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Everything posted by PissPigBrooklyn

  1. Sounds like MAL is going hot and strong and you lucky pigs are making the best of it! Sweet!
  2. Just hang in there poptronic and remember that it isn't a death sentence any longer. There are many options for you to explore and many more helping agencies set up so that you can find ways to afford your meds if that initial copay is too great. But for what it is worth, I had two instances where my tests came back inconclusive and had to take the blot test. It turned out to be negative so an inconclusive result does not necessarily mean that you will be confirmed poz. The advice given here has been good especially from Piercedcock to take a friend with you when you go for the results. If positive take advantage of the counseling offered to you but make your own decisions. If negative and you plan to continue barebacking it might be a good idea to look at some plans with lower deductibles (although $1500 isn't all that bad.) Keep your friends here informed too.
  3. Good rules from a man who obviously knows of what he speaks but I may be going blind (too much masturbation as a teen? they warned me haha) since I only count four rules.
  4. Only happened once to me but oh man what a fucking amazing feeling. (I have also had it happen a couple times while eating ass too so it wasn't just prostate stimulation that was doing it. But that one time while getting fucked that definitely was a factor.)
  5. Hey, both of you tried and it didn't work. That happens sometimes. You can contact him in a day or two and say you are sorry it didn't work and if he wants to get together without that you are willing. Please be prepared for his probably no but at least you will have tried and can move on. It is kind of normal to feel like shit after an unsuccessful encounter so remember that time and more encounters will help. Just be more honest with yourself about what turns you on and act upon that. You sound like a great guy and many men are deserving of sex with you!
  6. My "son" for whom I am setting this up is going to allow me to video or at least take pics of it. Now I just need the two hung tops!
  7. All very fine! Are we here to point fingers at this guy or to try to give him some comfort and advice. I think by now he realizes he made a mistake and is trying to figure out his next steps. If he cannot trust the confidentiality of his doctor (and there are federal laws concerning what a doctor can reveal even to family of an adult,) then he should definitely go to a clinic. It is possible that he would be able to get the PEP and though it is very expensive pay out of pocket. Otherwise just pay the deductible. He could possibly lie to his parents say he ill-advisedly went with a girl who he found out was ill and decided to take precautions. I don't recommend that. I think it is time to become honest with your parents but adress this issue of possible HIV exposure first.
  8. To even have younger than the highest age of consent on the site invites increased scrutiny if not further action.
  9. Although my favorite position is doggie style and my second favorite is me on top (third is spooning) if a cok has a true firm upward bend to it (HOT!) then flat on my back with my heels on his shoulders is best. Though I am always willing to experiment to see which position is best for both of us.
  10. I think that if one substituted AIDS for HIV you would find a lot of people who know what it is. I guess I will have to concede that ignorance and denial are stronger than I admit.
  11. I think that you are correct in assuming that attitudes toward HIV transmission are much more cavalier than a decade ago. The reasons are probably varied. One can (and should) presume that the guys who fucked you raw were or could be positive. If they were no positive then they don't care or operate under the erroneous assumption that topping does not expose one to HIV transmission or correctly that the act of topping is less susceptible to transmission. Another possibility now is that they are on PreP and have lessened their exposure to contacting the virus that way. It is possible they they are ignorant of AIDS and HIV transmission but as you point out in this day and age that is the least likely of the possibilities.
  12. Just seems to me that in most urinals there are too many chemicals for this to be safe. Hot sounding yes but safe? No. (heh-heh imagine me practicing safe sex!)
  13. Nothing better than getting my tongue in the middle of a good long juicy cumfart!
  14. Wish you were closer! You are 1/2 of the two daddies we need to make this happen!
  15. I have a young friend, sort of a son figure to me who wants me to whore him out for this after the holidays. He did it once and now cannot stop obsessing about it. I am so pleased to be able to pimp for him.
  16. I think it is over 400 from the very beginning of the virus. I have only used a condom five times. I was at last test still neg. That was last January. Will get a test after the first of the year but have no real reason to suspect anything has changed.
  17. Anyone who barebacks at an event like CumUnion is ipso facto chasing on some level. At least on this site people are honest.
  18. oh yeah fucking HOT story that really gets me going! I can really identify with the guy knowing that he's going to go back many times before he even tests for the bug!
  19. The only thing better than getting fucked by Kevin Slater and Jack Foster in one afternoon is having them poz talk you while they're dumping that sweet toxic cum into your horny hungry poz seeking butt!
  20. if you had ever seen pics of Patrick's hot ass or sexy cock, you would know!
  21. The guy would have to be hot enough that I would instinctively know the answer to the question. He would likely be approaching me on a personal level that would surpass any approach the group made since they are going to find it easy enough to get a bottom to satisfy their needs. He and I would both realize this was not likely to be a pump and dump session but something more intense more personal. I don't mean love or even that we might ever see each other again but just that this one night we were going to get off on each other in the way a group (hot as that is) cannot.
  22. Have not yet tried it but have a friend who has and says its incredible. He climbed on top of the first guy and rode him for about ten minutes before the second guy (the first fucker's partner) entered from behind. My friend wants to try it again and again. He wants me to set something up for him. I'd love to watch him first then maybe try it myself. Meanwhile I'd love to eat his ass after (thats my reward for the setup)
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