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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. I've had mixed luck at IDM. What areas of the sauna are the best for group barebacking on Sunday?
  2. Bruc is definitely fun but you have to be into that clientele that pushes the age to unsuspecting limits...
  3. Sadly the city has closed down Open Mind for 60 days for unkown reasons at the moment (I'd guess excessive drug usage related? IDK). That can be good or bad depending if the Open Mind folks will adventure elsewhere. I'd suggest the following for your schedule: Thursday afternoon Rectum can be fun, check their party that day. After Rectum you can head to Men Factory (closeby) and/or Berlin Dark (further away). Men Factory is OK. Not a barebackers dream but it does happen here and there. Berlin Dark is always fun with its quirkyness. On Sunday you have basement for sure, don't miss it. And then I'd still check out berlin dark which they tend to have really nice sunday parties. Report back when you are done.
  4. I travel quite a bit and frankly I still struggle to have a proper setup to clean out. At home I have my douche hose and can do a very good job but when traveling things get tricky. I use an enema bottle and do lots of passes but this is a pain. What are the tips people have around here for cleaning out when traveling?
  5. For me It all comes down to this reinfection risk and the treatment outlook for it. Medically it's clear that hep C is a solved problem. Type 1 which is what gay men get has 99% cure rates across the board including those who adhere poorly. So it's very likely 100% if you take pills properly. They also have no significant side effects. (Mavyret and epclusa) So if you told me treatment would be easily available again in the case of reinfection I wouldn't change much. I'm here in the USA and it's really hard to figure out coverage for reinfections. There seems to have been an important swift just recently (3-5 years) from being super selective of who to treat to "if you have hep C you are treated". But for the time being obtaining treatment won't be a slam dunk. In general I plan to be more careful around. For example it has happened in the past that when cleaning out I was too aggressive and I would noticeably feel my hole sore. Maybe not jump into a fuckaton after that. I'm popping last pill tomorrow BTW. Wish me luck on my official SVR test 3 months down the road.
  6. What year was this? This is now one of my fears for the future. That I may get reinfected and insurance won't pay again
  7. Le keller on butt fucker nights, Le Mensch, XKboys on naked days, Secteur X, Full metal, Krash, Impact. You can buy poppers in most all of these places.
  8. El bunker is the only one but it's pretty great. Next to it there's also an amazing sauna called the cube
  9. My doxypep Rx is clearly every day you are fucking at 200mg every day. 72 hours is probably too long to wait, the earlier after coitus the better.
  10. Where's the reference for the Gonorrhea updated efficacy?
  11. I usually have tons of instant pain when they inject ceftriaxone for gono. The first times caught me off guard and wasn't much fun. But it's a 5 minute chore and that's that ...
  12. Any fucking going on? Name seems to imply oral only
  13. Why waste time in your room when you can go out and BB with many at once? Rectum, Men Factory, Open Mind, The Basement (tues, sunday best), Berlin Dark...?
  14. Swinging by new york later in the year and I see the whole scene is now happening in private sex parties as seen here [think before following links] https://gaysexnyc.wordpress.com/2023/08/14/💥calendar-of-every-gay-sex-party-in-new-york-city/ Other than the bear party (duh) it's hard to decipher which one is good for bears and mature men. I don't want to crash the wrong party. Also just interested in some good fucking and breeding not into kinks. What parties would you guys recommend?
  15. Apps are a phenomenal waste of time. The time and effort needed to score a single load is IMHO not worth it. People are not to blame, it's just the format that has always been awkward. And yes! bathhouses, venues and private parties are far better places to get good BBing these days. People are there for a reason and you'll get what you want, along with some socializing (maybe haha). It's too bad that the USA has such a lacking venue scene versus other places in 2024.
  16. I went one random afternoon mid week in 2019 to club 69 and had a great time. No problem finding raw sex. One super hot mature big dude quickly worked it to have my raw cock in him all the way to the load. Then I met another friendly fellow who fucked me raw to finish. Hopefully it has stayed like this post pandemic.
  17. Checking in with some positive news. I started epclusa (sofosbuvir/velpatasvir) treatment a month ago and at my first viral load test at the month mark and I'm already undetectable. My liver enzymes are also down to normal. This is all very impressive because my VL was in the high millions/ml and the liver enzymes (AST and ALT) on the 1000s, (now <40). This stuff works and even didn't get side effects from it. Need to keep taking pills for 2 months and then 3 months later the official viral load test to confirm the cure. As far as pricing goes even when my specialty pharmacy was quoting me 7k a month, it was $0 at checkout so I will not complain about that! (I think they autoapplied the gilead coupon). Will update later on..
  18. They are doing this just to reduce costs. Oral and anal PCR swabs for gono/chlam are expensive. The rationale they gave you is nuts. The way to stop new infections is by testing and treating.
  19. I'm now 100% certain I got Hep C at the lab in Berlin in my trip mid december. I can pinpoint the infection all the way down to my 2 visits to the lab on thursday and friday. Been tracking my ALT levels weekly and they've already peaked. From the literature ALT peaks around 8 weeks, and timeline exactly matches my days in Berlin where I only bottomed at the lab. I also had brutal flu like symtomps 2 weeks after this, with stubborn fever it would not go down even with ibuprofen/paracetamol. I never get the flu or colds. I also didn't have much going on before this Berlin trip and even had a neg AB Hep C test beginning of November. So it's clear I got it there at the lab. Reading your comments here has been revealing and everyone seems to agree, with multiple accounts saying the same @Leather69 @biobare. You get hep C through group sex, specifically with something being inserted in your hole that has been in other holes before. That can be a cock, a condom wrapped cock, a fist, a toy.. with the key being, not being washed or clean before going in you. Ironically condom wrapped cock does nothing unless it's a fresh condom, and it could even be worse as it could cause even more irritation and tearing on other bottoms drawing more infected material to transport into others. And indeed, this is exactly what I was doing while at the lab: me on my 4s with all the busy crowd of the lab plowing holes left and right mine included. I can't remember how many loads I got, I think I counted 7 on friday, so multiply that by the load-to-fuck ratio and it could be a significant number. There's another striking connection from the comments, and it's 3 people got Hep C in Berlin including me, but that may be completely accidental... Also, the case where you get HepC from a load can't be completely ruled out but must be at the level of geting HIV from oral sex: Hep C viral load is only present in semen during acute phase (~3 months) then goes UD. So you need a Vers top, that's on Hep C acute phase breeding you with a torn hole... Things are moving along with me to start treatment and insurance should cover Epclusa. I got HCV genotype 1a and Epclusa seems to be very effective for type 1, so I'm hopeful. I'll update when I've got more news.
  20. Route of transmission of Hep C through anal sex almost certainly requires semen plus rectum trauma. That is, only happens when bottom is bred and has a rectum is torn inside with a path to the bloodstream. There doesn't seem to be a plausible way for a top to get Hep C just from barebacking as cocks rarely bleed during fucking. Additionally, unlike HIV, it seems HCV would only be transmissible when the carrier is in the acute phase and has a high VL, which is a few months window . After that VL comes down and is seems to be negative in semen (Unlike HIV). This could explain why Hep C transmission in men to men sex is not very common. This paper explains all this very clearly: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4866572/ I'd say the odds for a total top that BBs are extremely low for Hep C, emphasis in total. If you give it up and get bred be aware. Also, fairly clear at this point circumcision status really doesn't matter for STDs, CDC is decades behind on this one.
  21. Thanks for the support. I've already failed the first tests to stage my liver damage. Liver enzymes (ALT) are so high 700+ (normal is <40) that's over the reference that the test (fibrosure) can measure so they weren't able to score fibrosis. Unsure what next steps are. I really hope a liver biopsy is not in the horizon. Also seems my insurance doesn't cover Mavyret which is the 8 week treatment. But they cover Epclusa. I did price epclusa and it's $75k for the treatment but I have a 30% copay of that (specialty drug) and I can't afford...
  22. You mean HPV warts? That's a good question.. As far as HPV infection itself you just have it since the day you get it. Sometimes you can fight it off 1-2 years, sometimes stays there forever. HPV is site specific, meaning it doesn't move around your body and just stays where the infection happened... Ass, mouth, throat, dick, ... For the ass is important to get anal pap smears to check the status of the infection. Most barebackers will be HPV positive and a small fraction will develop anal cancer if not treated. Also make sure you get the vaccine
  23. In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k... I'm scared and now I may have to live with hep c due to my stupidity ....
  24. Both tax the liver so be mindful. I guess everything in moderation should be ok?
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