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Status Updates posted by Fistulike666

  1. Thanks for the rep  xx;):*xx

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jontheblock


      Oh  would love to sit down on that :)  Cum, piss, all of it! :)

    3. Fistulike666


      Ride me to the stars and back and I'll give you all my gifts

    4. ronnie4u


      Simply HOT , Beautiful and Delicious !   more - more - Please !     https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

  2. Thanks for the rep  xxxx :*

  3. Thanks for the rep ... have a great weekend. Hope you spin out nicely! xx:P;)xx

  4. Thanks for the rep & comment xx:*;)xx

  5. Thanks for the rep :*

  6. Thanks for the rep 667.  Go, spread the seed this weekend my  friend :P:drool::2thumbs:

    1. Leatherman667


      You too. Did you get the message I sent you?

    2. Fistulike666


      Didn't get a private msg yet. Inbox all emptied out (if you know what I mean)

  7. Thanks for the rep about sounding. Have a great w/end. :cool::drool::2thumbs:

  8. Thanks for the rep Alex xx:2thumbs:;):*

  9. Thanks for the rep Alpha.  Good hunting fella xx xx

    1. ALPHAboy


      Thnx Fist! ;) Good hunting as well. 

  10. Thanks for the rep Backpack :*xx

  11. Thanks for the rep Backpack xx

  12. Thanks for the rep Backpack xx:*

    1. backpackguy


      Thank U Fist...keep posting those hot pics!!!!! Gets me boned.

    2. Fistulike666
  13. Thanks for the rep Bareall xx :* xx

    1. bareall77


      Anytime Fistulike666 ?. I do mean...ANYTIME ?

    2. Fistulike666
  14. Thanks for the rep Bareback xx :*

  15. Thanks for the rep Bear xx:*xx

  16. Thanks for the rep Bear xx:P:drool:xx

  17. Thanks for the rep Bobbi xx:*xx:*xx

  18. Thanks for the rep Bobbi. Good weekend ahead? xx:*:drool:xx

    1. SubsissyBobbi


      Thx fist,It s a cumfilled parTy weekend

    2. Fistulike666


      Wish I was there Bobbi to give you a spin. Have fun xx:*:P

  19. Thanks for the rep Bobbi. Have a great weekend xx:*:cool:xx

    1. SubsissyBobbi


      Thx,wish you also a great weekend

  20. Thanks for the rep Bobbi. Hope your w/end is good?  xx:P:*xx

  21. Thanks for the rep Bobby xx:*xx

  22. Thanks for the rep Boy ... would also like you on the rosta for cock-cleaning duties!!

  23. Thanks for the rep Boy xx:*xx

  24. Thanks for the rep Boy. Good luck with the bro!! xxx:2thumbs::*;)xxx

  25. Thanks for the rep Boy. xxx:P:*xxx

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