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Everything posted by PissPigBrooklyn

  1. And you should be a member of each and every one, toxiclover!
  2. Let us know how it goes, Andy! Have fun and good breeding to you!
  3. Sine I am 65 and am honest about it, does it mean I'm no longer gay? Damn!
  4. I agree with firefighter and German. It is a well thought out and mature decision and I commend you for putting such thought into it. I hope some good piece of ginger ass comes into your life in the near future and that it will be a better choice for you.
  5. Well put. I admit I love the idea of a scorpion tattoo but there are many other reasons to have one.
  6. By 2104, any hot spots will be radically different than they are now. What a different world it will be some 90 years into the future as different as 1924 is now. some things will never change though. I bet that homosexuality will be as common a sexual practice as masturbation and that the Cubs will make it to the Series again.
  7. Good story. Condoms belong in socks not on cocks! (note to miticax if you are serious about using a condom keep one in your sock but another in a jock of in the waistband of your towel and you will be attracting safe sex tops. Safe sex tops ARE out there. I have run into too many of them!)
  8. I think when a bottom says, "No its not about my pleasure I am here only to get the top off." it is often a passive/aggressive expression of disdain for the tops. Tops too want to know that they are good sexually too that they can please a bottom guy. If all they are doing is blowing their load inside an ass it makes for a very cold situation that eventually brings no pleasure to either participant. I think there is a place for bottoming and topping like that in a role play situation but really if a bottom gets no pleasure in feeling the raw cock entering the hole, pounding the hole and releasing that sweet cum in the hole what is the point of doing it? Even a feeling of degradation, if that what is sought is actually a feeling of satisfaction though I believe that a steady diet of only degradation starves the erotic soul.
  9. HOT!!! Very well written and delivers a boner!
  10. At least you finished him off and didn't leave him hanging. So don't be too hard on yourself. These things do happen and while tops do appreciate a bottom who can last until they are satisfied, the fact that you were not touching yourself or anything like that but relying solely on his skills as a fucker must have pleased him. Sometimes I am able to continue after I cum and often I am not. Usually if we have used a lot of lube I am able to touch it out. If it is just spit, forget it. I also find that changing position (for me just lying flat on my stomach with my hips elevated a little bit helps me relax until everything feels comfortable again. There then comes a point sometimes when something clicks and I become totally sluttish in a way that surprises even myself. But it tales time and effort on both parts to achieve this. I think it is a speeded up version of what the above posters were discussing about having the bottom cum before even beginning.
  11. Anything that works to keep you topping, I am all in favor of! OINK!
  12. Yeah except at my age I need guys with Granddaddy issues! Ah, well!
  13. Raw is the only way to go but as has been pointed out one can use PreP and I have heard that after a bit of getting used to rubbers, one can begin to enjoy sex again. I am not certain I believe that one but thought I would put it out there. I have no intention of trying to use a condom again.
  14. On the other hand someone who says they are undetectable may be lying but how would one discern between the honest or dishonest undetectable. Take them regardless.
  15. You know you are going to go for it. I bet you go bare too!
  16. Way too dangerous to even try this.
  17. Hot pic though! You will have to do it again to remember the other half ;-)
  18. I just want to say that by including your own status in the first statement, you generally earn the respect of the person you are asking. But most people I have known objext to the term clean since it suggests that anyone positive or with any other std is somehow "dirty" not in a sexy but an inferior way. I am surprised if you have not encountered this response.
  19. I have had problems with the IM feature since late last year. And I will not be renewing as a premium member unless it is somehow fixed.
  20. Wow! What a pic. They don't deserve to get to kiss that hot sexy ass. I am with Rawtop though. Unless you can find something to connect your dismissal with the porn, it is going to be difficult. By all means consult an attorney though to see how binding the agreement is if you find there is actually a different set of circumstances than what you are being told. Ask the company what references you will receive? Even though you think you don't need them now since you do not wish to pursue a corporate job, they may come in handy and it is good to burn no bridges. Hang in there. I'll bet you better things are around the corner. Did I mentions what a hot ass you have?
  21. Thanks for those directions and tops btm2bbred. I hope you get bred and bred again (hope I do too)
  22. and ctbarebacker do you feed? oink!
  23. I once had a boyfriend who had 10 1/2 inches and though I tried and tried to take it all, I never could do it anally and was stuck in the oral zone. Of course I was much younger then but still a true 10 1/2 " is incredibly huge!
  24. Yo do need to tell her but first you need to stop beating yourself up for becoming HIV+. I base this on you continuing to call yourself a "total whore." Is there anyone you can trust with the knowledge of your status first, any other friend who knows you dig guys or whom it would be easier to trust with this information. I would suggest telling them first because no matter what her reaction is you would at least then have someone to comfort you. There are a great bunch of guys on here most assuredly so but best if you can sit down with someone face to face before and after this situation. Failing face to face a telephone conversation. I agree with those who say she needs to be told and soon but first build some support for yourself.
  25. I got talking to a guy, a panhandler not really homeless in Provincetown this past fall and he told me that he had been positive for seventeen years and could no longer afford his meds (even in Massachusetts). I asked him if he wanted to fuck me for $25. he said yeah and that we could go to his room because he had condoms there. I said I wanted to do it raw. He said no. I offered him $50. He said not for any amount of money and stalked off. Damn. So I had to answer "I offered my ass to one but he said no.
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