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find91 last won the day on March 24 2020

find91 had the most liked content!

About find91

  • Birthday 05/21/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Quebec, Montreal
  • Interests
    gym, Fisting, Dom/Sub play, Brutal sex
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    A brother that loves hungry bottoms and can be a hungry bottom occasionally. Love sloppy holes and creating one of my own now
  • Looking For
    Hole, cumdumps, sloppy pussy

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  1. Geez no wonder find91 won the day on March 24, obviously folks know what my interests are....

  2. Foot fisted as a top. Seems more like a fisting bottoms bucket list thing than actually being pleasurable. Also have to get in the right position or very uncomfortable
  3. Sadly this view is not common in the LGBTQX community. They are extremely shallow. Glad you were not judgmental
  4. Just a word of experience. It takes a lot to stretch a hole out beyond repair. The colon naturally wants to tighten. So taking big dick won't do that unless it's literally fucking you everyday. So no need to fear big cock hehe Thank you
  5. It's not really a second sphincter but the sigmoid bend. Very difficult to navigate without hitting the walls causing pain, but once straighten out feels amazing for both top and bottom. I've opened it up for enough bottoms. Some get an intense feeling they need to piss, just let go
  6. First of all sandly many Africans and Asians have swallowed the propaganda from the States that black Americans are violent and no good. They see American television and how erroneously black people are portrayed and they think it's reality. I knew a Somali friend who use to think like this until she started living in the states and experienced the racial discrimination there for himself. I'm not talking about cultural biases. I am referring to real experiences. POC get treated differently in LGBTQ community. I myself get masseges from guys talking about how they fantasize about getting fucked by a big black cock and this is all in the opening message no Hi or hello, as if that is all that we are. Or they proceed to go on about their fantasy of being dominanted by a black man all without asking if that is what I'm into. Once you reject them then the racial slurs come out. It's made me reconsider but I choose to remain still open. That type of harassment is real and hurtful. So I don't condone people excluding races, I can understand it in that situation where you don't want to go though a potentially harmful encounter.
  7. Some racial preferences is because is a result of racism and being a racial fetish. A lot of brothers will only hookup with other black men because they are tired of dealing with racist, the harrassement and just being boiled down to BBC, by other races. Personally, I despise being treated or considered a fetish.
  8. Sloppy holes are the best
  9. When topping love pegging a bottom with large dildos. Then fucking them
  10. Agree with the guys above. It's too soon. It's better you get yourself a Master or a vers cumdump friend that can school you and teach you the ancient practices of being a gangbang cumdump. Their is no rush Bacchus is very patient
  11. Damien Crosse, would make a perfect cumdump that ass is really looking like a pussy
  12. Totally agree.He is hot versatile and that hole is just as hot as his dick
  13. Drew is totally vers. He even takes fist. He's got a big cock and a big hole. The way he fucks you can tell he likes loose holes.
  14. Cutler is married to Dyn0. Didn't know he dated Drew.
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