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Everything posted by Harry_Daddy_1963

  1. More, please! We all want to know what that night will bring for our lucky little no-longer-virgin faggot boy!!! A lot of POZITIVE surprises, I hope!!!
  2. Don't know about you guys but when my conscience and dick are battling over which of them is going to take the driver's seat in the end my conscience will always draw the short straw. Makes me wonder if I got a conscience anyway. Gorgeous story btw. Thanks for sharing, rawTOP!!!
  3. Very hot story! Just finished Part I and I'm already boned and dripping! Can't wait for the real action to start!!! What other story are you talking about? If it's as good as yours, I'd like to give it a try as well!!!
  4. VERY NICE STORY. Good to hear there are more guys like me out there, giving those boy faggots what they didn't even know they needed! But a real shame that Steve has to waste his precious time teaching those boys how to suck dick properly. That's something the kids' dads should have taken care of years ago!!!!
  5. Very hot pix you posted on the AIDSbone Worship thread. Wish you get lucky soon, boy!


  6. Hey Rotz, interesting question, but 'm afraid it doesn't work this way But there's another question that keeps haunting me: so your lil cousin keeps complaining that your cornflakes don't taste as good as his dad's - but he stops doing so as soon as you start lacing them with your cum? To me this sounds like you might not have been the first to play this trick on him. Could it be that your uncle stealth-fed him his daddymilk long before you did? Harry
  7. Agree. Especially if you think that making the world a better place is not expected to be that much fun by most people. But on the other hand, recruiting young talents this way seems to be quite an exhausting business to me - at least on the long run. Just think of all the strength-sapping efforts it would entail - I mean, whew, all those cornflake bowls, toothbrushes, baby bottles and security blankets we'd have to seed to keep the supply of boysluts flowing
  8. You're absolutely right, RawTop! Sometimes you come across a certain boy and it takes only one look into his eyes to sense the emptiness inside him, an emptiness only a thick cock can fill. Every boy should feel loved in his early youth, but to some boys love only comes in the form of cocks. Their dad's, their uncle's, maybe those of their dads' buddies' or even those of total strangers. These boys have had a vast number of adult dicks shoved up either of their holes at an age they shouldn't even know what a grown man's cock looks like. They've seen numerous men cum and go, leaving them as empty as they were before. But strangely enough, they'll be hunting for the next daddydick immediately, simply because that's the only kind of love they've ever known. This is one of MY ideal fuck boys. Think he's another one of that kind. Of course you never know, but that was the first thing that came to my mind when looking at the picture for the first time. Harry
  9. Amen! Nothing like a smooth, boyish bottom
  10. My pleasure, Hottie ;) Wish I could be there with you now, would love to teach you to be more obedient. Your pictures got my daddycock rock hard and drooling, ready to fuck some obedience into you!

    As for your other new year's resolutions: you won't miss those NEG guys, trust me. A sexy boy like you will never run out of bigdicked POZ daddies ready to give you what you deserve! :grin:

  11. Sorry, seems like I got carried away! So back to bigdick4you's thread. Guys, what bores you?
  12. Then you know what I'm talking about. It's not exactly a starter kit kinda cock. But the few boys who don't push me out of their bed right away are really in for a treat. It may hurt like fuckin hell at first, but once the boy gets past that initial pain, there's this OMFG look in his eyes when the unbearable friction sets all those nerve endings inside his overstretched rectum on fire, my veiny cock scraping along all the right places on its way to parts of the boy's insides where no cock has ever been before. And to see my load oozing out of his sore, gaping boyhole is just priceless. Nothing better in the world!!!
  13. Hi Melvin Oh, it's not overly long, a tad shy of 8''. But it's the girth that does the trick. See, it's really fat, with a prominent vein all the way along the shaft and the head is more or less arrow-shaped, really flaring towards the corona. Gnarled, veiny, dark skin - it has this 'mean' look to it, that gives guys second thoughts. Having such a cock can be a real pain in the ass - and not just for the bottom. See, I normally prefer the younger, inexperienced, boyish type. But it's almost impossible to take if you've never had something of similar width inside your ass. So most newbie boys I've met over the years shied away from it. What a shame...
  14. Wondering if they didn't want to put it inside you raw only out of concern for their own health? In that case you could have asked them to pull out before cumming, then shoot the load over your gaping hole and finger it back inside. No idea if they'd have been willing to do that though. Nowadays there seem to be fundamentalists of all shades wherever you turn.
  15. What really pisses me off are bottoms who don't know their limits. See, when we are chatting beforehand I really make myself clear: I've got a fuckin big cock and I'm not going to be gentle on you, so you better be ready to grit your teeth and just take it. So I'm driving more than an hour to that guy's place and as soon as I drop my pants, he's getting second thoughts. WTF, I sent him pictures of that mothafucka, so what did he expect, a toothpick?!? Even worse: guys who suddenly demand we use a condom or are like 'maybe we could just suck each other off?'. I told them I only do bare, I'm not going to pull out and my load will end up deep inside your bowels. And sex without fucking is no sex, right? At least not for me! Harry
  16. Fucking hot story, son! Glen's still waiting for his turn though. You better get down to writing soon... Harry
  17. I was 10. It happened during our annual fair. Pretty much the whole village was drunk. This guy from down the street was sitting across from me, giving me those strange looks and rubbing his leg against mine under the table. Must have been about as old as I am now. Can't tell you how hard my little boydick was! He winked at me and left the marquee. Took me only a second to make up my mind and follow him outside. He let me fondle his mancock, hidden behind the bushes. It probably was only medium, but FUCK it sure looked huge to me back then. Told me to take it into my mouth, but it wouldn't fit. Took him only about half a minute of licking up and down his cock to cum anyway. Told me to open my mouth wide, but I didn't know what to expect and didn't open fast enough. He made a fucking mess of my t-shirt and I ran home quickly so no one would witness. Got together with him a couple of times and had a lot of very illegal fun. But those were different times... Harry
  18. Fuck, yeah! Into barefucking teenboys here. Love it when they got small cocks, especially if they shave their bodies neck-to-toe as well. Smooth pits, ass crack and crotch, together with that tiny dick - fuckin love it! Makes for some very hot taboo dad/son role play!!! Harry
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