?
  15. when is the next one? I wanna try to make it, hopefully get some buggy loads...
  16. horny as fuck... need all viruses

    1. Poz2play


      Horny as fuck too!

  17. Totally down to join this fun one back in Van.
  18. need to find dirty dicks to breed me

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