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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. Spain. Depends on the region and PrEP availability. Barcelona, where PrEP is very available, condoms are rare. Madrid, where it's harder to get, they are requested a lot more often.
  2. Welcome to my world. In USA everyone has moved on. But it's very common in Europe to meet condom pullers who have either not heard of PrEP (even when it's available to them) or have very negative views of it (kills your liver). When you bring the fact you are on PrEP they'll try to lecture about the risks of it, and "but there are other STDs out there". It's been over a decade since PrEP became a thing and I'm losing my patience with these folks. They are the ones who never ever get tested for anything because "they always use condoms".
  3. Oh, let me add what NOT to take. I was put on finasteride for a while and oh dear! It absolutely tanks your ejaculate volume. It's just incredible, I'm a decent cummer but on Fin I go down to a dripper. It also takes months for normal volume to return once you stop.
  4. I've been officially diagnosed with monkeypox now. I was in one of my whore trips around UK and Spain, and probably messed around with about 50+ guys? In saunas and cruise clubs. So not too surprised this happened. I started noticing white 'pimples' around my butt cheeks that progressed into bigger blisters. White at the beginning, they develop a dark inner part, get darker and eventually burst. They are itchy. I've got them in the butt cheeks, dick, legs, back and the worst place, the soles of my feet; it's making it super painful to walk on them. I've also been having problem shitting, was difficult at the beginning, sensation of wanting to go to n2 but nothing would come out. Eventually it'd happen and I've been seeing some blood in the stool. I did test negative for other STDs (incredibly) but I did test pos for covid again, had it originally in 2020. So I'm dealing with monkeypox + covid infection. Surprisingly I'm feeling quite well, no fevers or pains. Just the logistics of dealing with the blisters, a bit of blood when shitting. I got tons of swabs done by the SF department of health and they are sending them to the CDC so they can track things better. Testing for this is a pain, literally, they have to crush the swab against the blister to try to get as good as a sample as possible for PCR to pick it up. All this may sound horrible, but seems all these blisters will clear in 2-4 weeks and I'll be like new. I'm feeling just fine, even with covid, so just taking it easy and isolating a bunch until this resolves. The worst part has been without a doubt the response from some of the people I've talked with. Some have instantly called me 'whore' and 'reckless'. I'm open about the sex I have, which involves many guys in a single night, but I never expected this much judgment from people with a feeling of 'you are getting what you deserve' and 'you are toxic, get away' kind of talk....
  5. This is taking off guys. Try to get the vaccine now if you can. It'll be in short supply for a long while.
  6. I keep meeting these guys in the dark room. After all the dance they go for your hole and wrap it up and I instantly say "no condoms!" The problem now starts. Many of these will use the darkness and confusion of the place to fuck you anyway with a rubber. They play the game you won't notice who they are and try to fuck you anyway with condoms. I try to do my best to keep track but sometimes, actually often, i find then fucking my hole and draining previous cum with their rubbers. I feel awful about this as this is something I didn't consent to, even after I told then no. When confronted most of them claim higher moral ground and they are doing the right thing. Am I crazy to think this is close to being molested/rape? It feels awful that someone it willingly going for it after a big fat no.
  7. They just started in the new location so give them some time to get to the website. For latest hours best place seems to be their google maps page, updated to the day ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://goo.gl/maps/xtt9LDtFkFyErbpW6 ) or their instagram ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.instagram.com/clubbasementbcn/) I'm impressed with the work done in such a short time! They had to move from old location and this new location is probably better. They took over an arts shop that RIPed during the pandemic. What used to be the store upstairs is now the lockers and welcome area, and the basement of the store is the bar and and the pretty big play area. It must have been quite a bit of work to clear everything out, build out the bar, fuck benches, glory holes, douche showers, bath.. in such a short period of time. I've been a few times and clearly crowd is ramping up but even in the slow days this already beats Open Mind (for me). The other day had to start rejecting cock up my ass because I was so damn sore that couldn't take it anymore. They just need to run the place for a while so people learn about it. The setup absolutely lends itself for major fun once people let themselves go. As per the hours, I think they'll experiment a bit. Tuesdays and Sundays are probably gonna stay 17h-22h but weekends may go late.
  8. Well, Basement in barcelona is opening 17-22 precisely because there's tons of folks that'd rather do an afternoon session instead of late nights. Unsure what they'll do moving forward.. I'm starting to be of certain age that I'd rather be at bed at midnight.
  9. Hehe. Believe me I could write those series already. The money and time I spend traveling and going to saunas/cruise bars all over the world is insane. Definitely my main hobby! But it's sure worth that next load/s
  10. Here's an update as of June 2022 which I guess we can call 'post covid'. All places mentioned in the OP have reopened. In general things are getting back to normal but you can tell there's still a lack of fresh meat from the tourists, but summer looks very promising. In order of breeding importance: BlackHole has now rebranded to "The Basement" and moved to a new location. Venue is actually great and with ample possibilities for breeding. It's the same clientele as the old blackhole so minimal rubbers and tons of bare fucking going on. Basement just reopened so they are starting to pick up steam. Tuesdays are always great. Doing 17h-22h at the moment but could change. Check their instagram/twitter/google maps for more info. No webpage yet for new place. This is where you'll find the most fucking, the least rubbers, least clickiness. BerlinDark has had a very strong comeback from the pandemic. Sundays are tons of fun and it's hours of fucking non stop, they've even extended hours a bit. OpenMind is also getting slowly back to their party schedule. While they've been opening whenever they could all through the pandemic the place has lacked a bit due to the lack of fresh meat. It's all coming back to the old normal. their website is well updated and has a nice calendar of parties. Special mentions: If you like the mature, do not miss the 'naturist' part first Saturday of every month at Sauna Bruc. I always come out of that party with hole dripping cum into my legs. Sundays afternoon upstairs in the darkroom at Sauna Condal can be quite the fuck fest with lots of tops willing to give it all in the dark. A bit of hit&miss but when it works is great.
  11. Your best bet is Basement (clubbasemementbcn on Instagram to ask for hours). Tuesdays always great, but weekend fun too. They are doing 5pm to 10pm these days so if you want more you can later move on to Open mind which opens late. Open mind space is great but can be hit or miss to get bred. Another overlooked place that works well is Berlin dark. Check out my other thread about Bcn breeding places. I'll update it soon as things have shifted a bit post COVID
  12. Big news in the Barcelona breeding cruise bars. Black hole has now rebranded to "The Basement" and moved to a new location close to plaça Catalunya. New address is Carrer de Lluís el Piadós, 4 . Which is hilarious given the subject matter. New location is great! And bare action is essentially guaranteed in every corner. Been there a couple of times and crowd is absolutely willing to breed or get bred. The place offers limitless opportunities for fun. Don't miss out on this one if you are in BCN
  13. Oh dear... Right in the middle of the tenderloin. Getting off civic center at night is already an adventure...
  14. Just to answer my question, went to xkboys on sunday and was definitely lots of fun! got a few loads and gave a few. Sadly is not naked day anymore so there's plenty of dressed creeps doing the rounds. I'd say 70% naked, 20% semi, 10% fullly dressed. I'd strongly suggest to the new owners to please enforce some kind of dresscode sp on Sundays. I paid attention the other day, and not only they are most of fully dressed dudes not playing along, they just bring the whole mood and chemistry down.
  15. Situation in SF is pretty sure at the moment Only option at the moment is cumunion days and 442events.com. All happen at transform1060 space
  16. This would be a deal breaker for me too. We all know the rules at these places are silly, would not hurt to add a raw rule
  17. I've noticed most cut (older) guys take forever to come (probably due to glans keratinization and not feeling a thing in their glans) thus long sessions to get to ejaculation. The difference with uncut dudes is stark, and they can breed you in general quickly if they want, which they may not. It's super obvious to me after decades of getting fucked who is delaying the load because 'they can now but they are enjoying the fucking and waiting' (generally uc dudes) vs the guys who are still working up in their buildup to get there (older cut guys) and take forever. Love all kinds of raw cock in my ass but in most group settings, if it's taking too long, I'll move on to give chance to someone else. I've developed a sixth sense for guys who just won't be able to come even if they mentally want to, so thanks for the fuck, but we really like our asses creamed.
  18. Like many others here, I've had clamydia many times in my butt. Most of the time is completely asymptomatic for me, and just picked up on routine labs. Sometimes I'll notice there's something going on (an itch or a hole that feels "sore")
  19. If the question is if the dosage between truvada (200 emtricitabine/ 300 TDF) and mylan (200 emtricitabin/245 TD) is the same... it is! This is a common question. 300 Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate = 245 Tenofovir Disproxil. It's just two ways to indicate the label for the same thing. The '300 TD fumarate' labeling refers to the prodrug you ingest, while just the '245 TD' is the metabolized version of the drug once it's gone a bit through your system. They are biologically the same thing.
  20. Yearly anal pap smears at your primary care physician is now standard of care for gay men who have receptive condomless anal sex. It's just a cottom swab up your ass, once a year, and can save a lot of trouble down the road. I understand most doctor practices are completely ignorant of this matter (they may not have many gay patients) so until it's standard we all have to make the extra effort to inform people this is important.
  21. rawfuckr


    Are people fucking BB at Babylon these days? Was there a few years ago and it was pretty bad. Constant condom pulling...
  22. Is the Box still opened? Back in July seemed the only place in Yumbo where I could find some good BB fun in their small darkroom area. Even when they had a sign forbidding entry to back room everyone ignored it and it was a fuck fest every day. Glad to see more places are opened now and offering good fun.
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